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Teacher Candidate: J. S.

Dykes Date: _2 October 2014

Grade and Topic: 11
Grade Facing History & Ourse!es"FH#O$Length of Lesson: 110 %inutes "2 casses$
Mentor Teacher: _ &ina%arie Johnson School: South'ind High Schoo
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Analyzing Public ssues Lesson: !ith a goal to reach students "ith e#pectations on ho" to create a
Po"erPoint or another for$ of digital presentation for use as a re%ie" or teaching tool& by placing the$
'the student( in the position of so$eone ha%ing to pro%ide the infor$ation this "ill be a 4orced
a55roach $a)ing the students see "hat is in a day lesson "hile reinforcing the lesson as "ell*
3/SSO) O1J/-+*2/6
*denti4y the parts of Po"erpoint*
o Sounds
o Mo%ing Slides+Ti$ed
o nserting Pictures and Te#t ,o#es
#nay7e the %alue of space and negati%e space in slides*
o -u$bers listed
o ,ullets listed
o .alue of e$pty
Discuss "ays using a digital for$at is beneficial*
o Study Guide
o .isual for %isual learners
o Audio for audio learners
o Colors and bac)grounds
o T// $uch T01T
o Death by digital for$at
3esson .an Guide
S+#)D#0DS #DD0/SS/D6
Standard 2*3
o The student "ill de%elop and apply concepts related to hu$an relations& safety& career
de%elop$ent& co$$unications& and leadership s)ills for a global "or)place*
Standard 4*3
o The student "ill de$onstrate a co$prehension of the ter$inology& $aterials& technologies&
$edia& co$ponents and their "or)ing relationship utilized "ithin the industry*
Standard 5*3
o The student "ill research and apply )no"ledge of copyright "ithin the industry*
Standard 6*3
o The student "ill research and apply typography& layout+design& and co$position concepts and
guidelines for preparation of a $ulti$edia pro7ect*
Standard 8*3
o The student "ill organize infor$ation and co$$unicate ideas by %isualizing space
configurations and $o%e$ents*
Standard 9*3
o The student "ill relate and apply artistic )no"ledge& s)ills& and techni:ues to the production of
%arious pro7ects*
Standard ;*3
o The student "ill co$$unicate ideas and infor$ation to a %ariety of audiences for a %ariety of
Standard <*3
o The student "ill e%aluate the purposes& functions& and features used in preparing digital
Standard =*3
o The student "ill collaborate "ith peers& e#perts& and others to de%elop a finished interacti%e
$ulti$edia pro7ect*
Students "ill "or) in the co$puter lab for this assign$ent*
o Sounds > .ideo > Pictures
1#-9G0O()D and 0#+*O)#3/6
The student "ill be proficient in using interacti%e $ulti$edia tools to de%elop digital co$$unication
presentations* Creati%e design& persuasi%e co$$unications& and language arts s)ills are applied through
research& e%aluation& %alidation& "ritten& and oral co$$unication* Typography& layout and design
guidelines are applied* Copyright la"s and ethical practices are reinforced in creating and for$atting
%arious presentations that re:uire i$ported data+graphics& digital& audio& and %ideo clips* Tea$
de%elop$ent "ill also be stressed as students "or) on $ulti$edia pro7ect's(* Laboratory facilities and
e#periences si$ulate those found in business and industry*
.0O-/D(0/S #)D +*8/3*)/6
Students "ill spend the class period and follo"?up class to construct a digital presentation o%er the
follo"ing topics fro$ @acing Aistory and /ursel%es
o Stages of Genocide
o SS
o Darfur
o B"anda
o Aolocaust
o Ar$enian
o Ca$bodian
o Baping of -an)ing
o C-Ds and !orlds position
o CS and other countries position
o Should there be a co$$on Epolice force of the "orldF
#SS/SS8/)+ /2*D/)-/6
This lesson is a 4or%ati!e "in4or%a$ grade* Students "ere e%aluated indi%idually on their:
2* .er4or%ance?"hile reading& fa$ily inter%ie"s& case studies and group discussions*
4* .resentation? through class discussion of each groupGs procedural :uestions*
::::)O ho%e'ork gi!en this 3esson. ::::
This lesson dealt "ith the i$portance of a digital presentation* t is done directly "ith the recent
co$petition of $ultiple Genocides and specifically the Aolocaust& B"anda& Darfur& SS* Placing students into
a situation that "ill e#a$ine their social& political& and e$otional %alues depending on ho" they see the
situations unfold and "hat they do as it unfolds* Students "ere as)ed to:
Discuss the parts of po"er point*
Becognize the parts of po"er point*
De$onstrate the parts of po"er point*
Cse the parts of po"er point*
Co$pare and contrast the %alue of space and negati%e space in slides
Becognize "ays using a digital for$at is beneficial*
List specific $odifications for students "ho did not $aster the ob7ecti%es*
Adapting for$al curriculu$ by teacher into learning ob7ecti%es and units of learning acti%ities 7udged
$ost reasonable for an indi%idual learner or particular group of learners
o Such as content )no"ledge
o Method of instruction
o StudentGs learning outco$es
o Alteration of $aterials and progra$s
o Additional assign$ents that are related to this court case*
o Be?assess$ent of student "ithin a fe" days*
List specific $odifications for students "ho are ready for enrich$ent acti%ities*
o Adapting for$al curriculu$ by teacher into higher le%el ob7ecti%es*
o Ta)e standards fro$ higher le%el grades that relate to the sub7ect $atter being discussed and
apply the$ to the students "ho can handle and re:uire the enrich$ent acti%ities to challenge
Bubric for Digital Presentation
TASH Student has constucted a digital presentation that relates to @AA/ topics
,elo" '3(:
DidnDt pic) any of the
recent genocides or focus
on any group that
co$$itted genocides*
Standard '28(:
Selected an appropreiate
category and discuss
points of that specific
Abo%e '48(:
Selected an appropreiate
category and discuss
points of that specific
e%ent* Also ga%e $ore
then one e#a$ple for
Grade Points
TASH Students digital presentation has pictures& %ideos& sounds along "ith
"ords and data*
,elo" '3(:
Aas less than 5 e#a$ples*
Standard '28(:
Aas 6 to < e#a$ples*
Abo%e '48(:
Aas $ore than <
Grade Points
TASH Te#t and bullets "ere Short& S"eet and to the Point* '-/ D0ATA by
Digital Presentation( 'student actually does presentation(
,elo" '3(:
Pages of endless "ords*
More than 9 errors
Standard '28(:
Most of slide "as "ords
"asnDt concise and to the
point* /nly 6?9 errors
Abo%e '48(:
Sharp prensentation& "ent
s$ooth "ith only a fe"
errors less than 5*
Grade Points
TASH Printed out copy for teacher to follo" along*
,elo" '3(:
DidnDt pro%ide print out
Abo%e '48(:
Pro%ided print out to follo" along
Grade Points

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