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Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific








Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Citacin sugerida: Garca-Surez, SD., Acosta, A., Londoo-Cruz, E., Cantera K, JR. 2012. Organismos Ssiles y Mviles del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano: Una Gua Visual para su Identificacin. INVEMAR Serie de Documentos Especiales No. 26. Unin Grfica
Ltda. Bogot D.C. Colombia, 133 p.
Suggested citation: Garca-Surez, SD., Acosta, A., Londoo-Cruz, E., Cantera K, JR. 2012. Sessile and Mobile Organisms from Rocky
Shore: in the Colombian Pacific: A Visual Guide to their Identification. INVEMAR Serie de Documentos Especiales No. 26. Unin Grfica
Ltda. Bogot D.C. Colombia, 133 p.
ROCOSO. I. Garca-Surez, Samuel David. II. Acosta, Alberto. III. Londoo-Cruz, Edgardo. IV. Cantera K, Jaime R.
ROCKY SHORE. I. Garca-Surez, Samuel David. II. Acosta, Alberto.III. Londoo-Cruz, Edgardo. IV. Cantera K, Jaime R.



Organismos mviles y ssiles de litoral rocoso del Pacifico Colombiano : Una gua visual para su identificacin / Samuel David Garca
Surez[et al.] ; traduccin Gypsy Espaol. -- 1a ed.--Bogot: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana : Fundacin Malpelo y otros Ecosistemas Marinos : Conservacin Internacional Colombia ; [Cali] : Universidad de Valle, 2011.


133 p.: ilustraciones a color, fotos, diagramas, mapas; 24 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliogrficas (p. 125-133).
ISBN: 978-958-716-516-6


Textos en espaol e ingls.

David, 1986-. II. Acosta. Alberto.III. Londoo-Cruz, Edgardo. IV. Cantera Kintz, Jaime Ricardo. V. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Biologa.

574.92 ed. 20




Catalogacin en la publicacin - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Biblioteca Alfonso Borrero Cabal, S.J.

Diciembre14 / 2011

Todos los Derechos Reservados Copyright 2011 10-311-229

Las fotografas pueden ser reproducidas con autorizacin de los autores
Photographs may be reproduced with authors permission
Incluye referencias bibliogrficas
Includes bibliographical references
Texto en espaol e ingls
Text in Spanish and English

Fotografa portada (Cover images):

Santuario de Fauna y Flora Isla Malpelo.

Fundacin Malpelo y otros Ecosistemas Marinos.

Fotografas (Photographs by):

Samuel D. Garca S. - Laboratorio de Ecosistemas Marinos

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Miguel A. Ruz D.
Fundacin Malpelo y otros Ecosistemas Marinos
Melina Rodrguez, Luis H. Chasqui-INVEMAR, Edgardo Londoo, Jaime Cantera,
Graham Edgar, Juan A. Snchez UniAndes.

Diseo y diagramacin (Design and Layout):

Lina Prez Siculaba (

Samuel D. Garca S. (

Traduccin (Translation):

Gypsy Espaol (

Samuel D. Garca S. (

Impreso (Printed by):

Unin Grfica Ltda

Samuel David Garca Surez 1

Alberto Acosta 1
Edgardo Londoo-Cruz 2
Jaime R. Cantera K.2
1. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biologa,
UNESIS, Laboratorio de Ecosistemas Marinos Estratgicos.
2. Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Departamento de
Bogot D.C. 2012

Agradecemos el envo de comentarios, correcciones, imgenes, bibliografa o sugerencias para incluir nuevas especies a los
correos electrnico:,,,
We appreciate any comments, corrections, images, bibliographies or suggestions regarding other species to be included,
please forward them to:,,,

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

GRUPOS PRINCIPALES / MAIN GROUPS........................14

Organismos Ssiles / Sessile Organisms..............14
Productores primarios / Primary producers.............14
Dyctiota adnata...................................................14
Lobophora variegata...........................................14
Amphiroa sp. ...........................................15
Bostrychia radicans.........15
Gelidium sp. ..........................16
Boodleopsis verticillata...........16
Bryopsis sp. ....................17
Cladophora albida...........17
Productores secundarios (filtradores) / Secondary producers (filterfeeders)............18
Amorphinopsis sp. ....................18
Aplysina sp. .......................18
Carteriospongia sp. .................................19
Haliclona sp. .............................19
Morfo / Morpho 1.............................................19
Morfo / Morpho 2.........20
Placospongia carinata............20
Prosuberites aff. laughlini ......21
Suberea azteca............21
Hidroides / Hydroids
Macrorhynchia philippina......................22
Hidrocorales / Hydrocorals
Distichopora robusta........................................23
Corales Blandos / Soft corals
Carijoa riisei......23
Leptogorgia alba......24
Pacifigorgia cairnsi......24
Corales Duros / Hard corals
Gardineroseris planulata.25
Pavona gigantea......25
Pavona varians.26
Pocillopora capitata................26
Pocillopora eydouxi.................27
Porites lobata....27
Porites panamensis.....28
Tubastrea coccinea.........28
Zoantideos / Zoanthids
Zoanthus sp. ..................29
Celleporaria sp. .....................30
Familia / Family Lichenoporidae..30
Familia / Family Didemnidae...........31
Morfo /Morpho 1........31
Morfo /Morpho 2........31
Petaloconchus sp. .................32
Limaria pacifica........33
Ostrea fisheri............33
Pinctada mazatlanica..........34
Saccostrea palmula.............34
Familia / Family Sabellariidae........................35

Balanus peninsularis...............36
Chthamalus sp. ..................36
Tetraclita panamensis.............37
Organismos Mviles / Mobile Organisms.............................38
Invertebrados (productores secundarios) / Invertebrates (Secondary producers).................38
Acanthaster planci.......38
Mithrodia bradleyi...................38
Nidorellia armata.................39
Pentaceraster cumingi...................39
Morfo / Morpho 1...39
Morfo / Morpho 2..........40
Pharia pyramidata...............40
Phataria unifascialis.......................41
Familia / Family Ophiactidae....42
Morfo / Morpho 1...........42
Morfo / Morpho 2...........42
Morfo / Morpho 3...........43
Morfo / Morpho 4...........43
Ophiocoma aethiops...........44
Ophiothela mirabilis.........44
Ophiothela sp. ................45
Eucidaris thouarsii...........46
Hesperocidaris asteriscus......46
Centrostephanus coronatus...47
Diadema mexicanum...47
Echinometra vanbrunti....48
Toxopneustes roseus......48
Tripneustes depressus...........49
Holothuria fuscocinerea.................50
Holothuria hilla.............50
Holothuria (Selenkothuria) portovallartensis...........51
Isostichopus fuscus...........................................................51
Acanthochitona hirudiniformis..................52
Chiton stokesii..........................................52
Caracoles y lapas / Snails and Limpets
Diodora inaequalis...........53
Diodora saturnalis...............53
Fissurella microtrema..........................................54
Fissurella virescens................54
Scurria mesoleuca.......55
Siphonaria gigas............................55
Siphonaria maura............56
Nerita funiculta.............57
Nerita scabricosta...................57
Tegula pallisserpentis..........................................58
Tegula panamensis......58
Cerithium adustum.....................59
Cypraea robertsi.....................59
Littoraria varia.....................60
Littorina zebra.........................60
Macrocypraea cervinetta...................61
Nodilittorina aspera............................................................61
Nodilittorina modesta..........62
Planaxis planicostatus.......................................................62
Simnia sp. ..........................63
Morfo / Morpho 1....................63
Morfo / Morpho 2....................63
Morfo / Morpho 3....................64
Trivia pacifica..........................64
Zonaria arabicula...........................65
Acanthais brevidentata.......65
Cantharus ringens...........66

PRLOGO / PREFACE.............................8

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Chicoreus regius.................66
Columbella major.......................67
Conus brunneus.....................67
Engina maura.............................68
Engina pulchra........................................................68
Hexaplex (Muricanthus) princeps.............69
Hexaplex radix.............69
Leucozonia cerata.............................................................70
Neorapana muricata........70
Nucella (Thais) melones....................................................71
Opeathostoma pseudodon................................................71
Phos sp. ....................72
Pleuroploca princeps..............72
Purpura columellaris...............73
Purpura pansa.................73
Thais (Thaisella) kiosquiformis..............74
Thais triangularis.........................................................74
Morfo / Morpho 1...................................74
Morfo / Morpho 2...................................75

Babosas marinas / Sea slugs

Elysia diomedea..............76
Familia / Family Aeolidiidae....................76
Glaucus atlanticus...............77
Hypselodoris agassizii............77
Phidiana lascrucensis.........78
Dolabrifera dolabrifera.....78
Onchidella hildae....................79
Anoplodactylus sp. ..........80
Aniculus elegans.............81
Calcinus obscurus.......81
Cronius ruber...........82
Eryphia squamata........82
Familia / Family Porcellanidae.........83
Morfo / Morpho 1................................83
Morfo / Morpho 2................................83
Morfo / Morpho 3................................84
Morfo / Morpho 4................................84
Grapsus grapsus.........85
Menippe obtusa.......85
Mithraculus sp. ..................86
Morfo / Morpho 1.......86
Morfo / Morpho 2.......86
Morfo / Morpho 3.......87
Morfo / Morpho 4.......87
Pachygrapsus transversus.....88
Paguristes sp. ..............88
Panopeus sp. ...............89
Panulirus penicillatus...89
Petrolisthes donadio...........90
Pilumnus sp. .............90
Morfo / Morpho 1.........90
Morfo / Morpho 2.........91
Morfo / Morpho 3.........91
Morfo / Morpho 4 (megalopa) ................................92
Morfo / Morpho 5 (juvenil)............................................................92
Morfo / Morpho 6..........................................................................93
Morfo / Morpho 7.........93
Morfo / Morpho 8.........94
Stenorhynchus debilis.....94
Synalpheus sp. ...........................95
Teleophrys sp. .................95
Uca (Leptuca) panamensis............96
Uca (Minuca) vocator..........96
Uca stylifera..........97
Ligia baudiniana.......97
Familia / Family Anthuridae.............98

