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Lua Downes Updated 21/8/14

Class Profile and Behaviour Relationship Plan

Room: 3 Class Level: 0 Teacher: Lua Downes
Number in class: 14 Boys: 7 Girls: 7
Age range: 5 Youngest: Liana (--.8.2009) Oldest: TJ (6.7.2009)
Ethnic Groups:

Nz European/ Pakeha:
Zane, Lexie
TJ, Jacob, Sienna
Carly, Elijah, Liana
Indian: Keshavee
JP (Tuvaluan)
Andria (Sri Lankan)
Ameer (Iraqi)
Nanjeke (Zambian)
Students with Learning Difficulties:

Area of need:

Needs to get his eyes checked. Taking time to learn sight words, but is still very
engaged and enthusiastic about learning.

Students with Specific Strengths:


Area of strength:

Maths can recognise and read numbers up to 1000, can say before and after to
1000. Has very good number knowledge, and understanding of strategies.

Students with Emotional/Social Difficulties:



Area of difficulty:

Very sensitive, and doesnt always understand the situation. Cries easily. Often
doesnt follow instructions straight away. Tidies up slowly, always finds things in
the classroom to tidy up. Is still learning how to write his name.

Is still learning school routines and behaviour. Needs to be sitting close to the

Can be prone to sulking, and is still learning school routines and behaviour.
Needs to be sitting close to teacher, and have lots of positive reinforcement of
behaviour. Is still learning how to hold her pen properly when writing.
Lua Downes Updated 21/8/14
ESOL students:

Identified needs:

Oral language, understanding instructions, English vocabulary

In class support:

Class Behaviour Management Plan
Students with Behavioural Problems:

See Students with Emotional/Social Difficulties above

Identified Problems:

Expected Behaviours - All children are expected to follow the classroom treaty:
1. We respect ourselves and each other.
2. We remember to use our manners and SHINE at all times.
3. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
4. We will listen carefully when someone else is speaking.
5. We will ask before we leave the classroom.
6. We will walk in the classroom.
7. We will look after our own things and the classroom.
8. We will use a quiet, inside voice in the classroom.
9. We will welcome new people into our classroom.
10. We will always try to be the best that we can be.
Positive Reinforcement:
1. Verbal praise and encouragement
2. Whanau points
3. Weekly certificates in syndicate assembly (as well as Duffy and Fair Play awards as allocated during whole-school assembly)
4. Prizes at end of each term for high achievers, effort and behaviour
1. Verbal warning
2. Time out
Lua Downes Updated 21/8/14
3. Loss of break time (or other privileges)
4. Principal or DPs office
Severe Behaviour:
1. Deliberately putting self or others at risk
2. Complete loss of self-control
3. Total defiance
Consequences for Severe Behaviour:
1. Red Card to office if help required
2. Taken to Deputy Principal or Principal
3. Parents contacted: - by phone or letter to come in for a conference or to take student home (Child is isolated if unable to be contact parents.)
4. Stand down

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