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Northern Marianas College

School of Education
FALL 2014
ED 480 Educational Technology
Credits: 3 Phone: 483-2831
Time: Mon/Fri - 4:00pm 6:55pm !ce hours: 7:00 7:30pm, Mon/Fri
Sat 9:00 11:55am 12:00 1:00pm, Sat
"ocation: Bui!in" #-1 !ce "ocation: Bui!in" #-1
#nstructor: Mr$ %i&tor 'a(r)ra Email: *&a(r)ra$)!480+"mai$&om
Course Materials:
Educating the net generation (online)
Online resources. USB Flash-drive to save projects and documents.
NMC Mission Statement:
Northern arianas !olle"e# throu"h its commitment to student learnin"#
provides hi"h $ualit%# a&&orda'le and accessi'le educational pro"rams and
services &or the individual and people o& the !ommon(ealth.
NMC Institutional Philosophy:
)espectin" the human di"nit% and uni$ue talents o& each person# Northern
arianas !olle"e is dedicated to helpin" its students actuali*e their potentials
&or the enhancement o& their individual lives as (ell as &or the improvement o& the !ommon(ealth as a (hole. The
!olle"e is committed to an on-"oin" process o& plannin"# assessment# re-evaluation# and improvement in all aspects o& its
Course Description:
The purpose o& this course is to ac$uaint prospective teachers (ith in&ormation on the e&&ective use o& technolo"ies to
assist their continuous improvement as pro&essionals and allo( them to construct e&&ective and challen"in" learnin"
environments &or their students. !omputers and related technolo"ies provide students (ith e&&ective tools to 'ecome
independent (or+ers# critical thin+ers# and li&elon" learners. Students (ill learn to extract availa'le resources provided on
the internet as (ell as in the (or+ place to enhance their potential students learnin" experience throu"h the use o&
Students (ill 'e a'le to demonstrate (hat the% have learned in this course throu"h ,o(er ,oint ,resentations# --movies#
.e'pa"es# e-port&olios# 'lo"s# and other online pro"rams/applications.
Course Prerequisites:
0ll "eneral education re$uirements (ith a "rade o& 1!2 or 'etter. Because this is a 3%'rid online class# %ou should also
have the &ollo(in" technical s+ills:
Basic !omputer S+ills (openin"# savin"# and printin" a &ile# (e'-'ro(sin")
Basic pro&icienc% usin" 4-mail
Familiarit% (ith ac OS and .indo(s OS
Course Format:
There (ill 'e man% di&&erent learnin" activities each (ee+ (chapter readin"s# assi"nments# projects# discussion
&orums/'lo"s etc5) that %ou (ill 'e re$uired to complete in class and online. Students are responsi'le &or +eepin" up
(ith the assi"nments on a (ee+l% 'asis and adherin" to the desi"nated due dates. 0s this is a 'lended course# students
(ill complete (ee+l% readin"s and assi"nments an% time durin" the (ee+: ho(ever# all readin"s and assi"nments need to
'e completed '% the desi"nated due date. 0mple time is "iven 'et(een assi"nments and mana"in" %our time is %our
responsi'ilit%. 0ssi"nment due dates are noted in (ee+l% in 4dmodo. Student participation is expected each (ee+.
Course Activities:
1. Forums and e!lections " #$%
.ee+l% &orum topics on oodle (ill 'e posted in (hich (e (ill have a round ta'le discussion sharin" our opinions on
posted topics. .ee+l% participations in &orums are due no later than 6:77pm Saturda%s. 8ou (ill also create a 9iveBinder
&ree account in (hich %ou and %our classmates (ill colla'orate to enhance individuall% and as a "roup. 8ou must su'mit
at least one ne( ta' entr% per (ee+ 'ased on an internet resource that is assi"ned.
4xcept &or the :
(ee+ o& class (0u". :;
)# %ou are re$uired to su'mit (ee+l% !hapter re&lections 'ased on the text and
&orums. Forums &or the (ee+ must 'e completed 'e&ore leavin" class each da%. )e&lections must 'e no less than a pa"e
hand-(ritten or t%ped out (:.< spaced# si*e := &ont# Times Ne( )oman). e!lections questions &ill 'e provided on each
assi(ned chapter per &ee) and are !ound on our Class Site.