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Morfo / Morpho 1.......98

Morfo / Morpho 2.......98
Morfo / Morpho 3......................................................................................99
Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea....................100
Morfo / Morpho 1.......................100
Morfo / Morpho 2.......................100
Morfo / Morpho 3.......................101
Morfo / Morpho 4.......................101
Morfo / Morpho 5.......................102
Morfo / Morpho 6.......................102
Morfo / Morpho 7.......................103
Vertebrados / Vertebrates.....................104
Peces / Fish
Gymnothorax dovii...................104
Myripristis leiognathus.............104
Acanthemblemaria stephensi..........105
Apogon atradorsatus................105
Axoclinus rubinoffi.............106
Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus...........106
Cirrhitus rivulatus..............107
Dermatolepis dermatolepis (juvenil)...........107
Dermatolepis dermatolepis..........108
Epinephelus labriformis...................................................108
Holacanthus passer (juvenil)......................109
Holacanthus passer.....................109
Johnrandallia nigrirostris............................110
Labrisomus dendriticus............110
Lepidonectes bimaculata.........111
Microspathodon bairdii (juvenil).....................111
Ophioblennius steindachneri.......112
Opistognathus panamensis................112
Prionurus laticlavius..........113
Stegastes arcifrons........................................113
Stegastes beebei..................114
Thalassoma lucasanum ..............114
Scorpaena mystes................115
Arothron meleagris (fase negra)....................115
Arothron meleagris (fase amarilla - juvenil)..............116
Canthigaster punctatissima........................116
Diodon holacanthus.........................117
Balistes polylepis.............................117
DIAGRAMA TAXONMICO DE Organismos Ssiles / TAXONOMIC SCHEME FOR Sessile Organisms..........118
DIAGRAMA TAXONMICO DE Organismos Mviles / TAXONOMIC SCHEME FOR Mobile Organisms...119
Agradecimientos / Acknowledgements....................124
Bibliografa / Bibliography

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific



El Litoral Rocoso posee alto potencial econmico para Colombia dado que, el valor bioprospectivo de sus componentes es muy elevado y las especies poseen alto insumo biotecnolgico (163). Por ejemplo, los octocorales, son
fuente de compuestos bioactivos, con propiedades anti-inflamatorias y analgsicas (163). Las anmonas poseen
neurotoxinas, utilizadas en el tratamiento de enfermedades como la esquizofrenia, epilepsia, Alzheimer y Parkinson (164). Adems, de productos farmacolgicos; otros biocompuestos se utilizan en la produccin de fibras, cosmticos, alimentos y accesorios. Este potencial es desafortunadamente subvalorado, en parte a raz de la escasa
investigacin que se realiza en torno a este ecosistema (1). El litoral rocoso proporciona bienes y servicios, dentro
de los que se destacan alimento (recurso pesquero), fibras, materiales para la construccin, frmacos, recursos
genticos y de ornamento (servicios de aprovisionamiento), como tambin una variedad de servicios de soporte,
hbitat y microhbitats para el establecimiento de la biodiversidad, productividad primaria, reciclado de nutrientes,
gases invernadero, esenciales para preservar la vida (2) y otros servicios como la proteccin de la costa contra la
erosin marina, su valor paisajstico y el atractivo turstico del litoral (1).

The rocky shore has huge economic potential for Colombia given the high bioprospecting value of its
components (163). Species have high biotechnological input (163). For example, octocorals are a source of bioactive
compounds with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (163). Anemones have neurotoxins used in
the treatment of diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimers and Parkinson (164). Additionally to
pharmacological products, other biocomposites are used in the production of fibers, cosmetics, food and
accessories. This potential is undervalued partly because of the limited research conducted about this
ecosystem (1). The rocky shore is a source of goods and services, particularly food (fishery resources), fibers,
construction materials, pharmaceuticals, genetic resources and ornamentals (procurement services), as
well as a variety of support services such as habitats and microhabitats for the establishment of biodiversity, primary productivity, nutrient recycling, and greenhouse gases, which are all essential to sustain life
. Additionally, this system offers other services such as the protection against marine erosion, added
landscape value and an increase in the shores draw as a tourist attraction (4).

El estudio del Litoral Rocoso ha sido un gran desafo cientfico, por su amplia extensin y poca accesibilidad. Para
el territorio colombiano la extensin del litoral rocoso se ha calculado aproximadamente en 1095 km, tanto en la
lnea costera discontinua como en el sistema insular, de los cuales 636 Km (58%) pertenecen al Pacfico colombiano (4). An as, los estudios de estructura, que implican en primera instancia conocer la composicin de especies, son escasos. Pese a la gran rea ocupada por este ecosistema estratgico en Colombia, se evidencia poco
conocimiento en relacin con la lnea base (identificacin taxonmica), la cual se observa al revisar el nmero de
publicaciones desarrolladas alrededor de los litorales rocosos en Colombia, principalmente para el Pacfico, donde
entre los aos 1949 y 2010 solo existen 141 publicaciones referidas a 12 temticas puntuales, dentro de las cuales
slo se observan 49 referencias en estudios de taxonoma y sistemtica, representando solo el 34,7% de la investigacin desarrollada en 61 aos (1). Estos datos reflejan la falta de taxnomos para muchos grupos y el abandono
de estudios en taxonoma.
Implementar estrategia de monitoreo en los ecosistemas
marinos estratgicos, con el nimo de entender su estado
y dinmica, y establecer las medidas de conservacin y
de aprovechamiento de sus recursos, en una forma biolgicamente sustentable es tambin una prioridad para
el pas. Por ello, dentro del Plan estratgico 2007-2019,
el Sistema de Parques Naturales Nacionales (SPNN)
en Colombia, sugiri la implementacin de un sistema
nacional de monitoreo que operara en todas las reas
del SPNN, el cual debi cumplirse en un 100% al ao
2010, objetivo no cumplido a la fecha (5). Para cumplir
este objetivo, se requiere conocer los elementos biticos
que componen el ecosistema, es decir una adecuada
identificacin taxonmica, siendo esto la clave para un
monitoreo efectivo, para impulsar la investigacin y para
cualquier planteamiento de conservacin.

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Actualmente no existen documentos que hayan compilado la informacin taxonmica de organismos ssiles y
mviles asociados al Litoral Rocoso en el Pacfico colombiano. Esta gua es un primer paso para subsanar este
problema y pretende que estudiantes, investigadores y tomadores de decisiones en conservacin hagan uso de
ella, no solo para entender la estructura de las comunidades, sino para mantener su biodiversidad.
El material fotogrfico base para la construccin de esta gua fue tomado en gran medida en el Santuario de Fauna
y Flora Isla Malpelo, rea con mnimo impacto antropognico, que presenta ecosistemas como el litoral rocoso en
buen estado de conservacin. Este lugar y material es nico en el Pacfico Este Tropical, permitiendo comparar
su fauna (control) con reas sujetas a diferentes niveles de alteracin humana (ej. contaminacin), tales como los
incluidos en esta gua: Buenaventura (Pianguita), Baha Mlaga (Isla Palma), PNN Isla Gorgona (La Ventana),
Cabo Corrientes.

Extension and poor accessibility make scientific research in the rocky shore a major challenge. In Colombia, the extension of the rocky coastline has been estimated at 1095 km, for both the interrupted coastline
and the insular system, of which 636 km (58%) are part of the Colombian Pacific (4); even so, structure
studies mainly concerning its composition (taxonomic identification) are scarce. Despite the far-reaching
extension of this ecosystem in Colombia, a review of existing publications on the Colombian rocky shoreline elucidates the limited understanding of this strategic ecosystems baseline (taxonomic composition),
especially in the Pacific. Between the years of 1949 and 2010 only 141 publications were produced
regarding 12 specific topics; only 49 references were made to taxonomic or systematics studies, representing only 34.7% of the research conducted in 61 years (1). This data reflects the lack of taxonomists for
many groups and the neglect given to taxonomic studies.
Implementation of monitoring systems in strategic
marine ecosystems, to understand their state and
dynamics, and to establish biologically sustainable measures for the conservation and use of its
resources, is a national priority. Therefore, the implementation of a national monitoring system was
projected within the Colombian National Parks Systems (SPNN) 2007-2019 Strategic Plan, to operate
in all areas of the SPNN. This plan was to be fully
implemented by 2010, but to date; it has not been
completed (5). To successfully fulfill this objective, it is
essential to recognize the biotic elements that make
up the ecosystem; that is to say, correct taxonomic
identification is the key to effective monitoring, to further promote research and the creation of any conservation program.

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

To date, no document has compiled the taxonomic information of sessile and mobile organisms associated with the rocky shore; this guide is the first step towards rectifying this. The purpose of this guide is to
be used by students, researchers and conservation decision makers, not only to understand the structure
of the rocky shore communities, but also to preserve their biodiversity.
The photographic images included in this guide were in their majority obtained at the Malpelo Island
Fauna and Flora Sanctuary. This is an area with minimal human influence, presenting thriving ecosystems such as the rocky shore that are preserved in good condition. This material and location are unique
in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. The condition of its fauna allows it to be used as a control in comparison
to other areas also included in this guide such as: Buenaventura (Pianguita), Baha Mlaga (Isla Palma), PNN
Isla Gorgona (La Ventana), Cabo Corrientes, all of them exposed to different levels of anthropogenic impact
(e.g. pollution).

