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The Woden School

127 uenlson SLreeL

uLAkln 2600

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Course Title
Unit Title Everyday Maths 4 Year 10
Teacher/s Jake Naylor, Melissa vo[onlvlc
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1he maLhemaLlcs currlculum lncorporaLes modlfled sLrands of number and
Algebra, MeasuremenL and CeomeLry and SLaLlsLlcs and robablllLy. 1hls provldes
sLudenLs wlLh Lhe skllls Lo be confldenL, creaLlve users and communlcaLors of
maLhemaLlcs, able Lo lnvesLlgaLe, represenL and lnLerpreL slLuaLlons boLh aL school
and ln Lhelr llves ouLslde of school.
SLudenLs wlll be supporLed Lo develop lncreaslngly sophlsLlcaLed and reflned
maLhemaLlcal undersLandlng, fluency, loglcal reasonlng, analyLlcal LhoughL and
problem-solvlng skllls.
Solves everyday addlLlon
Sequences famlllar acLlons and evenLs uslng Llme
ldenLlfles quanLlLles
lollows dlrecLlons on maps uslng famlllar locaLlons
8ecognlses LhaL some evenLs mlghL or mlghL noL happen
ldenLlfles how lC1 ls used aL home and aL school

lease noLe LhaL noL all sLudenLs wlll have Lhe same Lasks. SLudenLs have lndlvldual
Learnlng lans (lLs) LhaL may lndlcaLe some lndlvldual varlaLlons

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