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7 Things Students Want to Know

1. Am I in the right room?

To address this question, I would be standing outside of the classroom door at the beginning of
every class change. I would greet each of the students as they enter into the classroom. I would
have my name, class name, and room number written big on the board. Once students were all in
class I would welcome them, tell them my name, restate the class and room number, have them
look at their schedules to see if it matches, in addition to calling roll before starting the class to
ensure all students were in the right room.
2. Where am I supposed to sit?
To address this question, upon entering the classroom on the first day I would allow students to
have open seating to help lower nerves of entering the classroom for the first time. After
ensuring all students are in the correct classroom, I would explain that I do have a seating chart
ready, however I would like to continue open seating if they can show me they are mature
enough to handle that responsibility. However, I would explain, if they cannot handle this
responsibility at any time I will implement the seating chart.
3. What are the rules in the classroom?
After addressing the seating arrangements for the class, I would hand out a hard copy to every
student with the classroom rules on them. The handed out sheet would be a hard copy for the
students to keep, and I would also give them an additional copy to take home to parents. I would
also have the classroom rules posted in an area of the classroom that is visible to all students at
all times during class. I would also have additional copies for students that would enter
throughout the school year. After passing out the classroom rules and showing students where
they are posted in the classroom, I would go over each rule and consequence in its entirety with
the students and ask for any questions to ensure students understand the rules, how to follow the
rules, and what will happen if they do not follow the rules.
4. What will I be doing this year?
After addressing classroom rules, I would explain to the students they are responsible for their
success in the class. I would explain the class will operate the same every day, and with that I
would go through and explain what I normal day will look like for my class. I would start with
when they first enter the class a journal assignment will be on the board daily. Once entering the
class the first thing would be to complete the Bell Ringer activity. We would then spend about
5-10 minutes discussing the Bell Ringer. Then we would go over any homework, and then begin
the lesson. I would explain at the end of every class except test days, I would also have an exit
activity that they would have to turn in order to leave for the day. I would explain I would be
giving credit on the Bell Ringers and exit assignments so they are mandatory and would affect
their grade if not completed.
5. How will I be graded?
I would explain to the students, their grades would be based upon how they are mastering the
lessons they are being taught. I would give the students their first assignment, and then explain
how grades work in the class. I would first ask them to look at their syllabus to determine what
percentage each category weighs, and encourage them to look at upcoming projects and tests so
they are constantly informed, aware, and ahead of upcoming grades in the class. I would
encourage them to not reflect so much on what their grades are but how they understand their
material. I would explain understanding the material is most important and grades are a
reflection of what they understand. I would explain that they will be graded based upon what
they know and not what they can recite, so the importance in my class should not just be on the
after effect which is the grade, but understanding and comprehending daily activities that would
ultimately lead to higher grades.
6. Who is the teacher as a person?
I would address this question going through a bulletin board I would create and put together for
the first days of school that would have all of my background information. My bullentin board
would include pictures of my family, information about what universities I attended, and fun
facts about my interests.
7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being?
By going through all of the above questions with the students on their first few days of school, I
would convey to the students that I am going to treat them like responsible human beings
because it is a requirement for them to be responsible for themselves in my class. By addressing
what is required of them on a daily basis would be an expectation for them. Therefore, the
students would know that I am going to always treat them as human beings and that there is
structure, rules, and consequences in my class that all of us would follow together to make a
harmonious class environment that is student-centered.

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