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THESTRANGE ; '1i ; 1

OFODYSSEY , . lt '

HOUSE -Gerber
Howf udianne

By Lucy Komisar
haveverylittle pity,very
anneDensen-Gerbet, creator a drug-treatment
It was an elegant affair. Some
guests,in black tie and eveninggowns, zarue tales of cult-like practices and the.refugeDr. Densen_Gerber
ga.theredin the Grand nallrooirtf abuse. And State Attoiney has cre-
C;";;;l ated here at OdysseyHouse.,,
thl Robert Abrams has stepped
Hilton-to-pay homageto fo...r-bou_ i", ;;;;: but there anotherside to this
ernor Nelson Rockefellerfor his lli..:" attairs,
suo- t-louse :q.ialIt's.inquiry' i;,"' cjaiir-,,vone which isisonly slowly begin;ail;
port of the OdysseyHouse drus-1;e;- a long way from the emerge.
Hilton gala.
ment program. Frank Gifford ilas It is December1976.Dr. Densen_Ger-
eTce.q,and |ulie Newmar lent theatri- , , S t i l l , m o s t p e o p l et h i n k o f O d v s s e v ,oer rs seated behind
ftouse as a solid. benevolentp.og.rr". .her desk at an
cal glitter. The rich una w"U_-"onn..i.a
Since 1966,it has operateatn..ufeuii" Qffsser facility on Ward,s Isfrna. bui_
crowd had paid gt00 a plare t" ",# f,.io communitiesfor drug addicts sloe,,rn a dining room, 40 or
Odyssey House get in New m e m b e r sw a i t , O n e a t 50 staff
;uniie, ;,f r orK and expandedits operations a t i m e t h e ve n t e r
srr_eets and rehabilitatetheir lives. to rne room,.and for a half
seven other cities and Australia. hour oi more
,lru, stellar.evening wa, ne".ty Densen-Gerber, Di. rney are lnterrogatedabout
^,-.t_ll the 45_year-old fo;nJ;; their fail-
slx years ago. A-nd the passageof to pledge rheir toyatty and
time and guiding force behind thl;;;;;;k, ilgrj i:o.,$
nas not been kind. Today, Odvssev
nas. also emerged as an influentiai rrgnr candlesto Dr. Densen_Gerber.
House and its creator, ni.' She accuses. a former patient of te-
l"Ji'"""l spoKeswoman Jor sexuallyabusedchil- .
Densen-Gerber,are in deep'il;L'i;. cr.azyand_sick. He sits with
oren. I oday,she has becomea ln9 his
rne p,rogram-israpidly losing its familiar neac bent and says,.,I
once public forums and don,t deserve
remarkable clout with government leqislative ro nave a candle."
of_ r.uncrlons, detailing the horrori of ad- He cries, tells her
ficials. Turmoil seemst-o l" *."itinn ne.rovesher,,andwill be dedicated.
otctlon and ill-treatedyoungsters. He
the p_rogramfrom within: L.rl rn""iiri She lrgnrsa candle,blt she
will appearat a srarehearing] " slapshim in the
al Od.yssey advisory committee "fr.. ;;.i;;: lace and blows the candle'out.
re- year-old heroin user on
srgnedin the wake of news reports tn.r,
and pleadingfor moneyto save
investigationsof the center,sireatment suchyouns- The Beginnings
practices and financiat srers, l he cameraswhir and
ttr! tari_
makersreachfor the handkerchiefs
stafi membe-rs
I:-ITrtrecently and, appropriations.It,s a gooa and Densen-Gerber was lo.n ln
have cornetorrvuiJ rilril";l: that haswon snow, one _^fudianne york
1?1.:^I.y, city,tr,,a"rii.rt.,
^Lucy- xo^it@
her and he
r',";.dr;';;.i,i.'1%T#. of lawyers who were d1;;;;;j ,f;;;;
Record in Bergen County. Or, 'D"riii_ C.osmopolitan article reported
yearslater. While her mother,s
Ce1l1r, alter ai initiat intiruiew, aeaiiia earlier paper-box, fortune paid
tnrs year, ,'Few clinics ian boast for p;;;l;
a follow-up interview lor this irtii"ii.'--- an
atmosphereso humane_so caring_as scnootsand camps,servants,riding les_
sons,and speechteachers,money
lllusrrarcdb1.Daniet i\lallia.
N O V E I V B E1R9 , I 9 7 9 / N E WY O R K
" . . .Dr. Densen-Gerber She
usedpatientsas personalServants:
. ."
hashad an odysseyHousechauffeur,chef,and baby-sitter.
Hospital.,Dr' him laughing.He was intriguedby her'
not make up for feelingsof inadequacy' tients at Metropolitan them I think he liked her sPunk."
had organized
These emoiionsstemmed,Dr' Densen- Densen-Gerber Rockefeller'ssupport was critical at
Gerber has written, from the strong- into a drug-free authori- Odyssey's beginnirigs,especiallysince
the wishes of hospital
willed natureof her parents,particularly against mlintenlnce programs for
in 1966they set up communal -.ihudtn.
her overpowering mother. Dr' Densen' ti'es,and heroin addicts were comPeting for
in East Harlem'
Gerber's- Parents usually convinced housekeeping Graham Finney, city Addiction
their daughterthat she was wrong,and, The first hint of the strange waY favor.