#. *earnin( Activities+Pro,ects " -$%
0s a 'lended class# (e (ill 'e (or+in" (ith in&ormation that is accessed via the internet and are (e'-'ased. 0ctivities
include si"nin" up &or &ree accounts online that pertain to educational technolo"% as (ell as ne(sletter su'scriptions that
are pertinent to %our &ield. -n addition# (or+in" (ith documents posted on 4dmodo as (ell as >oo"le ?rive (ill 'e used.
,rojects include creatin" ,o(er ,oint ,resentations# 9iveBinders# and online applications. ,rojects (ill 'e individual or
"roup 'ased accordin"l%. ore in&ormation (ill 'e provided alon" the (a%# ta+e "ood notes and as+ relevant $uestions
(hen in dou't.
.. /0am " .$%

8our &inal exam (ill 'e a ta+e home examination in (hich %ou are to create and --movie portra%in" ho( %ou (ill use
technolo"% in %our &uture classroom. Focus on concepts learned in class and "roup (or+. ore in&ormation (ill 'e
distri'uted later in the semester. ,lease# ta+e "ood notes@
-. Class Attendance and Participation 1 1$%
.e (ill en"a"e in a lot o& interactive learnin"# (hich o& course re$uires that %ou 'e here# 'oth ph%sicall% and mentall%.
,lease do ever%thin" %ou can to sho( up &or ever% class on time# read% and (illin" to participate.
0ttendance is a major part o& %our "rade and (ill 'e ta+en at each session. 0s these classes are activit%-'ased# %ou need
to 'e present in order to learn and help %our &ello( classmates "ain teachin" experience. ,lease see attendance policies
citation and the SO4 !ode o& !onduct.
,articipation is not just sittin" in class. ,articipation involves a com'ination o& attendance# appropriate discussion#
evidence o& readin"s in discussion# completion o& assi"nments on time# active listenin"# (or+in" in colla'oration (ith
collea"ues# active en"a"ement and contri'ution# and leadership 'ehaviors. It is also important that you arrive on time -
lateness will result in loss of attendance points.
Students (ho miss a class should report to their instructor upon their return and consult (ith a class mem'er to in$uire
a'out course notes and assi"nments. Students (ho +no( in advance that the% (ill miss class should in&orm their
instructor prior to the a'sence# in order to 'e "iven upcomin" assi"nments. 0'sence &rom more than :7A o& scheduled
classes and practicum experiences ma% 'e considered "rounds &or a &ailin" "rade in the course. Students are responsible
for obtaining class notes and handouts that may have been distributed.
su'mitted# &alsi&%in" an% o&&icial !olle"e record# or misrepresentin" &acts in order to o'tain exemptions &rom course
Plagiarism: ,la"iarism# includes# 'ut is not limited to# satis&%in" an% academic re$uirement '% su'mittin" an% document
that has 'een copied in (hole or part &rom another individualBs (or+ (ithout identi&%in" that individualC ne"lectin" to
identi&% as a $uotation a documented idea that has not 'een assimilated into the studentBs lan"ua"e and st%le# or paraphrasin"
a passa"e so closel% that a reader is misled as to the sourceC su'mittin" the same (ritten or oral material in more than one
course (ithout o'tainin" authori*ation &rom the instructors involvedC 1dr% la''in"#2 (hich includes (a) o'tainin" and usin"
experimental data &rom other students (ithout express consent o& the instructor# (') utili*in" experimental data and
la'orator% (rite-ups &rom other sections o& the course or &rom previous terms durin" (hich the course (as conducted# or (c)
&a'ricatin" data to &it the expected results.
Students &ound "uilt% o& academic dishonest%# includin" cheatin" and pla"iarism# shall 'e lia'le to suspension or
dismissal &rom N!. 0 student ma% re$uest to challen"e the in&raction char"ed a"ainst him or her. The O&&ice o& the ?ean
o& Student Services addresses all student misconduct.
Academic Dishonesty
Cheating: !heatin"# includes# 'ut is not limited to# "ivin" or receivin" unauthori*ed help durin" an examination#
o'tainin" unauthori*ed in&ormation a'out an examination 'e&ore it is administered# usin" inappropriate sources o&
in&ormation durin" an examination# alterin" the record o& an% "rade# alterin" ans(ers a&ter an examination has 'een
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all meetin"s o& their classes# not onl% 'ecause the% are responsi'le &or material
discussed therein# 'ut 'ecause active class participation '% ever% student is essential to ensure maximum 'ene&it
&or all mem'ers o& the class. 0'sence &rom more than :7A o& scheduled classes ma% 'e considered "rounds &or
a &ailin" "rade in the course. Students (ho miss a class should report to their instructor upon their return to
in$uire a'out ma+in" up the (or+ missed. Students (ho +no( that the% (ill miss class should in&orm their
instructor in advance in order to o'tain upcomin" assi"nments.