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific



Qu es el Litoral Rocoso?
El litoral rocoso (LR) se define como unidades ecolgicas ubicadas en la transicin entre el mar y la tierra, constituidas por comunidades
biolgicas desarrolladas sobre sustratos rocosos, presentando periodos de exposicin e inmersin producidos por los cambios de marea,
causados por factores climtico-oceanogrficos (eventos de El Nio y La Nia), geolgicos y planetarios (4). Es la transicin de ecosistemas marinos a sistemas totalmente terrestres (259), oscilando entre la franja superior del supralitoral y la franja inferior del infralitoral. En
este tipo de ecosistema, plantas y otros organismos ssiles compiten por el acceso a recursos y espacio (259). Es considerado un sistema
indicador del efecto antrpico (1) as como de cambios naturales, reflejados en la estructura y funcin de sus comunidades y poblaciones,
tanto de organismos ssiles como mviles.

What is the rocky coast?

The rocky coast (LR) is defined as ecological units existing in the transition area between land and sea. These units consist of biological
communities established on rocky substrates, subjected to periods of exposure and immersion produced by tidal changes caused by climate/
oceanographic (El Nio and La Nia events), geological, and planetary factors (4). Extending from the upper strip of the supralittoral to
the lower fringe of the infralittoral zone, it is the transition from marine ecosystems to completely terrestrial systems (259). Within this type of
ecosystem, plants and other sessile organisms compete for access to resources and space (259). This system is considered an indicator of
anthropogenic impact (1) as well as natural changes, indicated in the structure and function of both sessile and mobile organism communities
and populations.

Los litorales rocosos sirven como lmite entre la tierra y el mar; y estn caracterizados por sustratos duros de origen gneo o sedimentario.
Estas costas estn sometidas a procesos erosivos tectnicos y geolgicos, as como su exposicin al oleaje. Los litorales rocosos varan
de acuerdo a los diferentes tipos de roca, las configuraciones estructurales y su grado de exposicin al oleaje; algunos son escarpados y
suaves, irregulares y regulares, estables e inestables (261,262,263). Como resultado, los sustratos duros pueden tener de muchas formas, entre
las cuales se pueden incluir plataformas, acantilados, bloques y cantos rodados.

Rocky shores serve as the boundary between land and sea, and are characterized by a hard substrate of igneous or sedimentary origin.
These coasts are subject to tectonic/geological erosion processes, as well as their exposure to waves. Rocky shores vary according to different rock types, structural configurations and their degree of exposure to waves; some are steep and smooth, irregular and regular, stable and
unstable (261,262,263). As a result, the hard substrate can have many forms, which may include platforms, cliffs, blocks and boulders.

Este es un importante hbitat en las costas pacficas colombianas; est constituido por rocas antiguas de origen volcnico y sedimentario,
de los periodos Secundario o Terciario. En su mayora, las rocas volcnicas forman la costa norte as como las costas de las islas Gorgona
y Malpelo; mientras que rocas sedimentarias formadas durante el periodo Terciario por procesos tectnicos y plegamientos durante miles
de aos se encuentran en Baha Mlaga, el istmo de Pichid, el golfo de Tortugas y la Isla del Gallo en Tumaco (264).
Zonificacin del Litoral Rocoso
En este ecosistema se pueden identificar claramente zonas y
franjas. Una zona denominada supralitoral, la cual corresponde al
rea de transicin entre el mar y la tierra. Esta zona generalmente
permanece expuesta al aire, excepto en presencia de tormentas,
recibiendo gran humedad por la aspersin del oleaje. En su parte
superior limita con la aparicin de vegetacin o sistemas terrestres
y en la parte inferior con la siguiente zona o franja, que coincide con
el nivel de ms alta marea anual, caracterizndose por una tonalidad oscura dada por la presencia de lquenes. La zona intermedia
denominada mesolitoral se encuentra entre la ms alta (pleamar)
y ms baja marea (bajamar), producindose en ella inmersiones y
emersiones continuas (por ejemplo en el caso del Pacfico Colombiano
el mesolitoral puede variar hasta 5m su amplitud). Se caracteriza
el mesolitoral por tonalidades rojizas dadas por algas pardas y rojas
que proliferan en dicha zona. La ltima zona denominada infralitoral
inicia en el nivel de ms baja marea, presentando poblaciones que
se encuentran sumergidas continuamente(1, 259), caracterizndose
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)
por una tonalidad caf a rojiza, dada para el caso del Santuario de
Flora y Fauna Isla Malpelo, por la presencia del alga Lobophora
variegata as como algas rojas coralinaceas. Esta zona puede limitar con otros ecosistemas, como fondo arenoso o lodoso, praderas de fanergamas o arrecifes.
El supralitoral inicia con la franja superior (franja del supralitoral), caracterizada por la presencia de gasterpodos (caracoles y lapas) y lquenes
que tienden a generar una tonalidad negra que en algunos casos puede variar a verdosa por la presencia de cianobacterias, culminando en la franja inferior del supralitoral o franja superior del mesolitoral (259). La franja superior del mesolitoral se ve sometida a dos
inmersiones diarias, caracterizndose en el caso de la Isla Malpelo por una tonalidad amarillenta dada por la presencia de cirripedios, as
como moluscos y algas foliadas (259). La franja inferior del mesolitoral o franja superior del infralitoral, se compone de algas macrfitas
foliadas, las cuales se mantienen sumergidas, excepto en pocas de ms baja marea (bajamares) donde tienden a estar expuestas (259).
La franja inferior del infralitoral puede presentar cambio abrupto en el tipo de sustrato o en la inclinacin del perfil, aumentando una vez que
finaliza esta franja.
Factores biticos y abiticos reguladores de la composicin de organismos
A nivel bitico, los principales factores que regulan la estructura del ecosistema y composicin estn representados en interacciones
de depredacin, competencia interespecfica e intraespecfica y mutualismo entre otras (1,4). A nivel de factores abiticos pueden recalcarse
los periodos de desecacin por exposicin al aire, generando estrs en los organismos, cambios en la salinidad, la cual genera estrs osmtico, variacin de temperatura del aire y de la masa del agua, radiacin solar, la cual influye principalmente en procesos de fotosntesis en
plantas y organismos que poseen algas simbiontes, fluctuacin en la concentracin de gases como oxgeno y dixido de carbono, impacto
del oleaje y corriente de marea, atraccin gravitatoria de la luna y del sol sobre los cuerpos de agua, resultando en mareas que varan de
centmetros a varios metros (259, 260). Concentraciones de nutrientes disueltos en el agua tales como nitrgeno, fsforo y silicio que determinan la permanencia de la comunidad algal (12). La humedad relativa y precipitacin de las zonas del supralitoral y del mesolitoral causan
estrs en las comunidades all presentes (259). La geomorfologa, topografa y batimetra son determinantes del tipo de organismos que se
desarrollan en el litoral (259).
Adaptaciones de Organismos mviles y ssiles del Litoral Rocoso
Entorno al Litoral Rocoso convergen gran nmero de especies con adaptaciones fisiolgicas, morfolgicas y comportamentales nicas,
representadas en sistemas de fijacin bien desarrollados y estructuras corporales flexibles o calcreas(4). Presentan de igual forma sistemas adaptados para intercambio de gases bajo el agua y directamente con el aire a travs de estructuras especializadas (259).

This is an important habitat in the Colombian Pacific coast; ancient stones of volcanic and sedimentary origin, from the Secondary or Tertiary
period forms it. For the most part, volcanic rock shapes the northern coast as well as the coasts of Gorgona and Malpelo islands; while sedimentary rocks formed during the Tertiary period by tectonic processes and foldings over thousands of years are found in Baha Mlaga, the
Isthmus of Pichid, the Gulf of Tortugas and the Island of Gallo in Tumaco (264).

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Rocky Coast Zonation

Zones and fringes can be clearly identified in this ecosystem. One
of these zones is the supralittoral in the transition area between the
sea and land. This zone typically remains exposed to air, except in
storm conditions, normally receiving abundant moisture from wave
spray. Its upper limits abuts vegetation or terrestrial systems, the bottom with the next zone or fringe, which coincides with the level of
the highest annual tide, and is characterized by a dark hue caused
by the presence of lichens. The intermediate zone or mesolittoral is
between the highest (flood tide) and lowest tide (lowest low tide),
resulting in incessant immersions and emersions (e.g. in the case
of the Colombian Pacific the amplitude of the mesolittoral can vary
by 5m). This zone is characterized by reddish tonalities produced by
the brown and red algae that thrive in this area. The last zone is
the infralittoral, which begins at the lowest tide line, and harbors
populations that are continuously submerged (1, 259), the presence of
the Lobophora variegata algae and encrusting red algae in the
Malpelo Island Fauna and Flora Sanctuary gives this area a reddishbrown color. This zone can abut with other ecosystems such as
sandy or muddy bottom, sea grass beds or coral reefs.

The supralittoral begins at the upper fringe (supralittoral fringe); it is characterized by the presence of gastropods (snails and limpets) and
lichens that generate a black hue, which in some cases becomes greenish due to the presence of cyanobacteria, and ends at the lower
supralittoral fringe and upper mesolittoral fringe (259). The upper mesolittoral fringe is subjected to two emersions per day, and in the case of
Malpelo Island presents a yellowish hue caused by barnacles as well as mollusks and foliated algae (259). The lower fringe of the mesolittoral
or upper fringe of the infralittoral is composed of foliated macrophytic algae, which remain submerged, except in times of the lowest tide (lowest low tide) when they tend to be exposed (259). The lower fringe of the infralittoral may present an abrupt change in substrate type or profile
inclination at the end of the fringe.
Biotic and abiotic factors regulating the composition of organisms
At a biotic level, the main factors controlling ecosystem structure and composition are represented in interactions of predation, interspecific
and intraspecific competition and mutualism among others (1,4). Abiotic factors such as periods of desiccation caused by the exposure to air,
which create stress on organisms, changes in salinity, generating osmotic stress, variations in air temperature and water mass, solar radiation, which mainly influences photosynthesis in plants and organisms with algal symbionts, fluctuations in gas concentration such as
oxygen and carbon dioxide, wave impact and tidal current, the moon and suns gravitational pull on bodies of water, resulting in tides that vary from centimeters to several meters (259, 260). Concentrations of dissolved nutrients in the water such as nitrogen,
phosphorus and silice that determine the permanence of the algal community (12). Relative humidity and precipitation in the supralittoral and
mesolittoral stress the communities present in these zones (259). Geomorphology, topography and bathymetry determine the type of organisms that abound on the coast (259).
Adaptations of mobile and sessile organisms of the rocky coast
A great number of species converge around the rocky coast, many presenting unique physiological, morphological and behavioral adaptations, such as well-developed attachment systems and flexible or calcareous body structures (4). Similarly, they present systems adapted
for the exchange of gases both underwater and in air directly, via specialized structures (259).
These adaptations of mobile and sessile organisms respond to the physical-chemical and biological factors of the habitat and are reflected in
their strategies and features to survive, reproduce and disperse (260), enabling us to find biologically productive and dynamic communities (1,4).