"a great needfor OdysseyHousewas to developcamein Servicescommissionerin the early sev-
she says,-she has had "I never did figure that
Dr' Densen-Gerber sought enties, said,
outsideapproval." Perhapsto comPen- 1967,when con-
control over the program' one out, but [the connection]was
sate,she has becomean overpow€nng to assert e{Iective ' sullicient to
had been managedbY the ad- tinuing and
woman herself, and todaY she claims which her residency. sive hir an inside track and a lesscriti-
Qu..n ElizabethI as a role "Her model for dicts while she was in
the statedrug agency]
her understanding of power' abil- Tony Enriquez, the grouP's leader, ial reception[at
'l other treatment Programs than many of the other programs that
itv to sav wani this and that is what had visited He were being launched at the sametime'
promoted addicts' self-reliance.
t m eoi;e to have' insPiresme," she that "Political connectionswere constant-
that Dr. Densen'Gerber,
has irrtiin, Indeed, she told one re- besanto worry annoy'
that soon after she received her aftir coming on the scene full-time, lv usedand, frankly, becamean
'U.O. ance, although one had verY much to
needs to
fto- New York UniversitY she was sacrificing the addicts' admire her capabilities as an entre-
for authority' This took
quit her psychiatricresidencyat Belle' her own desire "She "They
insisted all the preneur," Finney said' -wereac-
u'ue Hospitit becauseshe was refused curious forms. companied by very considerable pres'
in without their shoes'''
a ChristmasDay o{I to spendwith her residentscome "She locil agency from the Rocke'
would lie on a sure on a
children. She continued the residency Enriquez said.
Hospital but did not chaisi longue and have everyonesit feller administration."
at Metropolitan
her feet."
iurnff thi requirements that would around at An Inside Job
for certification Nancy Hoving, then a memberof the
have made heieligible had thg
by the American Board of Psychiatry Odyssey advisorY council,
samereaction. rememberher grand- To outsiders,OdYsseYHouse was
and NeurologY. grande dame like the dozens of other therapeutic
back and being
All this occurred after Dr. Densen' ly lying lYinq communities. Addicts attended group
who were
Gerber had receivedher first profes- to utt- ttt. Peons wife of therapv, went to encounter sessions,
Mrs. Hoving,'the
sional degree,from Columbia Univer' around," said and reteived remedial education.Odys-
of the Metropolitan
sitv Law School'While there,she mar- the former"Itdirector I've sev had a reputation for having a
wasnrt like anything
rie"dMichael Baden,now deputy chief Museum. more intensive psychiatric overlaythan
before or since in a thera-
medical examiner of New York CitY' ever seen most programs and for accepting pa'
Baden had been chief medical ex- oeutic communitY." psychologically
aminer but was demoted bY MaYor Dr. Densen'Girber called a board tients who were more
with the opposition be- damaged.
Koch last summer in a controversial meetingto deal ThJ program exPandedfrom New
decision. ine mountedbY Enriquez' He was or- De-
but the rest of the ad- York to New Orleans,ShrevePort,
The couplelive with their four chil- de"redto leave, Flint, Salt Lake CitY, Hu.p
in solidarity' Several troit,
dren in a five-storYEast End Avenue dicts followed Last
greenhouse, board members, including Rabbi Ron- ton and Dover, New HamPshire'
townhousewith a rooftop El and year, accordingto an Odysseyofficial,
Sobel of TemPle Emanu
a building she saYswas once owneo ald in the pro-
Henry f ' Fosterof New York ih..e w.te 550 residents
by Iohn Barrymore.There is a country Professor quit' sram. The oPerating budget was $5-
Law School, also
.itut. too, this locatedon severalacres University of it raisedfrom fed'
in the exPensive Green Farms sec- The addictsscattered.Some went to itittion. oveihalf
programs, others to the street, but eral grants and a third from state-and
iion of Wistport' It has a view of other -Houte
continued. A few of local-governmentfunds.
Lons Island Sound and an outdoor Odyssey As the Program grew, Dr. Densen-
residents eventually r9-
swiriming Pool, as well as a lavish the- original -and
Gerber traveled around the country'
Roman bath. turned, new ones arrived, mostly
And Dr' Den- visiting Odyssey facilities,testifyingbe-
Certainly,Dr. Densen-Gerber enjoys through court referrals. giving interviews,.and
to collect important fore lelgislaiurei,
living opuiently.She covers an ample sen-Girberstarted one raising public consciousnessabout
most important
frami with coitly dressesand caftans supporters.The drugs-an-d abused children. Congress-
(a favorite designer is Hanae Mori); *ut Nelton Rockefeller. LindY Boggs of New Orleans
thought that Dr' Den- woiutt
enjoyshome visits from a hairdresser, Nancy Hoving "I think she had a great deal to
taiiatist, and masseuse;and dines sen-Gerber fascinated the governor' said,
"She had picketedRockefeller'shouse do with the legislation we Passed
often at one or another of the citY's
aqainstsexualexploitationof children'
most fashionablerestaurants. lto demandfunding).She took a batch
of those emotional S-hecame down and had some meet-
All this is a far crY from the shabbY of tiat and did one showed
in front of his apart- ines. distributed literature,
besinningsof her OdysseyHouse em- camping-outs rJrni nt-t, and pointed out the extent
piie, an tmPire which she began and ment."
which has grown to mirror the o-pin- Within a Year, Nelson Rockefeller of the problem."
of the Press'
ions, emoti6ns,and judgments of its was taking Judi along to meetings-that But beyond the view
anything to do with drugs the publit, and even her benefactors,
founder. It started in a $17-a-month mieht have "He was kind of amusedbY the goings-onat OdysseyHouse seemed
buildine on East 109th Street with o.-kidt. "kept to rifl..I Dr. Densen-Gerber'spsycho-
added' She
seventeEnaddicts who had been Pa' her," Mrs. Hoving

N E WY O R K / N O V E M B E1B9 , 1 9 7 9

Gontroversial healer: Dr. ludianne Densen-Gerber,Odyssey House's creator, in her Ward's Island office.

