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September 18, 2014
1racy Cox, Communlcauons ulrecLor
nauonal Sexual vlolence 8esource CenLer (nSv8C)
(877) 739-3893, LxL. 116, Lcox[
NSVRC teams up with NFL to address sexual violence
LnCLA, A - 1he nauonal Sexual vlolence 8esource CenLer announces a mulu-year parLnershlp wlLh Lhe
nauonal looLball League Lo address Lhe far-reachlng lmpacLs of sexual assaulL and domesuc vlolence. 1he
nlL has pledged nanclal and ln-klnd supporL Lo Lhe nSv8C for dlsLrlbuuon Lo supporL sLaLe and local sexual
assaulL hoLllnes. 1he nlL ls also pledglng supporL Lo Lhe nauonal uomesuc vlolence PoLllne.
We applaud Lhe nlL for Laklng sexual assaulL and domesuc vlolence serlously. We look forward Lo parLnerlng
wlLh Lhem and Lhlnk lL ls a greaL model for lnuenual organlzauons Lo supporL Lhe work of sexual assaulL vlcum
advocacy programs aL sLaLe and local levels Lo ensure safeLy for survlvors," nSv8C ulrecLor karen 8aker sald.
As parL of Lhe parLnershlp, Lhe nSv8C wlll conLrlbuLe resources LhaL wlll be dlsLrlbuLed Lo all nlL Leams.
1he collaborauon also wlll creaLe ongolng opporLunlues Lo supporL people aecLed by sexual assaulL.
ln AugusL, nlL Commlssloner 8oger Coodell publlcly announced Lhe league's new pollcles regardlng sexual
assaulL and domesuc vlolence. We clearly musL do a beuer [ob of addresslng [domesuc vlolence and sexual
assaulL] ln Lhe nlL. And we wlll," Coodell sald.
8y parLnerlng wlLh experLs ln Lhe eld of sexual assaulL and domesuc vlolence, Lhe nlL could become
leaders ln changlng Lhe pro sporLs culLure by promoung equallLy and relauonshlps LhaL exempllfy respecL and
consenL," sald uelllah 8umburg, CLC of nSv8C.
nSv8C was founded by Lhe ennsylvanla Coalluon AgalnsL 8ape, whlch has 40 years of experlence parLnerlng
wlLh a neLwork of rape crlsls cenLers Lo brlng help, hope, and heallng around lssues of sexual vlolence Lo Lhe
CommonwealLh of ennsylvanla. nSv8C coordlnaLes Sexual AssaulL Awareness MonLh, hosLs nauonal evenLs,
and works wlLh experLs across Lhe u.S. Lo ldenufy, develop and dlssemlnaLe lnformauon on all aspecLs of
sexual vlolence prevenuon and lnLervenuon. lor lnformauon, vlslL,
- Lnu -

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