Su'mission o! *ate 2or)
Noti&% instructor immediatel% i& an extenuatin" circumstance prevents %ou &rom turnin" in %our assi"nment accordin" to
the speci&ied schedule. No ma+e-up (or+ (ill 'e accepted (ithout an illness certi&ication or proo& o& emer"enc%. -& %ou
plan to miss class# turn in (or+ in advance (ith prior arran"ements &rom the instructor.
Disa'ilities Statement:
The Northern arianas !olle"e (N!) is committed to ensurin"# throu"h a variet% o& services# access to
&acilities and pro"rams to students (ith either permanent or temporar% disa'ilities on a case-'%-case 'asis at the
re$uest o& the student. The ?isa'ilities Support Services coordinates N!Bs accommodations &or students (ith
documented disa'ilities. !urrent (and prospective) students interested in receivin" more in&ormation re"ardin"
services &or students (ith disa'ilities are encoura"ed to contact ?isa'ilit% Support Services at (6D7) =ED-6D;=
or via 4-ail to located in Buildin" -. 0ll accommodations are determined on a
case-'%-case 'asis a&ter revie( o& all documentation.
Classroom /tiquette:
!ell phone usa"e in the classroom is extremel% disruptive to students as (ell as the instructor. !ell phones must 'e turned
o&& upon entr% into the classroom. 9eavin" the classroom to ans(er cell phone calls or send text messa"es durin" class is
also disruptive and is not allo(ed. !he(in" 'etel nut in the classroom causes sanitation pro'lems as (ell as 'ein" a
distraction# and it is not allo(ed.
P$%$&M "E&$N#N%' %ENE$&" ED(C&T#N &ND ST(DENT "E&$N#N% (TCMES:
()on com)letion of this course' students *ill +e a+le to:
Student *earnin( 3utcomes:
Upon success&ul completion o& this course# students (ill 'e a'le to:
:. Use computer# audio# visual# and multimedia technolo"ies in the support o& instructionC
=. ,lan &or the use o& media and technolo"%C
E. Understand the role o& technolo"% in the learnin" processC
G. 4valuate and appraise the value o& various multimediaC
<. !reate di&&erent computer-'ased visuals in e&&ectivel% desi"ned learnin" stationsC
6. ,lan and create a di"ital video project pertainin" to %our &ieldC
D. Use internet technolo"ies in instruction.
356C3MIN4S 7P*3s8
4/N/A* /D5CA6I3N
356C3M/S 74/3s8
C35S/ S65D/N6
*/ANIN4 356C3M/
SO4 ,9O :.
?emonstratin" +no(led"e
o& content H peda"o"%
:. !ritical Thin+in"
=. 3umanities
6. Iuantitative H Scienti&ic
:.7 Use computer# audio#
visual# and multimedia
technolo"ies in the support
o& instruction
=.7 ,lan &or the use o& media
and technolo"%
-4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
-Forums and project
presentation and
SO4 ,9O =.?esi"nin"
!oherent resources#
instruction# and assessment
student learnin"
G. Technolo"% H -n&ormation
6. Iuantitative H Scienti&ic
E.7 Understand the role o&
technolo"% in the learnin"
G.7 4valuate and appraise the
value o& various multimedia
-4? G;7 ,roject
-,roject presentation
SO4 ,9O E.
?emonstratin" +no(led"e
o& students
=. 3umanities
E. !iti*enship H Societ%
E.7 Understand the role o&
technolo"% in the learnin"
<. 7 !reate di&&erent
computer-'ased visuals in
e&&ectivel% desi"ned learnin"
- 4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
- ,roject presentation
- .ee+l% &orums/'lo"s
SO4 ,9O G. 4n"a"e
students in learnin"
<. Oral !ommunication
D. .ritten !ommunication
<.7 !reate di&&erent
computer-'ased visuals in
e&&ectivel% desi"ned learnin"
D.7 Use internet
technolo"ies in
- 4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
- ,roject presentation
SO4 ,9O <. !reatin" an
environment o& respect and
rapport to esta'lish a
culture o& learnin"
:. !ritical Thin+in"
=. 3umanities
<.7 ,lan and create a di"ital
video project pertainin" to
%our &ield
- 4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
E. !iti*enship H Societ% 6.7 ,lan and create a di"ital
video project pertainin" to
%our &ield
- ,roject presentation
SO4 ,9O 6. ana"e the
!lassroom (,rocedures#
students 'ehavior# and
<. Oral !ommunication
D. .ritten !ommunication
=.7 ,lan &or the use o& media
and technolo"%
D.7 Use internet technolo"ies
in instruction
- 4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
- ,roject presentation
SO4 ,9O D.