Photographedby Richard Pan N O V E M B E R1 9 . 1 9 7 9 / N E WY O R K 45


"...Malestaff members at Odyssey Houseweremadeto entera

'beautycontest,'paradingon a
stagein their bathingsuits. . ."
logical needs more than those of the ence called last |anuary to announce told her it was a "destructiveinvasion
addictsshe was committedto serve. the opening of a first-of-its-kindOdys- of personalprivacy in clients for whom
Part of the situation is related by sey program for teenage prostitutes. this is an especiallycritical issue."
her brother-inJaw,Robert Baden,in a Two fifteen-year-oldsappeared before One member of the federal team re-
memorandum he wrote for her. She reportersto reveal the tawdry, chilling porteda "punitive and coerciveorienta-
had asked him to impersonatean ad- details of how they had sold their tion," where "rewards were commen-
dict last winter and seek admissionto bodiesand beenabusedby their pimps. suratewith compliancenot necessarily
one of Odyssey'sthree local facilities, There was no press conference eight change oi maturation." He wrote that
at 309 East 6th Street. months later when federal funding for the "sense of superficial concern" and
Baden's confidential report is dis- Odyssey's Midtown Adolescent Re- the "misuse" of the children revealed
quieting. He wrote that the East 6th source Center (MARC) was stopped philosophy and operations "character-
Street house was in a state of disor- amid reports that those young prosti- istic of the Odysseyenterprises."
ganization, and told of an insensitive tutes had been forced to trade one He wrote, "It was thereforenot par-
stafl; dirty, inadequatefacilities; abuses form of abusefor another. ticularly shocking to hear Densen-Ger-
by senior residents;and threats that The first MARC director quit after a ber statethat there are times when as
led to addicts'feelingsof apathy,fear, month in the job, because,he says,he in war children must be sacrificedfor
and paranoia. objectedto Dr. Densen-Gerber's use of other long rangeends." This evaluator
The physical conditions were unap- the youngclientson nationaltelevision. added that some Odyssey practices
petizing.He had beengiven a soiledbed He called it exploitive and harmful. might have constitu,tedchild abuse.
sheet-it looked "as if someonestepped His successor lastedsix weeksand was A member of the city's police run-
on it with dirty shoes. . . titl had dried fired after she talked to federalinvesti- away unit said he stoppedtaking young
stiff semenspotson it." gators. prostitutesto Odyssey."I'm afraid I
Sometimesit appearedas if power Yet criticisms made by these first would have only negative things to
were exercised for its own sake, as two MARC chiefs were backed up by say" about MARC, said DetectiveWar-
when residentswere rounded up for a an independentcontractor, a govern- ren McGinnissof the Youth Aid Divi-
meeting.Baden wrote: "We were all ment project oflicer, and a team of fed- sion. "Every kid we put in there
sent down to the living room to prac- eral- and private-agencyofficials. walked right back out."
tice comingquickly when called." The contractorchargedthat the pros- MARC initially received a 990,000
At the end, Baden jotted down his titutes, who were housedin the same annual federal grant that normally
conclusions: "Emphasis in house is facilitiesas drug addicts,were forced would have been renewed for three
what one cannot do; not what one to undergo strip searchesby other and a half years.This grant was made
can. . . . Passiveness seemsthe rule, so Odyssey House inmates and were despite the fact that the original pro-
no one rocks the boat. . . . The rules are countedon the books as drug addicts gram proposal had been disapproved
enforced which are convenientfor the to boost state reimbursements. by three reviewers. Nevertheless,the
enforcer.This createsa 'jailhouse'at- |ane Berdie, of Urban and Rtrral head of HEW's children'sdivision had
mosphere-fear and paranoia. Passiv- SystemsAssociatesin San Francisco, insistedthat it be funded.
ity then becomesthe way to service, wrote in her report that the girls had to That decision was made bv Dr..
so the potential leaderseither become strip completely and spread their but- Blandina CardenasRamirez, uniil r.-
passiveor leave." tocks each time they entered and left cently commissionerof the Adminis-
Unlike Baden,who saw the program the East 6th Street building. MARC tration for Children,Youth, and Fami-
from the inside, state evaluatorshave treatment practices-which were stan- lies."It was the only programthat was
been only mildly critical. A 1978 re- dard at OdysseyHouse-included con- specifically dealing with this issue,,,
port, the latest available from the fiscation of personal property and use she said in a phone interview. How-
Division of SubstanceAbuse Services of punishment signs. Sta{I members ever, the grant guidelinesdid not refer
(SAS), labeled Odyssey'soperations to adolescentprostitution, a fact which
"acceptable."Nevertheless,the report
would seem to make the Odysseypro-
noted that counselorswere not used gram ineligible. Dr. Ramirez pointed
effectively,staff did not clearly under- out that the guidelinesalso provide for
stand the treatmentplan, progressre- "the discretion
of the commissioner."
ports were written by patients, and But the agencydoes not normally fund
there was no formal follow-up. programsdisapprovedby its reviewers.
