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Welcome To Our Classroom- P1

Miss Sexton
Grade 3
Reading with: Guided Reading
Reading: Silent/Group Reading
Reading Aloud
Journal Writing
Process Writing
Oral Reports
Readers Workshop
Writers Workshop
Balanced Literacy
Oral Language
Written language
Daily Language
Vocabulary Development
Parts of Speech

Mechanics and Grammar
Monday: Pre-Test
Tuesday-Thursday: Word Study Activities
Friday: Test (10 pattern words, 5 pattern words
unknown before test, and 5 HFW)
Each week your child will be given ten words to study
at home based on the spelling pattern we are
studying in class. Your child will be given 5 high
frequency words that are individually chosen.
Genre Characteristics- Main idea, story themes, knows
characters thoughts and motivations through
Textual Features- simple shadow and personification,
third persons point of view
Core genre-historical fiction, adventure stories,
humorous stories, realistic fiction, fantasy stories,
poetry, plays, traditional literature

Narrative Text
Organizational Patterns- Knows simple
problem/solution, simple sequence
Textual Features- knows timelines, bold face, italics,
table of contents, simple titles, marginal notes,
glossaries, prefaces, pictures, tables and graphs
National Geographic Magazine
Skills- highlighting, re-reading

Informational Text

Process of Writing
Ideas: the meaning and development of the message
Organization: the internal structure of the piece
Voice: the way the writer brings the topic to life
Word Choice: the specific vocabulary the writer uses
to convey meaning

Write Traits
Sentence fluency: the way words and phrases flow
throughout the text

Conventions: the mechanical correctness of the

Presentation: the overall appearance of the work

Write Traits Cont.
Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Place Value and Rounding
Multiplication and Division
Geometry and Shapes

Investigations Series
Problem Solvers
Write About Math
Math Word Banks/Vocabulary

Mathematics Cont.
Plant Growth
Finding The Moon
Animal Studies

Third Grade Science Curriculum
Geography, Map Skills
Geography of Michigan
Economy of Michigan
Early History of Michigan
Growth of Michigan
Government of Michigan
Public Issues facing MI Citizens
Core Democratic Values

Third Grade Social Studies Curriculum
Technology used as a resource and tool for
IXL, Raz-Kids, Typing Club, Highlights, Fun Brain, etc.
Many activities involve the use of sound.
If you choose to purchase headphones for your child,
we will keep the headphone/ear buds in their own
baggies for sanitation purposes here at school so they
are easily available.
Chrome Books
Set up a study area
Schedule a daily homework time
Encourage your child to try the work on their own
Monthly Reading Log
20 min. nightly
Practice math facts nightly
Math homework daily (sometimes every couple of days)
Please sign your childs daily planner every day
Unfinished Work Note
Life Long Skills/Habits of Mind
Point System (3,2,1,0)
Turn in points to purchase rewards at our
classroom store
Compliment Jar

Behavior System
Please send in only HEALTHY snacks such as
fruit, veggies, crackers, cheese, or yogurt. The
students will not be permitted to eat chips,
cookies, or candy during snack time. Snack is
optional, send it only if your child wants snack. I
encourage students to bring water bottles to
keep on their desks throughout the day.

Snack Time
When your child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday in class, I
suggest sending in a book of interest to 3
graders. This will be the
birthday treat for the class to enjoy the whole year. Your childs
picture will be taken holding the book and the picture will be
mounted inside the book as a remembrance of the student who
donated the book to our class on his/her birthday. The book may be
new or gently used. Books will be placed in a special birthday
treats section of our classroom library. If you do not wish to bring
in a book, your child can bring in a birthday treat bag filled with
non-edible items such as a pencil, pencil sharpener, stickers, erasers,
etc. for their classmates. With either choice, students will enjoy the
special treat as well as seeing their birthday celebrated all year long.
Summer birthdays may be celebrated on your childs birthday or
any other time throughout the school year.

Birthday Treats
Monday- Music 10:20-10:55
Tuesday- Art 10:40-11:25
Wednesday- Library 11:15-11:35
- Music 1:25-2:00
Thursday- P.E. 10:20-10:55
Friday- P.E. 9:10-9:45
Specials Schedule
4 EXCEEDS THE STANDARD ~ Evidence of the student exceeding the
learning objective. Students achieving at the Exceeds the Standard level
demonstrate insights and understandings that go beyond the grade level expectations
for the content standard.
3 MEETS THE STANDARD ~ Evidence of the student meeting the
learning objective. Students achieving at the Meets the Standard level demonstrate
a solid understanding or display of the skills and concepts included in the content
standard. This is the expected grade level performance.
2 APPROACHING THE STANDARD ~ Evidence of the student's
partial attainment of the learning objective. Students achieving at the Approaching
the Standard level demonstrate a partial understanding or display of the skills and
concepts included in the content standard.
1 AREA OF CONCERN ~ Evidence of students minimal understanding of
the learning objective. Students achieving at the Area of Concern level demonstrate
a below the basic understanding or display of the skills and concepts included in the
content standard.

Grading System- Report Cards
In our classroom, I usually grade the students papers
(4,3,2, or 1) based upon the criteria mentioned on the
report cards. If you see a +, , or -, it means that
the paper was either completed at home, with
partners, or as a group in class.

Grading System- School Work
Fall Conferences will be on November 11

Please sign up for a time on the sheets in media

Fall Conferences
Thinking Flexibly
Thinking Interdependently
Team Work

Habits of Mind
Notes /Daily Planner
Please sign your childs planner daily to keep open
Phone: 248-573-8650
Website http://miss-
Monthly Newsletters (on website)

Thank you so much for
taking time to join us.
Your presence tonight is

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