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Nama : Mugi Mardatillah Nama : Nurhasanah

NIM : 1113017 NIM : 1113020

I think everyone has experienced blackouts. dark, is not it? especially if we
have not lighting. for example we discharged of stock a candle, stalls were
closed, and have not emergency lights.
So, we will present a simple way to create lighting. that is a candle from cooking
oil. I call it an emergency a candle.
1. Cooking oil
2. Matches
3. Glass
4. Cotton
How to make an emergency candle
1. Prepare a glass or non-flammable place.
2. Pour cooking oil into a glass.
3. Twisted cotton, to resemble axis.
4. Insert the axis into the oil until moist.
5. Lifting axis until it reaches the rim of the glass.
6. End of the axis can be fueled fire using a match fire.
7. An Emergency candle can already be used.
8. Thank you for your attention.

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