Today, SAS says those first three The government never published
problems have been corrected while the critical findings of the re-funding re-
the fourth remains. And SAS director view team. In a fune 19 memo, Dr.
lulio Martinez said in an interview
"one Ramirez told why. "I also indicated to
that Odysseywas of the better Dr. Denson-Gerber that should she
programs in the country." withdraw the re-funding application
However, when federal investigators there would, of course,be no need for
arrived at some harsher conolusions a final composite report of the |une
about one Odysseyprogram, Dr. Den- 13, 14, 1979site team visit to Odvssev
sen-Gerber withdrew a pending re- House, thus it would not be writien.i'
funding application,and no report was "I didn't
seethe need for any further
ever released. Latest home: Odyssey's new facility, the work on it," said Dr. Ramirez. who
This story begins at a press confer- Church ol the Holy Communion. speaks warmly of Dr. Densen-Gerber

46 N E W Y O R K / N O V E M B E F1 9 . 1 9 7 9
"fudge take care of me. As a result, I stop
a::J r"as the featured speaker at an staffer was reportedly told to
Oj1:se1' l\ledia Awards luncheon last the figures," to prevent a loss of state growing."
r;r:.r. Dr. Densen-Gerberwithdrew aid. Laurie Wolf, who beganwork at When stafl members complained
:ic funding request,possiblyto avoid Odysseyin 1976,says:"I was told to about the personal chores, they often
i domino-effectfederal investigation pad it. I would add five to ten becametargets of Dr, Densen-Gerber's
'* hi;h could jeopardizeOdyssey's $1.8- [patients] a week." Odysseycounsel abuse.In an instancethree yearsago, a
::illion in federal funds. Stephen Hutchinson called that "an consultantreproachedDr. Densen-Ger-
Indeed, since the MARC program outright lie." ber for "borrowing" a child-careworker
* as housed in a regular drug-addict from the Mabon program for her own
fa;ility, the investigatorshad seenand Geremonial Duties use."You have the money. You should
rr crc told about the treatmentof addicts pay your own baby-sitters,"she said.
:r: \r'ell. On one visit in April, Berdie Through the years, Dr. Densen- Dr. Densen-Gerberwas reportedly
s rote, she saw a patient-who had Gerber has demandedan extraordinary furious and called a meetingabout staff
"She camewearingwhat looked
bccn in the program for about two measureof personal support and loy- loyalty.
rcars-forced to sit for 40 hours on a alty from those around her. This has like a screw through her head ilike a
metal folding chair in the hallway. evenextendedto using addictsenrolled SteveMartin jokel ," recalled Schaefer.
"She said she gave her life to Odyssey
She was in the "re-entry phase," and in Odyssey programs as personal ser-
had actuallygoneout to scbool.But this vants.Accordingto Dr. CharlesRohrs, and nobody cared. To show their love
patient Had broken a "cardinal rule." OdysseyHouse'smedical director from for one another, she washed [Odyssey
She had held handswith a young man. t 9 7 0 t o 1 9 7 5 ,a n d E l a i n eS c h a e f e rD, r . Institute executivevice-presidentlFred
All sexual conduct, including hand Densen-Gerber'sexecutive secrctaryin Cohen'sfeet and he washed hers."
holding, is regulatedby Dr. Densen- 1976, the Odysseychief had patients The next week the staff was sum-
Gerber. "All over the country, if you and staff clean her Manhattanand Con- moned to the previously noted candle-
"When it
\\'ant to have a sexual relationship, necticut homes, answer her phones, lighting event. was my turn,
lou have to get her permission," said handle her personal accounts, run er- I went in and saw her sitting behind a
JaneHenkel,a former MARC director. rands.and act as her chauffeur. desk with the candles," recalled
"She startedto scream,'I
She called it part of the process One man with a chef's background S c h a e f e r .
"wipe you was put to work in her kitchen. "He can't stand this woman! Get her out
of total control that aims to
out, completely alter your self-image stayedthere six or sevenmonths,then of here! I can't stand you! You try to
and self-esteem,so they can rebuild split," said Dr. Rohrs,now a professor control my life!'
"l started to laugh," Schaeferadded.
1'ou in their mold." at NYU medical school. "She sacri-
"wiping out" is done ficed his opportunity for treatment to "They assumedI was crying. 'I don't
Some of the
through humiliation. Residents who take care of her own needs." want to stay here,' I said. Then the
"A therapeuticcommunity is a kib- group began to talk to me, and it
committed infractions were forced to
'Yes, I will try
wear costumeswith paperearsand tails. butz," contends Dr, Densen-Gerber.quieted down. I said,
"If you act like a jackass,you might "ln a kibbutz, we all share together. to work harder.' I lit a candle."
as well look like a jackass," they There were times'that I've cookedfor Dr. Densen-Gerberhad an explana-
"The commitment of
were told. the patients.There are times the pa- tion for it all.
Similar talesof abusehave emanatecl tients have watched my children." lighting candles is an old religious
from Odyssey's Mabon program on However, Monsignor Williant commitment done in our churches."
Ward's Island, a project to help ad- O'Brien, presidentof the Therapeutic sl.resaid. As for the washing of feet,
dicted mothers and their children. Communitiesof America, an associa- l would think so did Christ. I think
Susan Kupferberg, of the city's Spe- tion of 110 major programs,disagreed it is tremendouslyimportant to follow
cial Servicesfor Children bureau,found with Dr. Densen-Gerber'srationale. the role model of Christ. The wash-
"degrading," and was He
conditions there said,"If I am a patient and the di- ing of feet is a statementof humility."
appalledat the useof "awareness signs" rector asks fne to be his chaufleur or In another instance, a year ago,
"They were
and other punishmen'ts. even to bring him his lunch on a tray, stalTers went through four days of
forced to scrub floors and walls with I stop doing thingsfor myself,because psychodrama and confrontatio,n that
toothbrushesas a sign of humility," she now I'm a favored client. I have a left all of them exhaustedand some
said. "The facility itself is run-down, friend in the right place who's going to angly and humiliated.
"They did a parody on the election
The Mabon project sometimes has of the pope," said Laurie Wolf. "They
included non-addictedmotherswho are had some of the men say why they
in needof temporary shelter.In at least wanted to be pope. Some made in-
three cases,when such women sought ferencesabout women and sex. Then
to leave the program, Odysseyoflicials they made a cross out of plywood and
teportedly attempted to restrain them carried Fred Cohen,dressedin a furry
by refusing to allow them to take their bikini. to the Stations of the Cross.