Las adaptaciones de organismos mviles y ssiles responden a los factores fsico-qumicos y biolgicos del hbitat y se reflejan en sus
estrategias y caractersticas para sobrevivir, reproducirse y dispersarse (260), dndonos la posibilidad de contemplar comunidades biolgicamente productivas y dinmicas (1,4).



Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific



Esta gua fotogrfica de identificacin taxonmica presenta 11 Phylum representados los reinos Plantae: Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta; y Animalia:
Porfera, Cnidaria, Ectoprocta, Echinodermata, Chordata, Mollusca, Annelida y Arthropoda. Se encuentra dividida en dos secciones principales, organismos
Ssiles y Mviles. La primer seccin se subdivide en productores primarios y secundarios (filtradores); la segunda seccin se subdivide entre invertebrados
y vertebrados. En cada una de las lminas de identificacin de organismos puede encontrarse informacin general como se ilustra en el siguiente esquema:

This photographic taxonomic identification guide includes 11 Phylum: Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta in the plant kingdom, and Porifera, Cnidaria,
Ectoprocta, Echinodermata, Chordata, Mollusca, Annelida and Arthropoda in the animal kingdom. It is divided into two main sections: sessile and mobile
organisms. The first section is subdivided into primary and secondary producers (filter feeders); and the second section is subdivided into invertebrates and
vertebrates. General information on each organism identification sheet will be displayed in the manner illustrated below:

Nivel taxonmico

Taxonomic level

Referencias Bibliogrficas

Cdigo de lugar (subndice)

Clasificacin taxonmica

Descriptor original


Ao de descripcin original

Detalles del organismo

Vista general

Informacin gua,
secciones o grupos

Datos de colecta

Location code (subscript)


Taxonomic classification

Original descriptor

Year of first description


Detailed view

Overall view

Collection data

Guide information,
sections or groups

Autora fotogrfica

Photographic credit


Cdigo Lugar
de Colecta







Site Code











Al final de la gua encontrar los diagramas taxonmicos de los organismos ssiles y mviles identificados en el Pacfico colombiano; adems, un mapa de
los sitios de donde proviene el material fotogrfico (con los respectivos cdigos). Al final aparecern los agradecimientos a los colaboradores de la gua y
un listado con las referencias bibliogrficas utilizadas.

At the end of the guide there is a taxonomic scheme for the mobile and sessile organisms identified in the Colombian Pacific, as well as a map indicating the
sites where the photographic material was collected (along with their codes). At the end, acknowledgements are issued to contributors to this guide and a
list of the references used is provided.



Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores Primarios Primary producers / ALGAS - ALGAE

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

Dyctiota adnata Zanardini, 1878 10,11,12

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Amphiroa sp. Lamouroux, 1812 10,11,15,16,17

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Chromista / Filum Phylum: Heterokontophyta / Clase Class: Phaeophycea /

Orden Order: Dictyotales / Familia Family: Dictyotaceae

Reino Kingdom: Chromista / Filum Phylum: Rhodophyta / Clase Class: Florideophyceae /

Orden Order: Corallinales / Familia Family: Corallinaceae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Lobophora variegata Oliveira, 1977 10,11,13,14

Bostrychia radicans Montagne, 1842 11,13,18,19

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Chromista / Filum Phylum: Ochrophyta / Clase Class: Phaeophycea /

Orden Order: Dictyotales / Familia Family: Dictyotaceae

Reino Kingdom: Plantae / Filum Phylum: Rhodophyta / Clase Class: Florideophyceae /

Orden Order: Ceramiales / Familia Family: Rhodomelaceae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Lugar: Pianguita Profundidad: 0 m


Place: Pianguita Depth: 0 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores Primarios Primary producers / ALGAS - ALGAE

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores Primarios Primary producers / ALGAS - ALGAE

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Gelidium sp. Lamouroux, 1813 10,11,20,21,22

Bryopsis sp. Lamouroux, 1809 10,26,27,28

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Plantae / Filum Phylum: Rhodophyta / Clase Class: Florideophyceae /

Orden Order: Gelidiales / Familia Family: Gelidiaceae

Reino Kingdom: Plantae / Filum Phylum: Chlorophyta / Clase Class: Bryopsidophyceae /

Orden Order: Bryopsidales / Familia Family: Bryopsidaceae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Boodleopsis verticillata Dawson, 1960 23,24,25

Cladophora albida Kutzing, 1843 10,11,13,18,29,30,31,32

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Plantae / Filum Phylum: Chlorophyta / Clase Class: Bryopsidophyceae /

Orden Order: Bryopsidales / Familia Family: Udoteaceae

Reino Kingdom: Plantae / Filum Phylum: Chlorophyta / Clase Class: Siphonocladophyceae /

Orden Order: Cladophorales / Familia Family: Cladophoraceae

Lugar: Pianguita Profundidad: 0 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0 m

Place: Pianguita Depth: 0 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores Primarios Primary producers / ALGAS - ALGAE

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / PORIFERA

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

Amorphinopsis sp. Carter, 1887 33,34,35,36,37,38,39

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Carteriospongia sp. Hyatt, 1877 43,44,45

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Halichondrida / Familia Family: Halicrondriidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Dictyoceratida / Familia Family: Thorectidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0 m

Lugar: Baha Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0 m

Aplysina sp.

Nardo, 1834

Place: SFF Baha Mlaga Depth: 10 m


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Haliclona sp. Grant, 1836 35,46,47

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Verongida / Familia Family: Aplysinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Haplosclerida / Familia Family: Chalinidae

Lugar: Mlaga Profundidad: 2-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 2-5 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / PORIFERA

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / PORIFERA

Haliclona sp. Grant, 1836 35,46,47

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Prosuberites aff. laughlini

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Diaz et al, 1987

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Haplosclerida / Familia Family: Chalinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Hadromerida / Familia Family: Suberitidae

Lugar: Mlaga Profundidad: 2-5 m Place: Mlaga Depth: 2-5 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Placospongia carinata Bowerbank, 1858 48,49,50

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Suberea azteca Gmez & Bakus, 1992 53,54

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Hadromerida / Familia Family: Placospongiidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Porifera / Clase Class: Demospongiae /

Orden Order: Verongida / Familia Family: Aplysinellidae

Lugar: Mlaga Profundidad: 2-5 m Place: Mlaga Depth: 2-5 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / PORIFERA

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Hidroides Hydroids

Macrorhynchia philippina Kirchenpauer, 1872 55,56

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Distichopora robusta Lindner, Cairs & Guzman, 2004 57,58,59

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Hydrozoa /

Orden Order: Leptothecata / Familia Family: Aglaopheniidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Hydrozoa /

Orden Order: Stylasterina / Familia Family: Stylasteridae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 40 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 40 m

Carijoa riisei Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860 60,61

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Alcyonacea / Familia Family: Clavulariidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)


Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Hidrocoral - Corales Suaves / Hydrocoral Soft Corals

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Corales Suaves Soft Corals

Leptogorgia alba uchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 62

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Gardineroseris planulata Dana, 1846 64,65,66

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Alcyonacea / Familia Family: Gorgoniidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Agariciidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-30 m

Pacifigorgia cairnsi Breedy & Guzman, 2003 63

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-30 m

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Pavona gigantea Verrill, 1869 67

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Alcyonacea / Familia Family: Gorgoniidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria/ Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Agariciidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-30 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-30 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Corales Duros Hard Corals

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Corales Duros Hard Corals

Pavona varians Verrill, 1864 64,68

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Pocillopora eydouxi Milne Edwards & Haime, 1860 70,71

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozo /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Agariciidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Pocilloporidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 1-16 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-25 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-25 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 1-16 m

Pocillopora capitata Verril, 1864


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Porites lobata

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria/ Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia/ Familia Family: Poritidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-12 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-20 m



(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Pocilloporidae
Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-12 m

Dana, 1846


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers ((filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Corales Duros Hard Corals

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Corales Duros Hard Corals

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Porites panamensis Verrill, 1864 75

Zoanthus sp. Cuvier, 1800 77,78

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Poritidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Zoanthidea / Familia Family: Zoanthidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Tubastrea coccinea

Lesson, 1829 76

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Melina Rodrguez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Melina Rodrguez)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Cnidaria / Clase Class: Anthozoa /

Orden Order: Scleractinia / Familia Family: Dendrophyllidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-20 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CNIDARIA / Zoantidios Zoanthids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / BRIOZOA - BRYOZOAN

Celleporaria sp. Lamouroux, 1821 79,80,81

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Didemnidae Giard, 1872 84,85,86

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Briozoa / Clase Class: Gymnolaemata /

Orden Order: Cheilostomata / Familia Family: Lepraliellidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Ascidiacea /

Orden Order: Aplousobranchia/ Familia Family: Didemnidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Familia / Family Lichenoporidae Smitt, 1867 80,82,83