!ommunicatin" e&&ectivel%
and providin" &eed'ac+
($uestions and
<. Oral !ommunication
D. .ritten !ommunication
<.7 !reate di&&erent
computer-'ased visuals in
e&&ectivel% desi"ned learnin"
D.7 Use internet
technolo"ies in
- 4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
- ,roject presentation
SO4 ,9O
demonstratin" and
:. !ritical Thin+in" <.7 ,lan and create a di"ital
video project pertainin" to
%our &ield
- 4? G;7 Online portion#
active in-class and online
participation (ith
computers )oom .-:
Assi(nments and 4radin(: (Subject to change with advanced notice)
:. Forums and )e&lections =7A
=. 9earnin" 0ctivities/,rojects G7A
E. Final 4xam ,roject E7A
G. 0ttendance/,articipation/4valuation :7A
TOT09 ,OSS-B94 ,O-NTS :77 A
NMC 4rade System:
:77 J K7 (0) ;K J ;7 (B) DK J D7 (!) 6K J 67 (?) <K J <7 (F)
NMC 4uarantee
1Northern arianas !olle"e (N!) o&&ers education and trainin" desi"ned to ena'le students to ac$uire the entr% level
vocational/technical competencies necessar% to enter the (or+&orce. N! stands 'ehind the trainin" provided and (ill
"uarantee to provide at least six additional credits o& retrainin" under the &ollo(in" conditions:
The emplo%er certi&ies that the student lac+s the tar"et jo' competencies normall% expected o& an entr%-level emplo%ee
(ho has "raduated &rom the same vocational/technical pro"ram# or the student has not secured emplo%ment (ithin six
months &ollo(in" "raduation.
To 'e eli"i'le &or retrainin"# a student must have "raduated &rom an associate in science# an associate in applied science
de"ree pro"ram# or 'achelorBs de"ree pro"ram. -n addition# a student must have re"istered &or services provided throu"h
the !areer Services O&&ice and activel% pursued emplo%ment in their occupational &ield or a related &ield.2
Important Dates
Septem'er :# =7:G 9a'or ?a%
Octo'er :E# =7:G !ommon(ealth !ultural ?a%
Novem'er G# =7:G !iti*enship ?a%
Novem'er ::# =7:G Leterans ?a%
Novem'er =D# =7:G Than+s"ivin" ?a%
?ecem'er ;# =7:G !onstitution ?a%
?ecem'er =<# =7:G !hristmas ?a%
Method o! Assessment and 4radin(: 0ssessment (ill 'e 'ased on per&ormance evaluations# exams# $ualit% o& (or+#
meetin" esta'lished criteria# provided ru'rics per project and timeliness. 0ll students are expected to have completed the
appropriate unit o& stud% &rom (hich assi"nments are desi"ned.
0 (:77-K7) 0 "rade o& 102 indicates that the student has exceeded expectations &or an upper division
teacher-in-trainin" course usin" technolo"% to enhance instruction. The criteria exceedin" expectations
Iualit% o& (or+ is well above (hat is expected ('oth content and presentation).
.or+ is su'mitted on the date due (no exceptions).
,er&ect attendance
4vidence that extensive time has 'een devoted to this class.
Leadership and cooperation in collaborative "roup (or+.
Self-initiative re&lected in expandin" +no(led"e 'ased 'e%ond minimal re$uirements.
There is no need &or extra credit or an appeal. -& %ou need extra credit or an appeal to raise %our
"rade# %ou have not earned an 10.2
There is limited need for revision wor.
B (;K-;7) 0 "rade o& 1B2 indicates that the student has met the expectations &or an upper division teacher-
in-trainin" course usin" technolo"% to enhance instruction. The criteria &or exceedin" expectations are:
Iualit% o& (or+ is very good 'oth in content and presentation# 'ut does not "o a'ove (hat is
expected o& $ualit% (or+.
.or+ is su'mitted on the date due ((ithout exception).
T(o (=) or less a'sences or tardies.
4vidence o& appropriate time spent devoted to this class.
Leadership and self-initiative re&lected in expandin" +no(led"e 'ased 'e%ond minimal
There is no such thin" as extra credits or an appeal.