'Crucify him,
children.In one instance,Mobilization Iudi started chanting,
for Youth secureda writ of habeascor- crucify him.' That was the point at
pus for releaseof a one- and a three- which a lot of peoplewalked out."
year-old child and later filed a $100,- Later that August 1978 day, male
000 damage suit against Odyssey for staff members were forced to put on
"falqe imprisonment." The case is still bathing suits and parade on a stage.
"She felt the males should know
pending. what
In this atmosphere,it has been diffi- females are subjected to in a beauty
cult to retainpatients,and Odysseyhas contest."Wolf said.
had a censusproblem. State reimburse- At the marathon a day later, sorne
ment for the program is peggedto the New causeszDr. Densen-Gerberis now 75 stall members, including residents,
number of patients in care, and one a leading spokeswoman on child abuse. were interrogated one at a time and


"...At thesame
timeDr. Densen-Gerber wasspending
$552 fora
dinnermeeting,Odyssey patientsweresentbbgginglorfood...',
w e r e a s k e dt o p l e d g et h e i r l o y a l t y t o D r . U t a h , a n d N c w M e x i c o
f o r m o r e t h a n s t a f f m e e t i n g ss, h e w o u l d o f t e n h a l . e
D c n s e n - G e r b e ra n d t o O d y s s e v H o u s e . f o u r y c a r s h a d a d i f f e r e n t p o i n t
"lf of view. a butlerbling her a food tray.Others
y o u p a s s e d ,y o u \ v e n t t o o n e s i c l e R o b u l t E n s w o r r h s a i c l h c
l c f t O d v s s e v r .o r u l d w a i t w h i l e s h ea r e .
of the roorn and joined the tear.n. If bccause " Dr. Dcnsen-Ccrber becarnl Through it all, despite the criti_
y o u f a i l e d , 1 , o uc o u l d t r y a g a i n , o r y o L l a n o r a c l e . "
c i s r r r f. t r d i a n n eD e n s e n - G e r b h ear sf e w
r.l,ould bc fircd." Each examination I J e s a i d s h c h a d b c c n d e i f i e d .p l a c e c l i l l u s i o n sa b o u th e r
lasted for 30 to 45 minutes; the mara- orr a pcdcstal, and ntade r e p u t a t i o na n d w i l l _
i r r r m u n e t o ingly confirmsmuch of what peoplesay
thon u,ent on from noon, August 23, advice or reproach. Hc
c a l l e d t h a t a b o u th e r .
t o t h e m o r n i n g o f t h e t w e n t y - f i f t h , " d e s t r u c t i v et o t h e g r o u p p r o c e s s , "Am
which I c o n s i d e r a toef t h e f e e l i n s so f
Wolf failcd rhe test and resisned. i s t h e b a s i c m o d e o f t r e a t m e n t .y o u n s o t h e r s ?N o , " s h es a y s ,. , 1 a m n o t a ' p e o -
With such ernployee pr.acticJs,Odys- l c r o l r - r t i o n a r i ebs e c o m e o l d 'the
d i c t a t o r s . ' ; p l e p e r s o n .M a y b e t h a t ' s o n c o f
scv has found it difficult to keep staff. E x - M A R C d i r e c t o r H e n k e l a l s o s a w d i f l l c u l t i e sI.' m
A : r 3 t c p c r f o r r t r a n c er e v i e w d o n e t w o a c u l t q u a l i t y t o D r . D e n s e n - G e r b e r . i n t h e p e o p l eb u s i n e s s ,
b u t I ' m n o t a p e o p l ep e r s o n .
),cafs ago showcd the turnover ratc "She is surrounded by ex-Odvssev "l'm
for fivc months to be 75 percent for people
f e i s t y , a b r a s i v e ,d i f f i c u l t , d e -
[ w h o w o r k a s s t a f f ] . T h e y w e r c m a n d i n gp, e r f e c t i o n i sst h , ort-tempered,,'
cxecutives, 7l pel.cent for treatr-nent savcd. Everybody elsc
c a n b c s a v e d , s h es a y s ". l d o n ' t n e e dt o b e l i k e d . . . .
r v o rk c r s , a n d 1 0 0 p e r c e n t f o r s u p p o r . t a n c l s h e ' s t h e s a v i o r . "
I w o u l d n 'st a yI l i k ep e o p l e . . . . 1 h a v e
stall There afe now 4J peoplc on thc D r . R o h r s a g r . e e dt h a t " r n a n y p e o p l e v e r y l i t t l e p i t y ,
payroll in Ncw York. very little compassion,
truly believeshe saved their livcs, and very little symparhy
An cx-stafl member sought to make she rvon't let them forget it." . . . I think com-
p a s s i o ni s d e s t r u c t i v e . "
s o n t e s c n s eo u t o f t h c e l e m e n t s o f a u - S o m e f o r r r r e re m p l o y e e ss a w a s e x u a l H e r n r o t t o ,o n a p l a q u ei n h e r o l l l c e ,
t h o l i t a r i a n i s m t h a t e x i s t e d i n t h c p r o - c o n t p o n e n tt o D r . D e n s e n - G e r b e r ' s
b e - i s " l d o n ' t g e t a n g r y .I g e t e v e n . , S ' he
g l a m s . H c w l o r c a f r i c n d t h a t I r i sa r i a l y - h a v i o r . " W h e n s h e
w a s w o r k i n s a t o n c ew f o t e i n a m e m ot o h e r e x e c u t i v e
s i s o f t h c O d y s s c y s t r u c t u r . ch a c l s h o r v n h o r n c . s h c w o u l d c a l l u r a l e s t a f f -
u o - s t a f f ," N i c e g u y s / g a l sf i n i s h l a s t l ' ,
h i m s t r i k i n gs i m i l a r i t i e st o O r w , e l l ' s. 1 9 8 4 : s t a i l s , a n d s h e ' d b e i n a n i g h t g o w r r , , ' "
"Mind l a m e x t r e m e l yh i e r a r c h i c a la n d
control," said thc ex-stafler, said one. Of ten she conducted the
"is a u t h o l i t a r i a n ,s"h e s a y s ,. , 1 d o n ' t p l a y
n c c c s s a r yf o r t h e g o o d o f t h c s o c i a l " p r e s i d e n t ' s n . r e e t i n g " r v i t h l . r e r
top by the same rules that other peopll
o l d c r , i t i s a c c o m p l i s h e db y d e g r a d a . s t a f l r n e n r b e r sa t h e r h o m e w h i l e
wcai- play by."
