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Notes: 10/6/2014
What is Energy?
Energy is the ABILITY TO DO WORK
Energy can:
Produce light
Produce heat
Produce motion
Produce sound
Produce growth
Power technology

When you see any of
the above, you know that
energy is present!

Forms of Energy
There are many different forms of energy, but
they all fall into two categories: Potential or
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy: Stored energy; the energy
of position; gravitational energy
Kinetic Energy: Motion; motion of waves,
electrons, atoms, molecules, substances, and
Potential Energy:
stored energy; the energy of position;
gravitational energy
Chemical Energy: Energy stored in the bonds of atoms and
molecules (Example: FOOD)
Stored Mechanical Energy: Energy stored in objects by an
application of force (Examples: a SPRING; a STRETCHED
Nuclear Energy: Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
(when atoms are split, the energy that holds the nucleus
together is released) (Examples: Nuclear Power Plants
split Uranium atoms in a process called FISSION. The sun
combines atoms in a process called FUSION.)
Gravitational Energy: Energy of position or place
(Examples: Water behind a DAM; a ROCK at the top of a
Kinetic Energy:
motion; the motion of waves, electrons,
atoms, molecules, substances, and objects
Electrical Energy: the movement of electrons (Examples:
Radiant Energy: Electromagnetic Energy that travels in
Thermal Energy: the internal energy in substances, known
Motion Energy: the movement of objects from one place to
another (Example: WIND)
Sound Energy: the movement of energy through
substances in longitudinal waves (Examples: MUSIC from
a speaker; KNOCKING)
The Law of Conservation of
Energy can be transformed from
one form to another, but it can
NEVER be created or destroyed
This means that all the energy on Earth is
transformed from some other energy
source Lets look at some examples!

On the next five slides, there will be one picture on each slide. Your job
is to figure out ONE energy conversion (or transformation) that is taking
place in each picture.

Stretching and releasing a
rubber band converts
Stored Mechanical
(Potential) Energy
Motion (Kinetic) Energy

A Jack-in-the-Box
Stored Mechanical Energy (Potential)
Motion (Kinetic) and Sound (Kinetic)
A Flashlight
Chemical Energy (Potential) Radiant
(Kinetic) and Heat (Kinetic)
A Radio
Electrical Energy (Electricity, Kinetic) Sound (Kinetic) and
Thermal (Kinetic) or, if batteries are used
Chemical Energy (Potential) Sound (Kinetic) and Thermal
An athletelike this bicyclist.
Chemical Energy (Potential) Motion
(Kinetic), Sound (Kinetic), and Thermal

Bouncy Balls
Gravitational (Potential) Motion (Kinetic),
Sound (Kinetic), Thermal (Kinetic)
Question #1 Question #2
Practice Questions
Question #3
Question #4
Question #5

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