-n the event that the instructor allo(s &or revisions o& (or+# the student demonstrates that e&&ort
put into the revisions have allo(ed &or "reater comprehension and s+ill.
! (DK-D7) 0 "rade o& 1!2 indicates that the student has met minimal expectations &or an upper division
teach-in-trainin" course usin" technolo"% to enhance instruction. The criteria &or exceedin" expectations
Iualit% o& (or+ in content and presentation is accepta'le 'ut indicates inade$uate time and e&&ort
devoted to the (or+.
.or+ is late.
T(o or more classes missed alon" (ith or tard%.
9ac+ o& appropriate and ade$uate time spent on the class and (or+.
0s+s &or extra credit or appeals in order to ma+e up &or poor $ualit% (or+ or missed (or+ed.
MThere is a di&&erence 'et(een an appeal and revisin" (or+ at the re$uest o& the instructor. )evision o& (or+ ma% 'e
vie(ed '% the instructor as additional practice needed to(ards master%. 0ppeals are personal and made at the re$uest o&
students &or additional (or+ to 'e done.
? (6K-67) 0 "rade o& 1?2 shall 'e "iven &or incomplete (or+# poor $ualit% (or+# excessive a'sences (= or
more)# poor per&ormance on exams etc. 0 "rade o& 1?2 indicates that the student has not success&ull%
completed the class and its re$uirements and must re-ta+e.
F (<K and 'elo()
- 0n incomplete is "iven onl% upon private consultation (ith the instructor. )easona'le reasons &or an
incomplete include excessive a'sences due to personal or immediate serious illness# accident or
hospitali*ation# death o& an immediate &amil% mem'er# or "ivin" 'irth. 9ate (or+ does not (arrant an
incomplete. The student is responsi'le &or ne"otiatin" (ith the instructor as $uic+l% as possi'le in the
event that an incomplete is necessar%. -t the student &ails to come to class and does not noti&% the
instructor as to the reason &or a'sences or (or+ not turned in# the "rade (ill 'e a ? or F.
Concerns or Dissatis!action
-& at an% time# %ou have a pro'lem or concern (ith the instructor or %ou 'elieve somethin" is un&air# discuss this
immediatel% (ith the instructor. -& %ou continue to &eel %ou have not arrived at a satis&actor% solution# please ta+e %our
concerns to the ?irector o& the School o& 4ducation. -& %ou are still dissatis&ied# it is then appropriate to "o to the ?ean &or
0cademic ,ro"rams and Services.
/arly Intervention
N! counselors and instructors (or+ colla'orativel% to identi&% and assist students (ho are at ris+ o& poor academic
per&ormance or o& droppin" out o& school. The counselin" sta&& reaches out to students re&erred '% instructors and en"a"es
students (ith in&ormation# insi"ht and availa'le options to assist (ith overcomin" their individual situations. The
counselin" sta&& also reaches out to those (ho are on pro'ation or suspension to revie( options &or continued enrollment
and identi&% resources to support academic success.
Cellular Phones and Pa(er 5nits
!ellular phones and pa"er units must 'e set on silent mode or turned o&&. -n&orm &amil% mem'ers and &riends not to call
or text messa"e %ou durin" class unless it is an emer"enc% or extenuatin" circumstance. essa"es ma% 'e chec+ed durin"
class 'rea+s# (hich (ill 'e communicated '% the instructor. -n the event o& an emer"enc%# in&orm %our loved ones to call
our SO4 administrative mana"er at =EG-E6K7 ext.==EG durin" our o&&ice hours o& ;:77am-G:E7 pm# or the% ma% call =EG-
E6K7 ext. :K:: to the N! Securit% o&&ice (ho ma% 'e a'le to noti&% %ou in case o& an emer"enc%. Text messa"in" and
phone calls should remain out o& class.
Commitment 1 9ours and Mine
8ou have made the commitment to a&&iliate (ith the N! School o& 4ducation and to ta+e this course. - (ill expect %ou
to &unction in a pro&essional manner includin" meetin" all course re$uirements. - appreciate that %ou have out-o&-class
responsi'ilities# 'ut the commitment is %ours and mine. Be in class (ith us and ma+e ever% e&&ort to do so@
S3/ Policy I n!ormation " NMC Catalo(: Academic 9ear #$1#1#$1. p. 111
Time and 0ttendance
a. Tard%: 0 tard% shall 'e considered a &ull class a'sence &or the &ollo(in":
E7minutes or more tard% &or a Ehour class
=7minutes tard% &or a =hour class
:<minutes tard% &or a :.<hour class
E7 minutes cumulative tardiness is consider one a'sence
'. ?eath in the -mmediate Famil%:
The student is responsi'le &or noti&%in" the instructor on or 'e&ore the
start o& the scheduled class and &or compl%in" (ith the instructorBs modi&ied deadline &or the su'mission
o& all approved ma+e-up (or+.