tion and hunriliation for not confonl- ing rvhat one participant callecl,,bed
i n g t o t h c r u l e s o r t h c p o w c r .s t f u c t u r e ' s "
c lo t h e s .
n u t h o r i t y .T h i s j s r n o s i c l c a r l v l h c c a s c Rules of the Game
T h a t p r a c t i c ef i t s i n r v i t h o t h e r s r e r n i -
r v l r c n i t c o r n e s t o m a t t e r s o f i n t i r l a c v n . i s c c n to f t h e s o r t o [ g c s t u r c st h a t
roy- S o m eo f t h e r . u l e sD r . D e n s e n - G e r b e r
a r r d s e x . F r c c d o n ri s a n r i s o c i a li n r l r i s a l l y c n r p l o y s r o w a r d s u b j c c t s .H e n k e l
e n r p l o y e da r e c e r t a i n l yd i f f e r e n t .A n d
context." dcscribes a roont at the lSth Street they lcd to r.eported
He said the rules called for "no sex Odyssey bLrilding where Dr. Densen-
p r a c t i c e sw h i c h
a r e a t t h c l e a s t q u e s tionable and are
w i t h a n y o n e , u n l e s s t h e p e r s o n h a s C c l b e r u s e d t o " h o l d c o u r t . , ,, , l t
w a s c u l l c n t l y u n d c r o f f i c i a ls c r u t i n y :f a l s e
becn approved by thc high author.ities, fitted with n r e m o r . a b i l i a - c h i l d h o o d c l a i n r s f o r s e r v i c e s .c o m m i n g - l i n g
a n d t h e n o n l y w h e n p e r . u r i s s i o ni s p i c t u r e s , p l a q u e s , a n d a r v a r d s . of
S h e f u n d s , i m p r o p c r l y k e p t e x p e n s ea c -
granted as to when and for how lons "r,ould lie on a pink chaise
a n d g r e e t c o u n t s ,a n d o t h e r f i s c a ll e g e r d e m a i n .
t h e r e l a t i o n s h i pn r a y b c u r a i r r t a i r r e d . p c o p l e , e x t e n d i n g h e r h a n d a s i i
"Everything she D r . D e u s e n - C e f b ef irr s t c a n r eu n d e r
i s r e i n f o r c e db y a n e l i t e w e r e a q u e e n , " H e n k e l s a i d . D u r i n s
f i r ' ed u r i n g t h e L i n d s a ya d m i n i s t r a t i o n
group (hand picked by Denscn-Gerber)
for allegedlychargingthe city for serv-
who are very bright and very conform-
ices she didn't perform. Nicholas
ing, and are rervarded by the
S c o p p e t t at ,h e n c o m m i , s s i o noefr i n v e s -
granting of sexual privileges."
t i g a t i o n s, a i d h i s s t a f lf o u n d t h a , tw h i l e
He opined that Dr. Densen-Gerber
" b e c a u s e there were "some failings of record
is successful no one wants l i e e p i n g , "" n o a c t i o n a b l m e isconduct"
to deal wirh the people she takes
e x i s t e dH . e a l s os a i d ," T h e r e w e r e a l l e -
into this structure: the junkies (mostly
g a t i o n so f d o u b l eb i l l i n e t h a t w e r e n o t
Black and Hispanic), and now, the
b o r n e o u r b y t h e i n v e s l i g a t i o n .H, 'o w -
c h i l d p r o s t i t u t e s ,i n c e s t v i c t i n r s ,w o m e n
ever, her own staff in later years re-
ex-offenders, and, I am sure, more to
p e a t e d r h e c h a r g e sa n d s a i d t h e c i t v
come. In fact, I am sure that the poli-
had invesrigated only her reimburse-
ticians support |udianne preciselybe-
m e n tc l a i m si n N e w Y o r k C i t y w i t h o u t
cause she can hide these people fronr
c o m p a r i n gt h e m w i t h s e r v i c e sb i l l e d t o
the public.,'
"All " i s programs elsewhere.
this,"he said, called ,cure,.,,
A t t o r n e y G e n e r a lR o b e r t A b r a m s i s
n o w l o o k i n g i n t o t h a t a l l e g a t i o na n d
Odyssey's Oracle? o t h e r s .m a n y o f t h e m l o d g e d b y f o r -
m e r O d y s s e yc o m p t r o l l e rf o h n M a l i k .
Outside New York. local oflicials
Malik was a Touche Ross consultant
have generallylabeled the program a assignedto do the program's books
success.However, the man who ran Hooked on kids: Odyssey n
operates a w h e nh e w a s h i r e d b y O d y s s e yi n 1 9 7 3 .
O d y s s e yt r e a t m e nct e n t e r si n M i c h i g a n , major program lor addicted mothers. h
He left angrilyin 1975-wirh a sheaf

48 N E W Y O R K / N O V E N , 4 B E1 R
9 1979
of records that backed up his charges
of financial abuse.