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Familia / Family Didemnidae Giard, 1872 84,85,86

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Briozoa / Clase Class: Stenolaemata/

Orden Order: Cyclostomata / Familia Family: Lichenoporidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Ascidiacea /

Orden Order: Aplousobranchia / Familia Family: Didemnidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / TUNICADOS - TUNICATES

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCA / Gasterpodo Gastropod

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Petaloconchus sp. Lea, 1843 87,88,89

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Limaria pacifica dOrbigny, 1846 90,92

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Littoriniporpha / Familia Family: Vermetidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Bivalvia /

Orden Order: Limoida / Familia Family: Limidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 2-5 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 2-5 m

Ostrea fisheri

Dall, 1914 90,91

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Bivalvia /

Orden Order: Ostreoida / Familia Family: Ostreidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)


Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Bivalvos Bivalve

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Bivalvos Bivalve

Pinctada mazatlanica Hanley, 1855 93,94

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Sabellariidae

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Johnston, 1865

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Bivalvia /

Orden Order: Pterioida / Familia Family: Pteriidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Annelidae / Clase Class: Polychaeta /

Orden Order: Sabellida / Familia Family: Sabellariidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 20 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m


Saccostrea palmula Carpenter, 1857 90,95

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Bivalvia /

Orden Order: Ostreoida / Familia Family: Ostreidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / POLIQUETOS POLYCHAETA

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Cirripedios Barnacles

Balanus peninsularis Pilsbry, 1916 99,100,101

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Tetraclita panamensis

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Pilsbry, 1916 104,105

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Maxillopoda /

Orden Order: Sessilia / Familia Family: Balanidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Maxillopoda /

Orden Order: Sessilia / Familia Family: Tetraclitidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 0-15 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes / SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 0- 10 m Place: Cabo Corrientes/ SFF Malpelo Depth: 0-10 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 0-15 m

Chthamalus sp.

Ranzani, 1817


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Maxillopoda /

Orden Order: Sessilia / Familia Family: Chthamalidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Lugar: Buenaventura / Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0 m Place: Buenaventura / Baha Mlaga Depth: 0 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Productores secundarios (filtradores) Secondary producers (filterfeeders) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Cirripedios Barnacles

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Asteroideos - Asteroids

Acanthaster planci

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Linnaeus, 1758 106,107,108

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Nidorellia armata

Gray, 1840

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Acanthasteridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Oreasteridae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Mithrodia bradleyi

Verrill, 1870 109

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Pentaceraster cumingii

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Melina Rodrguez)

Gray, 1840 107,112,113

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Melina Rodrguez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Melina Rodrguez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Mithrodiidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Oreasteridae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Asteroideos - Asteroids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Asteroideos - Asteroids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Pentaceraster cumingii Gray, 1840 107,112,113

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Phataria unifascialis

Gray, 1840

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Oreasteridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Ophidiasteridae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 5-15 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 2-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 2-5 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 5-15 m

Pharia pyramidata


Gray, 1840 114

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Asteroidea /

Orden Order: Valvatida / Familia Family: Ophidiasteridae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Asteroideos - Asteroids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano


Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Ofiuroideos - Ophiuroids

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Ophiactidae Matsumoto, 1915 116,117

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Ophiactidae Matsumoto, 1915 116,117

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiactidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiactidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-20 m

Familia / Family Ophiactidae

Matsumoto, 1915 116,117

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Familia / Family Ophiactidae

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiactidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiactidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-20 m



(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Matsumoto, 1915

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Ofiuroideos - Ophiuroids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Ofiuroideos - Ophiuroids

Ophiocoma aethiops

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Ltken, 1859 118,119

Ophiothela sp. Verrill, 1867 122,123,124

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiocomidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiotrichidae

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 2-5 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 2-5 m

Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867 120,121

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Ophiuroidea /

Orden Order: Ophiurida / Familia Family: Ophiotrichidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Ofiuroideos - Ophiuroids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Equinoideos - Echinoids

Eucidaris thouarsii Agassiz & Desor, 1846 125,126,127

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Centrostephanus coronatus Verrill, 1867 131,132

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Cidaroida / Familia Family: Cidaridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Diadematoida / Familia Family: Diadematidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Hesperocidaris asteriscus Clark, 1948 128,129,130

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Diadema mexicanum Agassiz, 1863 131,133

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Cidaroida / Familia Family: Cidaridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Diadematoida / Familia Family: Diadematidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 2-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 2-5 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Equinoideos - Echinoids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Equinoideos - Echinoids

Echinometra vanbrunti

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Agassiz, 1863 134,135

Tripneustes depressus

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Agassiz, 1863

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Camarodonta / Familia Family: Echinometridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Camarodonta / Familia Family: Toxopneustidae

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 2-5 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 2-5 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Toxopneustes roseus Agassiz, 1863 136,137

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Echinoidea /

Orden Order: Camarodonta / Familia Family: Toxopneustidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Equinoideos - Echinoids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Holoturoideos - Holoturids

Holothuria fuscocinerea

Jaeger, 1833 139,140,141

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Holothuria (Selenkothuria) portovallartensis Caso, 1954 144,145

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Holothuroidea /

Orden Order: Aspidochirotida / Familia Family: Holothuriidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Holothuroidea /

Orden Order: Aspidochirotida / Familia Family: Holothuriidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Holothuria hilla Lesson, 1830 142,143

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0 m

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Isostichopus fuscus Ludwig, 1875 146

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Holothuroidea /

Orden Order: Aspidochirotida / Familia Family: Holothuriidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Echinodermata / Clase Class: Holothuroidea /

Orden Order: Aspidochirotida / Familia Family: Stichopodidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / EQUINODERMOS ECHINODERMS / Holoturoideos - Holoturids

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Quitones - Chitons

Acanthochitona hirudiniformis

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Sowerby, 1832 147

Diodora inaequalis

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Sowerby, 1835

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Polyplacophora /

Orden Order: Chitonida / Familia Family: Acanthochitonidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Fissurellidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0 m Place: Baha Mlaga - Depth: 0 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m

Chiton stokesii

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Broderip & Sowerby, 1832 148

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Diodora saturnalis Carpenter, 1864 151

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Polyplacophora /

Orden Order: Chitonida / Familia Family: Chitonidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Fissurellidae

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0 m



Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Lapas - Limpets

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / IInvertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Lapas - Limpets

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Fissurella microtrema Sowerby, 1835 149,152


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Scurria mesoleuca

Menke, 1851 154

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Fissurellidae Gastropoda /
Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Fissurellidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Lotiidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m

Lugar: Buenaventura, Baha Mlaga, Cabo Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Buenaventura, Baha Mlaga, Cabo Depth: 0-5 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Fissurella virescens

Sowerby, 1835 149,153

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Siphonaria gigas Sowerby, 1825 155

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Fissurellidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Siphonariidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-5 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m


Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-5 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Lapas - Limpets

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Lapas - Limpets

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Siphonaria maura Sowerby, 1835 149,156

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Nerita funiculata Menke, 1851 149,157

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Siphonariidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Neritidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m

Lugar: Isla Palma Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Place: Palma Island Depth: 0-3 m

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)


Nerita scabricosta Lamarck, 1822 149

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Neritidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)


Lugar: La Ventana, Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: La Ventana, Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Tegula pellisserpentis Wood, 1828 158,159

Cerithium adustum Kiener, 1841 149,161

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Turbinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Cerithiidae

Lugar: La ventana (Charcos Intermareales) Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: La Ventana (Intertidal pools) Depth: 0-3 m


Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Tegula panamensis Philippi, 1849 149,160

Cypraea robertsi

Hidalgo, 1906


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Archaeogastropoda / Familia Family: Turbinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Cypraeidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Littoraria varia Sowerby, 1832 163,164,165

Macrocypraea cervinetta Kiener, 1843 149,168

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Littorinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Cypraeidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Littorina zebra Donovan, 1825 166,167

Nodilittorina aspera Philippi, 1846 166,169

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Littorinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Littorinidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga (estuarios) Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m


Place: Baha Mlaga (estuaries) Depth: 0-3 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Littoraria varia Sowerby, 1832 163,164,165

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Simnia sp. Risso, 1826 172, 173, 174, 175

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Littorinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Ovulidae

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m

Pranaxis Planicostatus Sowerby, 1825 149, 171

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Simnia sp. Risso, 1826 172, 173, 174, 175

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Planaxidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Ovulidae

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m

gar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 15 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Simnia sp Risso, 1826 172,173,174,175

Zonaria arabicula Lamarck, 1810 172,178

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: J. Armando Snchez)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Ovulidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Cypraeidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Trivia pacifica Sowerby, 1832 172,176,177

Acanthais brevidentata Wood, 1828 179

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Mesogastropoda / Familia Family: Triviidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Isla Palma Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m


Place: Palma Island Depth: 0-3 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Cantharus ringens Reeve, 1846 180

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Columbella major Sowerby, 1832 182

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Buccinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Columbellidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Chicoreus regius

Swainson, 1821

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Conus brunneus Wood, 1828 183

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Conidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-10 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-10 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Engina maura Sowerby, 1832 184

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Mobile and Sessile organisms


Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Hexaplex (Muricanthus) princeps Broderip, 1833 186

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Buccinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-10 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Engina pulchra Reeve, 1846 185

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Hexaplex radix Gmelin, 1791 187

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Buccinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-10 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 5-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-10 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Leucozonia cerata

Wood, 1828

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Nucella (Thais) melones Duclos, 1832 190

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Fasciolariidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Neorapana muricata

Broderip, 1832 189

Opeathostoma pseudodon Burrow, 1815 191

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Fasciolariidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m


Place: Cabo Corrienets Depth: 0-3 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Phos sp. Montfort, 1810 192

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Purpura columellaris Lamarck, 1816 194

6.7 mm

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Buccinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-10 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-10 m