The student must provide an% one o& the &ollo(in" accepta'le documents in order &or the a'sence(s) to 'e
considered excused and &or approved ma+e-up (or+ 'e allo(ed:
!op% o& a ?eath !erti&icate
!op% o& a ?eath 0nnouncement
emorial Boo+
!mmediate "amily: Spouse# !hild# ,arent# >randparent# and Si'lin".
#he burden of proof lies with the student.
0 &ormal letter o& re$uest &or extended a'sences must 'e su'mitted to the SO4 ?irector prior to the
a'sence and is su'ject to approval.
The maximum num'er o& a'sences should not exceed :7A o& the scheduled classesC other(ise a "rade o&
1F2 (Failure) (ill 'e a(arded.
0 "rade o& 1-2 &or -ncomplete may 'e a(arded upon the approval o& the course instructor and the ?irector
&or School o& 4ducation.
'. -llness:
For a'sences related to illness# the student is responsi'le &or noti&%in" the instructor on or 'e&ore the start
o& the scheduled class and &or compl%in" (ith the instructorBs modi&ied deadline &or the su'mission o& all
approved ma+e-up (or+.
The student must provide an ori"inal -llness !erti&ication (doctorBs slip) in order &or the a'sence(s) to 'e
considered excused and &or ma+e-up (or+ 'e allo(ed:
The maximum num'er o& a'sences should not exceed :7A o& the scheduled classesC other(ise a "rade o&
1F2 &or Failure (ill 'e a(arded.
0 "rade o& 1-2 &or -ncomplete may 'e a(arded upon the approval o& the course instructor and the ?irector
&or School o& 4ducation.
Northern Marianas College
School o! /ducation
Code of Conduct
The School of Education desires to promote the highest standards of ethical practice and professional behavior of
students. We are committed to providing a learning environment in which students can give of their best and participate
freely in college activities.
Northern Marianas College School of Education embraces the values expressed in this code and advocates their
observance by its students.
The NMC and SE policies are designed to!
Ensure procedural fairness
Encourage all students to meet the standards of conduct" attendance and wor# performance re$uired by
the college.
Ensure consistent and %ust treatment for all regardless of their age" ethnic origin" gender" disability" sexual
orientation" marital status" religion or belief.
Ensure that the facts are established and the matter is investigated fully before disciplinary action is
Ensure the students #now what is expected of them
Ensure that students are given access to a fair hearing.
Students at NMC SE are re$uired to!
Treat everyone with respect and be considerate to the rights and interests of others.
Attend classes regularly and punctually and explain to your instructors the reason for a tardy or non&
Take personal responsibility for your own learning and wor# hard to complete all assignments within specified
Ta#e an active part in reviewing progress with your instructor and see# help when you need it.
Act safely and prevent yourself and others from danger or being at ris#" acting always with consideration i.e.
'efrain from chewing betel&nut" smo#ing" and use of cell phones in and around classrooms" dispose of chewing
gum and trash in appropriate places" #eep identification with you ( show it when re$uested.

* have read the SE Code of Conduct and * understand it. * understand and am aware of the expectations of my peers"
and myself from the SE faculty and staff. +s a student of the NMC&SE" * will respect and adhere to this SE Code of
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Student (print and sign) -ate
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Sign and return this page to your instructorNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Ac)no&led(ement o! 5nderstandin( and A&areness
I: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ac)no&led(e that I have read: revie&ed &ith my instructor: understood
the course e0pectations: and is !ully a&are o! the policies o! NMC and School o! /ducation as &ritten in
the /D -<$ course sylla'i !or FA** #$1-.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Student Name+Si(nature Date Si(ned
elease Form
I: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; am a student at NMC: FA** #$1-. I here'y a(ree to the use o! my
picture or video !or the classroom identi!ication pro,ect. I !urther a(ree to the use o! any
&ritten materials and class pro,ects o! mine !or the purpose o! a class port!olio to 'e used
!or assessment and student learnin( outcomes.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Si(nature 7print and si(n8 Date

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