Italik and other stafterssay Densen-
C'erber is ripping off the drug programs
to finance an extravagant life-style she
could not otherwise afiord. In additioh
to her $107,000-a-year salary, Odyssey
Institute-a nonprofit foundation set
up in 1975-pays $30,000 for her
fringe benefitsand annuity, more than
t2l,000 on a life-insurance policy,
about $9,000 for travel and entertairr-
ment, some $4,000 for dues and li-
censes,and $9,000 for auto rental and
expenses.The total in a fiscal.year-l979
budgetprojectioncomesto about $180,-
0OO,most of it financed by the govern-
grams, which pay her as a consultant.
Malik supplied a list of New York
Odyssey House checks drawn on Citi-
bank for "Account 1J," \rhich Dr. Den-
sen-Gerber controlled. Between fune
1973and August 1975,there were more
than $50,000in expenses. They included Royal gesturesz During meetings,Dr. Densen-Gerber has had her lood brought to
$15,118to Doubleday,Lippincott, and her on o tray, while othershovegonewithout eating.
Penguin to buy copies of her books
that did not sell; fi226 to Marquis "If she knew that a patient's family had do that, do you?" said Deputy Comp.
Who's Who and the other biographical- money, she would try to solicit them tloller Martin lves. His boss, Comp-
sketch books; $150 for repair of an- as her patients," said Elaine Schaefer. troller Harrison Goldin, leaned on her
tique chairs; $2,395for parking tickets; Sometimes even poor clients paid to pay up. She responded with a Mail-
and $44.80to a beautysalonto payfor a Densen-Gerber for therapy when they gram in February 1978 urging him to
facialist sent to Happy Rockefeller. received money for doing stafi work. "save the defenselessnewborn junkies
Odyssey attorney Stephen Hutchin. After their linal phase of treatment, for whom there is no other safe harbor."
son said the books were for educa- they were expected to work for at least She also wrote to Mayor Koch.
tion and fund raising, the antique six months to repay the cost of the "Dear Ed," she sta.rted,"I have just
chairs were used in the boardroom, treatment. They were placed in slots returned from a triumphant visit to
the parking tickets were not acquired funded by governmentgrants, but kept England in which Parliament voted
by Dr. Densen-Gerber,and in view only $70 a month of their earnings, re- unanimously to move its child pornog-
of Governor Rockefeller'ssupport, the turning the rest to Odyssey minus raphy bill." She told him, "It is obvious
facialist for his wife "would not be an money paid to Dr. Densen-Gerber for from your letter that you are being
abuse of discretion." therapy. told lies. I can only assumethat there
People who worked in the Odyssey These government-funded positions are hidden political agendas coming
programs complained that while Dr. were called "turn-back lines," said from factions that wish to silence me
Densen-Gerberwas spending $552 for Malik, who pointed to an Odyssey on my positions on child pornography
a pre-board-meeting dinner at La document listing $38,250in turn-backs and prostitution, and also those who
Bibliotheque,patients were beggingfor from five residents. have made a bid on one of our build-
food. Dr. Rohrs said that once or twice Hutchinson said turn-back lines no ings wishing to force us to lower the
a year, when money ran short, resi- longer exist. "Any person who might be price."
dents went to local markets to ask for in therapy with Dr. Densen-Gerber, She appealed to him, because,she
donations. Money raised privately by that's a private arrangementthat has said, "[I have] never known you to be
Odyssey Institute did not go to treat- nothing to do with their employment," politically on the side of organized
m€nt programs. Indeed, the $60,000 he said. crime."
netted at the Rockefeller fund raiser, When Odyssey had other money Koch wrote her not to expect prefer-
says Malik, was earmarked for Ac- problems, administrators neglected to ential treatment, saying her claims
count 15. pay on a timely basis payroll taxes were "outrageous." He said if she had
The issue of salary and perks has that as of fanuary 1978 amounted to evidence of illegal activity, she should
beenraisedat board meetings,acknowl- $97,000. Ollicials also say that, at the bring it to the attention of law-enforce.
edged Matthew Kornreich, the insur- sametime, Odysseyowed the city $119,- ment agencies,
ance-companypresident who is Odys- 000 plus an additional $94,000 which Meanwhile, an audit review received
sey Institute's chairman. He suggested the state had disallowed and deducted by the ci,ty in fune 1978 reported that
that corporate oflicials see expense ac- from its own drug-program payments Dr. Densen-Gerberhad been hired as a
counts differently from social workers. to the city. It told New York City to consulting psychiatrist for the Odyssey
"There isn't a
company, including my collect from Odyssey. Dr. Densen- Institute programs, but was charging
own, who is going to object to a person Gerber responded with a customary the city for other services. It also
taking first class,"he said. mixture of defensivenessand chutzpah; noted large bills for undocumented
In any event, her perquisites were "Her cry was the only
way she could long-distance phone calls. When an
not enough. Severalex-stafferscriticized raise cash was to send kids around auditor questionedher time sheets,she
her practice of accepting wealthy Odys- with pushkes to raise money in the wrote that he was displaying "an in-
sey residentsfor paid private therapy. streets.She said, You don't want us to ability of men in the system to accept a

19. 1979/NEW
hasbeenableto countamongits boardmembers Alex
Haley,EleanorMcGovern,and Citicorp'swilliam Spence
r ..."
woman as Chief Executive Oflicer." friends in the media, and the Odyssey body. foel Bennett, the council's chair-
Alan Tishman, the real-estatemag- lnstitute board included fohn McGofI, man, also resignedas chairman of the
nate and a former member of Odys- who owns more than 70 newspapers; New York OdysseyHouse board.
sey's board, told her he did not think publisher Rupert Murdoch; Alice New- He told Dr. Densen-Gerber in a let-
all the moneys owed should come out house,wife of the Louisiana publisher; ter that associationwith Odysseyhad
of Odysseyfunds. "If the sta.tewill not and author Alex Haley. subjectedthe council to "rebuffs from
permit your salary for theseyears,why She has always kn'own the value of previous donors,friends, and in some
hurt OdysseyHouse?" he asked her. political allies and spent money to cases,governmentfunding groups."