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m

Place: Cabo Corrienets Depth: 0-3 m

Pleuroploca princeps Sowerby, 1825 193

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

Purpura pansa Gould, 1853 195

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Fasciolariidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: La Ventana Profundidad: 0-3 m


Place: La Ventana Depth: 0-3 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Thais (Thaisella) kiosquiformis Duclos, 1832 196

Thais triangularis Blainville, 1832 197

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Thais triangularis Blainville, 1832 197

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Neogastropoda / Familia Family: Muricidae
Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 0-5 m

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 0-5 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Gasterpodos - Gastropods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Babosas marinas Sea slugs

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Elysia diomedea Bergh, 1894 198

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Glaucus atlanticus Forster, 1777 200

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Sacoglossa / Familia Family: Plakobranchidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Nudibranchia / Familia Family: Glaucidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5 m

Familia / Family Aeolidiidae

Gray, 1827 199

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5 m

Hypselodoris agassizii Bergh, 1894 201

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Nudibranchia/ Familia Family: Aeolidiidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Nudibranchia / Familia Family: Chromodorididae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 7 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 7 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Babosas marinas Sea slugs

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Babosas marinas Sea slugs

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Phidiana lascrucensis Bertsch & Ferreira, 1974 202

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Onchidella hildae Hoffmann, 1928 204

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Nudibranchia / Familia Family: Facelinidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Systellommatophora / Familia Family: Onchidiidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m

Dolabrifera dolabrifera

Rang, 1828


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Mollusca / Clase Class: Gastropoda /

Orden Order: Systellommatophora / Familia Family: Aplysiidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / MOLUSCOS MOLLUSCS / Babosas marinas Sea slugs

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / PICNOGNIDOS - PYCNOGONIDS

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Anoplodactylus sp. Wilson, 1878 205,206,207

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Aniculus elegans Stimpson, 1858 208

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Pycnogonida /

Orden Order: Pantopoda / Familia Family: Phoxichilidiidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Diogenidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-10 m Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-10 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Calcinus obscurus Stimpson, 1862


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Diogenidae
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)


Lugar: La Ventana (charco intermareales) Profundidad: 0-5 m


Place: La Ventana (intertidal pools) Depth: 0-5 m

ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Cronius ruber Lamarck, 1818 210

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Portunidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Porcellanidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m

Eryphia squamata Stimpson, 1860


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Familia / Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Eriphiidae
Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-5 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-5 m




(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Porcellanidae
Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 212

Grapsus grapsus Linnaeus, 1758 213,214

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Porcellanidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Grapsidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Familia / Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 212

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Porcellanidae
Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Menippe obtusa Stimpson, 1859


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Menippidae
Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m


ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Mithraculus sp. White, 1847 216

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Mithraculus sp. White, 1847 216

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Majidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Majidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Mithraculus sp. White, 1847 216

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Mithraculus sp. White, 1847

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Majidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Majidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Pachygrapsus transversus Gibbes, 1850 217

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Panopeus sp.

Edwards, 1834

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Grapsidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Panopeidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m


Paguristes sp.

Dana, 1851


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Panulirus penicillatus Olivier, 1791 220

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Diogenidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Paniluridae

Lugar: Baha
Mlaga Profundidad:
0-5 m Place:
SFF Malpelo
0-5 m
SFF Malpelo

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Petrolisthes donadio Hiller & Werding, 221

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Pilumnus sp.

Leach, 1816

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Porcellanidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Pilumnus sp. Leach, 1816 222

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Pilumnus sp. Leach, 1816


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Pilumnus sp. (megalopa) Leach, 1816 222

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Pilumnus sp. Leach, 1816 222

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Pilumnus sp. (juvenil) Leach, 1816 222

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Pilumnus sp. Leach, 1816 222

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / IInvertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Pilumnus sp. Leach, 1816 222

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Synalpheus sp. Bate, 1888 224

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Pilumnidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Alpheidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Stenorhynchus debilis Smith, 1871 223

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Teleophrys sp. Stimpson, 1860

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Inachidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Majidae

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Malpelo Profundidad: 5-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Uca (Leptuca) panamensis Stimpson, 1859 226

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Edgardo Londoo-Cruz)

Uca stylifera Edwards, 185 228

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Ocypodidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Ocypodidae

Lugar: Cabo Corrientes Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m

Place: Cabo Corrientes Depth: 0-3 m


Uca (Minuca) vocator Herbst, 1804 227

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Ligia baudiniana Edwards, 1840 229

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Jaime R. Cantera K.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Decapoda / Familia Family: Ocypodidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Isopoda / Familia Family: Scolioidea

Lugar: Pianguita Profundidad: 0-3 m

Lugar: Baha Mlaga Profundidad: 0-3 m Place: Baha Mlaga Depth: 0-3 m




ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Decapoda - Isopoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Isopoda

Familia / Family Anthuridae Leach, 1814 230, 231

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Familia / Family Anthuridae Leach, 1814 230, 231

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Isopoda / Familia Family: Anthuridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Isopoda / Familia Family: Anthuridae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Familia / Family Anthuridae Leach, 1814 230, 231

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Isopoda / Familia Family: Anthuridae
Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Luis H. Chasqui)

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Isopoda

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Anfpodos - Amphipods

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea Latreille, 1802 232,233

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea Latreille, 1802 232,233

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m


Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea Latreille, 1802 232, 233

Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea Latreille, 1802 232,233

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Anfpodos - Amphipods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

ORGANISMOS MVILES MOBILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Anfpodos - Amphipods

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea Latreille, 1802 232,233

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea Latreille, 1802 232,233

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda/ Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m


Suborden / Suborder Gammaridea

Latreille, 1802 232, 233

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Arthropoda / Clase Class: Malacostraca /

Orden Order: Amphipoda / Suborden Suborder: Gammaridea
(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m



ORGANISMOS SSILES SESSILE ORGANISMS / Invertebrados (Productores secundarios) Invertebrates (Secondary producers) / CRUSTACEOS CRUSTACEANS / Anfpodos - Amphipods

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Gymnothorax dovii Gnther, 1870 234

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Acanthemblemaria stephensi


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Rosenblatt & McCosker, 1988

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Anguilliformes / Familia Family: Muraenidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Chaenopsidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m


Myripristis leiognathus Valenciennes, 1846


Apogon atradorsatus Heller & Snodgrass, 1903 237

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Beryciformes / Familia Family: Holocentridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Suborden Suborder: Apogonidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20

10-20 m Place:
Place: SFF
SFF Malpelo
Malpelo Depth:
Depth: 15-20
10-20 m





Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Axoclinus rubinoffi Allen & Robertson, 1992 238


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Cirrhitus rivulatus Valenciennes, 1846 240

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Tripterygiidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes/ Familia Family: Cirrhitidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-25 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m


Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus Bleeker, 1855 239

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-25 m

Dermatolepis dermatolepis (juvenil) Boulenger, 1895 241

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Cirrhitidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Suborden Suborder: Serranidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 5-15 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 5-15 m


Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m



Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Dermatolepis dermatolepis Boulenger, 1895 241

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Holacanthus passer (juvenil) Valenciennes, 1846 243


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Serranidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Pomacanthidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-25 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-25 m


Epinephelus labriformis Jenyns, 1840 242

Holacanthus passer Valenciennes, 1846 243

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Serranidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Suborden Suborder: Pomacanthidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-25 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-25 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m




Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Johnrandallia nigrirostris Gill, 1862 244

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Lepidonectes bimaculata Allen & Robertson, 1992 246


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Chaetodontidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Tripterygiidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m


Labrisomus dendriticus Reid, 1935 245

Microspathodon bairdii (juvenil)

Gill, 1862


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Labrisomidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Suborden Suborder: Pomacentridae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m




Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann, 1898 248

Prionurus laticlavius


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Samuel D. Garca S.)

Valenciennes, 1846

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Bleniidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Acanthuridae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-25 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-25 m


Opistognatus panamensis Fowler, 1944 249


Stegastes arcifrons

Heller & Snodgrass, 1903


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Opistognathidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Pomacentridae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m




Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Stegastes beebei Nichols, 1924 252

Scorpaena mystes Jordan & Starks, 1895 254


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Pomacentridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Scorpaeniformes / Familia Family: Scorpaenidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-25 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-25 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m


Thalassoma lucasanum Gill, 1862 253

Arothron meleagris (juvenil) Anonymous, 1798 255

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Miguel Ruiz)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Perciformes / Familia Family: Labridae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Tetraodontiformes / Suborden Suborder: Tetraodontidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-15 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-15 m




Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Arothron meleagris Anonymous, 1798 255

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Diodon holacanthus

Linnaeus, 1758

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Tetraodontiformes / Familia Family: Tetraodontidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Tetraodontiformes/ Familia Family: Diodontidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-25 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-25 m

Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m


Canthigaster punctatissima Gnther, 1870 256

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Balistes polylepis

Steindachner, 1876


(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

(Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Tetraodontiformes / Familia Family: Tetraodontidae

Reino Kingdom: Animalia / Filum Phylum: Chordata / Clase Class: Actinopterygii /

Orden Order: Tetraodontiformes / Suborden Suborder: Balistidae

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 10-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 10-20 m

Lugar: SFF Mapelo Profundidad: 15-20 m Place: SFF Malpelo Depth: 15-20 m





Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


(Informacin obtenida de / Information obtained from: Brusca y Brusca, 2003)


Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


(Informacin obtenida de / Information obtained from: Brusca y Brusca, 2003)


Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


(Informacin obtenida de / Information obtained from: Brusca y Brusca, 2003)


Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


(Informacin obtenida de / Information obtained from: Brusca y Brusca, 2003)


Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific








Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Sitios de Muestreo/ Sampled Sites

1. Santuario de Fauna y Flora Isla Malpelo.
2. Buenaventura.
2a. Pianguita.
3. Baha Mlaga.
3a. Isla Palma.
4. PNN Isla Gorgona.
4a. La ventana.
5. Cabo Corrientes.

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

(Informacin obtenida de / Information obtained from: Brusca y Brusca, 2003)



Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Agradecemos a Mara Claudia Daz Granados (1), por su apoyo financiero y gestin en la publicacin de esta gua; a Fundacin Malpelo y otros Ecosistemas Marinos, por su aporte econmico en las expediciones al Santuario de Fauna y Flora
Isla Malpelo; a Sandra Bessudo (2), Germn Soler (2), Miguel A. Ruz (3), Luis H. Chasqui (4), Graham Edgar (5), Melina
Rodrguez (4) y Juan A. Snchez (6), por el material fotogrfico; a Graham Edgar (5), Hctor Guzmn (7), Melina
Rodrguez (4), Juan A. Snchez (6), Lina M. Barrios (8), Paola Flores (4), Erika Montoya (4), Nstor Campos (4), Germn
Soler (2), Juan F. Ortiz (9), Sven Zea (4,9), Adriana Bermdez (4), Franz Krapp (10), Mara F. Montoya (11), Laura Muoz E. (13) y
Giomar Borrero (4), por el apoyo en la identificacin taxonmica; a Fundacin Malpelo y Otros Ecosistemas Marinos, Efran
Rubio (12), Graham Edgar (5), Hctor Guzmn (7), Paola Flores (4), Erika Montoya (4), Vctor Cern (15), Javier Montenegro, Brigitte
Gavio (9), Sven Zea (4,9) y Javier O. Reyes, por su gran aporte a nivel de material bibliogrfico; a Concepcin Becerra (13),
Diana lvarez (13) y Jose Salvador Montaa (13), por su apoyo en reactivos, materiales, equipos e instalaciones de laboratorio;
a Graham Edgar (5) y Susan Chambers (8,14), por la revisin crtica de los textos y las fotografas; a Lina M. Barios (8), Susan
Chambers (8,14), Sven Zea (4,9) y Joan S. Porter (8), por sus comentarios al texto.

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific


INVEMAR. 2010. Informe del Estado de los Ambientes y Recursos Marinos y costeros en Colombia. No 8. Pp: 133-158.

Lara, J. et al. 2008. Los ecosistemas marinos, en Capital natural de Mxico: Conocimiento actual de la biodiversidad. Vol: 1. Pp: 135-159.

Lpez, M. & D, Rozo. 2006. Model-based geomorphology of Malpelo Island and spatial distribution of breeding seabirds. Bol. Invest. Mar. Cost. Vol: 35. Pp: 111-131.

INVEMAR. 2008. Informe del Estado de los Ambientes y Recursos Marinos y costeros en Colombia. No 8. Pp: 111-146.

Londoo, J. et al. 2007. Plan Estratgico 2007 - 2019. Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia. Pp: 66.

Bessudo, S. et al. 2005. Santuario de Fauna de Flora Malpelo. Plan de Manejo - Versin Institucional. Fundacin Malpelo y otros Ecosistemas estratgicos Pp: 45.

IDEAM. 2009. Pronstico de Pleamares y Bajamares Costa Pacfica Colombiana 2010. Sistema Mareogrfico. Pp: 110.

IDEAM. 2010. Pronstico de Pleamares y Bajamares Costa Pacfica Colombiana 2010. Sistema Mareogrfico. Pp: 105.

Ministerio de Ambiente. 2004. Declaracin de San Jos sobre el corredor marino de conservacin del Pacfico Este Tropical entre las islas Coco-Galpagos, Malpelo,
Coiba y Gorgona. Pp: 8.

10 Guiry, M.D. (2001). Macroalgae of Rhodophycota, Phaeophycota, Chlorophycota, and two genera of Xanthophycota, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register
of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 20-38.
11 Silva, C., P. Basson & R. Moe (1996). Catalogue of the Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean. Volume 79 of University of California Publications in Botany (ISBN 0-52009810-2).


12 Guiry, M.D. (2010). Dictyota adnata Zanardini. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2010). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-17.
13 Fredericq, S., T. O. Cho, S. A. Earle, C. F. Gurgel, D. M. Krayesky, L. E. Mateo-Cid, A. C. Mendoza-Gonzlez, J. N. Norris, and A. M. Surez. 2009. Seaweeds of the Gulf of

We would like to thank Mara Claudia Daz Granados (1), for the financial support and enabling the publication of this guide; to
Fundacin Malpelo and to Otros Ecosistemas Marinos, for their financial support of the expeditions to the Santuario de Fauna
y Flora Isla Malpelo; to Sandra Bessudo (2), Germn Soler (2), Miguel A. Ruz (3), Luis H. Chasqui (4), Graham Edgar (5), Melina
Rodrguez (4) and Juan A. Snchez (6), for photographic material; to Graham Edgar (5), Hctor Guzmn (7), Melina Rodrguez(4),
Juan A. Snchez (6), Lina M. Barrios (8), Paola Flores (4), Erika Montoya (4), Nstor Campos (4), Germn Soler (2), Juan F. Ortiz (9),
Sven Zea (4,9), Adriana Bermdez (4), Franz Krapp (10), Mara F. Montoya (11), Laura Muoz E. (13) and Giomar Borrero (4), for their
assistance with taxonomic identification; to Fundacin Malpelo and to Otros Ecosistemas Marinos, Efran Rubio (12), Graham
Edgar (5), Hctor Guzmn (7), Paola Flores (4), Erika Montoya (4), Vctor Cern (15), Javier Montenegro, Brigitte Gavio (9), Sven Zea (4,9)
and Javier O. Reyes, for their enormous bibliographic contribution; to Concepcin Becerra (13), Diana lvarez (13) and Jose
Salvador Montaa (13), for their support with reagents, materials, equipment and laboratory installations; to Graham Edgar (5)
and Susan Chambers (8,14), for the critical revision of texts and photography; to Lina M. Barrios (8), Susan Chambers (8,14), Sven
Zea (4,9) and Joan S. Porter (8), for their comments regarding the text.

Mexico, Pp. 187259.

14 Guiry, M.D. (2010). Lobophora variegata (J.V.Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.C.Oliveira, 1977. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2010). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on
15 Lamouroux, [J.V.F.] (1812). Extrait dun mmoire sur la classification des Polypiers corallignes non entirement pierreux. Nouveaux Bulletin des Sciences, par la Socit
Philomathique de Paris 3: 181-188.
16 Hamel, G. & Lemoine, P. (1953). Corallinaces de France et dAfrique du Nord. Archs Mus. nat. Hist. nat. Paris VII Ser. 7, 1: 15-136.
17 M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on
17 November 2011.
18 Sears, J.R. (ed.). 1998. NEAS keys to the benthic marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America from Long Island Sound to the Strait of Belle Isle. Northeast Algal
Society. 163 p.
19 Guiry, M.D. (2011). Bostrychia radicans (Montagne) Montagne, 1842. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2011). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University
of Ireland, Galway. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-17.
20 Guiry, M.D. (2011). Gelidium J.V. Lamouroux, 1813. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2011). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland,

(1) Conservacin Internacional CI

(2) Fundacin Malpelo y otros Ecosistemas Marinos
(3) PADI
(5) Universidad de Tasmania
(6) Universidad de los Andes UniAndes
(7) Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales- STRI
(8) Universidad Heriot Watt
(9) Universidad Nacional de Colombia UNAL
(10) Museo Alexander Koenig
(11) Zoolgico Estatal de Munich
(12) DIMAR
(13) Pontificia Universidad Javeriana PUJ
(14) Museo Nacional de Escocia
(15) Universidad del Valle

21 Galway. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-17. 21. Lamouroux, J.V.F.
(1813). Essai sur les genres de la famille des thalassiophytes non articules. Annales du Musum dHistoire Naturelle, Paris 20: 21-47, 115-139, 267-293, pls 7-13. 22. M.D.
22 Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 17
November 2011.
23 Fernndez-Garca, C., Riosmena-Rodrguez, R., Wysor, B, Tejada, O.L. & Cortz, J. (2011). Checklist of the Pacific marine macroalgae of Central America. Botanica Marina
54: 53-73.
24 Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 17 November
25 Guiry, M.D. (2010). Boodleopsis verticillata E.Y. Dawson, 1960. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2010). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of
Ireland, Galway. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-17.
26 Lamouroux, J.V.F. (1809). Observations sur la physiologie des algues marines, et description de cinq nouveaux genres de cette famille. Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, par
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California Publications in Botany 25: (i)-iv + 325-453, 23 figs, Plates 29-42.
28 Guiry, M.D. (2011). Bryopsis J.V. Lamouroux, 1809. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2011). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-17.
29 South, G. R. and I. Tittley. 1986. A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the North Atlantic Ocean. Huntsman Marine Laboratory. St. Andrews, New
Brunswick. 76 p.
30 Guiry, M.D. (2011). Cladophora albida (Nees) Kutzing, 1843. In: Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2011). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of
Ireland, Galway. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-17.
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32 M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on
17 November 2011.
33 Carter, H.J. 1887a. Report on the Marine Sponges, chiefly from King Island, in the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr.
John Anderson, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Museum. Journal of the Linnean Society. Zoology 21(127-128): 61-84, pls 5-7.
34 Erpenbeck, D.; Van Soest, R.W.M. 2002. Family Halichondriidae Gray, 1867. Pp. 787-816. In Hooper, J. N. A. & Van Soest, R. W. M. (ed.) Systema Porifera. A guide to the
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Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano


in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

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Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano


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219 Davie, P.; Trkay, M. (2011). Panopeus H. Milne Edwards, 1834. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=106937 on 2011-11-18

187 Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). Mollusca, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe
and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 180-213
188 WoRMS (2010). Leucozonia cerata (Wood, 1828). In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine Mollusca database. Accessed through: World Register of
Marine Species at on 2011-11-18
189 WoRMS (2010). Neorapana Cooke, 1918. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on