"Perhaps you should help repay."
cultivate them. Besidesher specialre- Indeed,Dr. Densen-Gerber hassome-
While Odyssey House has straight- tationship with Rockefeller,she paid times exaggerated her connections.On
ened out those financial problems, it former Queens Congressma,n Seymour an applicationfor federal funding, she
is faced with a new, damaging audit Halpern, at one time chairman of a listed herself as an adv,iser to New
covering the time from April 1976 Capitol Hill drug task force, handsome fersey's Democratic Senator Harrison
through Marc,h 1977 released by the fees-$16,575in one year-to do pub- Williams. Williams's press secretary
comptroller's ollice earlier this month. lic relations. said she had been consulted on drug
It questions87 percent of Odysseyex- And shespoketheir language. "When
issues but was not the senator's paid
penseschargedto the city's home-relief Judi came to talk about a grant, she adviser.William Salomon,the invest-
program, about $42,000. talked in terms of congressionaldis- ment banker, and fanet Levy, the late
The audit said invoices, canceled tricts she had drug-treatmentprograms Gustave'swife, were equally surprised
checks, and time sheets were missing in," a former Odysseyollicial said. to find themselves on the Odvssev
from files and that money was spent She let government bureaucrats board of governors,a l,isting ur.d foi
for improper purposes,including $2,000 know about her connections.Robert fund raising and promotional purposes.
to store severalthousandreprints of oil DuPont, former director of the Na- Salomonsaid he didn't know the pro-
paintings. The $2,000 had been re- tional Instituteof Drug Abuse,a fund- gram and had contributed money at
turned to Odysseyas a donation. The ing agency,thought she had powerful Spencer's request. "They solicit each
comptroller also questioned some relationships. "When Judi comes to other; you know how it is," Salomon's
$9,800paid to Homeric Realty, whose the Capitol, I will always see her in a secretary explained. And Mrs. Levy
board is composed of Dr. Densen- congressman's or senator'soflice.She's said she had met Dr. Densen-Gerber at
Gerber's mother and two other Odys- having lunch with somebodyor dinner a dinner honoring her husband and
sev directors.
-"I'm with somebodyor ,overat the McGov- had simply continued to give money.
not a martyr,"Densen-Gerbererns' house." Eleanor McGovern was Dr. Densen-Gerberfschief backers
said in an interview when askedabout a vice-president of OdysseyInstitute. believethat her main fault is no more
her financial practices. "There is a cer- Dr. Densen-Gerber could also count than an excessive, volatile style and an
tain style of life which goeswith being on powerful friends in the business egotisticalpersonality."Sometimes,if
the president of a corporation that is community. There was Citicorp's you can do ,things diplomatically, the
doing multi-millions of dollars'worth Spencer,a key memberof the Odyssey way we as business peopledo, fudi will
of business." Institute board, and AT&T presi- take an opposite tack," said Kornreich.
dent William Ellinghaus, along with This combativeness is seenby some
Good Friends Kornreich and Tishman. as a means to achieve worthwhile
Many board memberssaid they be- goals."A lot of her stuff is an ego trip,"
In spite of the evidenceof misman- lieved in Densen-Gerber's commitment said Tishman, "but it's her ego that
aSement,ollicials and bureaucratshad and her achievements. "I think she has
enablesher to accomplishso much by
a dillicult time going up against Dr. probably uncovered m'ore chapter and just bustingher way in."
Densen-Gerber'sbig guns. One former verse,particularlyin the treatmentof Even Mayor Koch, who called his
ollicial said, "She can get 40 major lig- children,than anybodyhas ever done," relationship with her "stormy," said
ures to call you in one day, people said Spencer.Tishmancalledher "ded- she is "one of those seminal forces, accessto the governor and the icated" and "a genius."Kornreich said original, a go-getter.There are very few
mayor. The averageperson in govern- she led and inspiredpeople."I usedto peoplewho can claim as many accom-
ment plays it cool. Why get in a fight think of her as a Father Flanagan," pli.shments."
if you can avoid it?" he said. The harshestcriticism of Dr. Den-
When the state sought to collect on And she could be a great charmer. sen-Gerber is given ofT the record.
"We've had lunch
the nearly S100,000disallowedfor1969 togetherat'21,' and Professionalswho deal with drug ad-
through 1972, Alan T'ishmanwrote to she talks to everybody-the waiter, the dicts and abusedchildren,and former
then State Comptroller Arthur Levitt captain," said Tishman's wife, Peggy. Odysseystafl members, generally say
and said he was afraid a paybackwould "She's just a very open, warm, funny they hope that someoneelsewill "blow
put Odysseyout of business.He said kind of person, one of those people the whistle" on what they consider
he was writing on behalf of himself who. when you're with them, it's like dangerousand irrational practices,but
and Floyd Hall, chairman of the board being at a party." most of them refuseto be quoted. Such
of Eastern Airlines; Gustave Levy of However,the charm appearsto have an attack would "not be professional,"
Goldman Sachs & Company; Eleanor worn off for some of her supporters. they say. Or, "She :istoo powerful. She
McGovern; William Spencer,president Last month, the board of the New York can make trouble for people who at-
of Citicorp; and Richard Winston of Corrncilon Alcoholism,which had be- tack her." The trouble is, the people
Harry Winston, Inc. come afliliated with Odyssey Institute in her progra,mscan't make trouble for
She also made it a point to make last year. resigned from Odysseyin a anyone. r


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