220 Chan, T. (2010). Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=210358 on 2011-11-18
221 Osawa, M. (2010). Petrolisthes donadio Hiller and Werding, 2007. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=431845 on 2011-11-18
222 Davie, P. (2011). Pilumnus Leach, 1816. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on

190 Houart, R.; Gofas, S. (2011). Nucella Rding, 1798. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=138199 on 2011-11-18

223 Davie, P. (2010). Stenorhynchus debilis. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on

191 WoRMS (2010). Opeatostoma pseudodon (Burrow, 1815). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=489078 on 2011-11-18

224 De Grave, S.; Trkay, M. (2010). Synalpheus Bate, 1888. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=106982 on 2011-11-18

192 Bouchet, P. (2010). Phos Montfort, 1810. In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine Mollusca database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine
Species at on 2011-11-18
193 WoRMS (2010). Pleuroploca princeps (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825). In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine Mollusca database. Accessed through: World
Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18
194 Houart, R. (2010). Purpura columellaris. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18
195 Houart, R. (2010). Purpura pansa Gould, 1853. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
on 2011-11-18

225 Davie, P. (2010). Teleophrys Stimpson, 1860. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on
226 Davie, P. (2010). Uca (Leptuca) panamensis (Stimpson, 1859). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=378357 on 2011-11-18
227 Davie, P. (2010). Uca (Minuca) vocator (Herbst, 1804). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=378384 on 2011-11-18
228 Davie, P. (2010). Uca (Uca) stylifera (H. Milne Edwards, 1852). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at

196 Bouchet, P.; Houart, R. (2011). Thais (Thaisella) kiosquiformis (Duclos, 1832). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=398743 on 2011-11-18 Houart, R. (2010). Thais (Thais) triangularis (Blainville, 1832). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http:// on 2011-11-18

php?p=taxdetails&id=378417 on 2011-11-18
229 Taiti, S.; Schotte, M. (2011). Ligia Fabricius, 1798. In: Schotte, M., Boyko, C.B, Bruce, N.L., Poore, G.C.B., Taiti, S., Wilson, G.D.F. (Eds) (2011). World Marine, Freshwater and
Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on

197 197. Houart, R. (2010). Thais (Thais) triangularis (Blainville, 1832). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=397349 on 2011-11-18

230 Brandt, A. and Poore, G.C.B. (2003). Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships.Invertebrate Systematics 17: 893-923.

198 198. Bouchet, P. (2010). Elysia diomedea (Bergh, 1894). In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine Mollusca database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18
199 199. Bouchet, P. (2011). Aeolidiidae. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18
200 200. Gofas, S. (2011). Glaucus atlanticus Forster, 1777. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=140022 on 2011-11-18

231 Poore, G.; Schotte, M. (2011). Anthuridae. In: Schotte, M., Boyko, C.B, Bruce, N.L., Poore, G.C.B., Taiti, S., Wilson, G.D.F. (Eds) (2011). World Marine, Freshwater and
Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on
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1&2, 1-866.

201 Caballer, M. (2011). Hypselodoris agassizii (Bergh, 1894). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=560431 on 2011-11-18

233 WoRMS (2011). Gammaridea. In: Lowry, J. (2010) World Amphipoda database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=1207 on 2011-11-18

202 Bouchet, P. (2011). Phidiana lascrucensis Bertsch & Ferreira, 1974. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=568236 on 2011-11-18

234 Bailly, N. (2010). Gymnothorax dovii (Gnther, 1870). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.
org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=271831 on 2011-11-18

203 Bouchet, P. (2010). Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Rang, 1828). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=224652 on 2011-11-18

235 Bailly, N. (2010). Myripristis leiognathus Valenciennes, 1846. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18

204 Bouchet, P.; Dayrat, B. (2011). Onchidella hildae (Hoffmann, 1928). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at
php?p=taxdetails&id=446600 on 2011-11-18

236 Bailly, N. (2010). Acanthemblemaria stephensi Rosenblatt & McCosker, 1988. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18

205 205. Legakis, A. (2001). Chelicerata, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliogra-


237 Bailly, N. (2010). Apogon atradorsatus Heller & Snodgrass, 1903. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.


Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Claves Taxonmicas y Listados de Especies Taxonomic Keys and Checklist on 2011-11-18
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239 Bailly, N. (2010). Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus (Bleeker, 1855). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marines-

Cohen, M. et al. 2009. Echinoderms, Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Colombian Pacific: New reports and distributional
issues. Check List 5(3). Pp: 702-711. on 2011-11-18
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php?p=taxdetails&id=279160 on 2011-11-18

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litorales del Pacifico Colombiano. Rev. Biol. Trop. Vol. 53. Pp: 195-206

241 Bailly, N. (2010). Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Boulenger, 1895). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www. on 2011-11-18
242 Bailly, N. (2010). Epinephelus labriformis (Jenyns, 1840). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespe-

Romero, M. & Acosta, A. 2010. Corales duros del Pacfico colombiano: gua Visual de identificacin. Unin Grfica Ltda. Bogot
D.C. Colombia. Pp: 411. on 2011-11-18
243 Bailly, N. (2010). Holacanthus passer Valenciennes, 1846. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespe-

Kaiser, K. & Bryce, C. 2001. The Recent Molluscan marine Fauna of Isla de Malpelo, Colombia. The Festivus. Vol: 33. Pp: 149. on 2011-11-18
244 Bailly, N. (2010). Johnrandallia nigrirostris (Gill, 1862). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.

Fischer, W. et al. 1995. Pacfico Centro-Oriental. Plantas e Inverterbrados. FAO. Vol: 1. Pp: 664.

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245 Bailly, N. (2010). Labrisomus dendriticus (Reid, 1935). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.

Fischer, W. et al. 1995. Pacfico Centro-Oriental. Vertebrados I. FAO. Vol: 2. Pp: 563.

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246 Bailly, N. (2010). Lepidonectes bimaculata Allen & Robertson, 1992. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.

Fischer, W. et al. 1995. Pacfico Centro-Oriental. Vertebrados II. FAO. Vol: 3. Pp: 624. on 2011-11-18
247 Bailly, N. (2010). Microspathodon bairdii (Gill, 1862). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.
org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=281570 on 2011-11-18

Clark, H. 1948. A Report on the Echini of the warmer Eastern Pacific, based on the collections of the Velero III. Allan Hancock
Pacific Expeditions. Vol: 8. No: 5. Pp: 225-351.

248 Bailly, N. (2010). Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann, 1898. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http:// on 2011-11-18
249 Bailly, N. (2010). Opisthognathus scops panamensis Fowler, 1944. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.

Henry, D. & Mclaughlin, P. 1986. The recent species of Megabalanus (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) with special emphasis on
Balanus tintinnabulum (linnaeus) sensu lato. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Vol: 235. Pp: 60. on 2011-11-18
250 Bailly, N. (2010). Prionurus laticlavius (Valenciennes, 1846). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18

Clark, A. & Rowe, F. 1971. Monograph of Shallow-water indo-west Pacific Echinoderms. Trustees of British Museum (Natural
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251 Bailly, N. (2010). Stegastes arcifrons (Heller & Snodgrass, 1903). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www. on 2011-11-18
252 Bailly, N. (2010). Stegastes beebei (Nichols, 1924). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.

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253 Bailly, N. (2010). Thalassoma lucasanum (Gill, 1862). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.

Sols, F. & Mata, E. 1999. Taxonoma de Equinodermos. ICMyL-UNAM. Pp: 78.

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254 Bailly, N. (2010). Scorpaena mystes Jordan & Starks, 1895. In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18

Robertson, R. & Allen, G. Shorefishes of the Tropical eastern Pacific. Version 1.0. ISBN: 9962-614-02-3. Smithsonian Tropical
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255 Bailly, N. (2010). Arothron meleagris (Anonymous, 1798). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2011-11-18
256 Bailly, N. (2010). Canthigaster punctatissima (Gnther, 1870). In: Nicolas Bailly (2010). FishBase. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.mari-

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Littler, D. & Littler, M. 2000. Caribean Reef Plants. OffShore Graphics, Inc. Ed. 1st. Pp: 543.

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php?p=taxdetails&id=276853 on 2011-11-18
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Organismos Ssiles y Mviles

Mobile and Sessile organisms

del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacfico Colombiano

in the Rocky Shore of the Colombian Pacific

Santuario de Fauna y Flora Isla Malpelo (Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Vista lateral del Santuario de fauna y Flora Isla Malpelo. A la derecha se encuentra la zona norte de la isla (Hacia el
noreste puede observarse La cara del fantasma, punto de buceo) y hacia la parte izquierda la zona sur de la misma.
En la parte central (zona Este) se puede observar el punto de buceo denominado Arrecife.
Side view of the Santuario de Fauna y Flora Isla Malpelo. To the right is the North (to the Northwest La Cara del Fantasma, diving site) and to the left the Southside of the island. In the center (East) is the diving site known as Arrecife.
Entidades Financiadoras / Funding Entities
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Telfono +57 (1) 3208320 Ext. 4082
Bogot D.C. - Colombia
Conservacin Internacional Colombia
Programa Marino
Carrera 13 No. 71-41
Telfono +57 (1) 345 2852
Bogot D.C. - Colombia
Fundacin Malpelo y Otros Ecosistemas Marinos
Carrera 7No. 32-33
Telfono +57 (1) 640 2114
Bogot D.C. - Colombia
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras
Jose Benito Vives De Andreis INVEMAR
Cerro Punta Betn, Zona Portuaria
Telefono +57 (5) 4328600 Ext: 250
FAX +57 5 4328694
Santa Marta, Magdalena - Colombia

Santuario de Fauna y Flora Isla Malpelo (Fotografa/Photograph by: Fundacin Malpelo)

Entidades Colaboradoras / Collaborating Entities

ISBN: 978-958-716-516-6


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