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Ayurvedic medicine

By : Dewi Yulia Fathonah 220110110056

Ayurvedic medicine or ayurveda is an alternative theraphy from india. Ayurvedic medicine was
develove from thousands years ago. The term Ayurveda combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life)
and veda (science or knowledge). The primary focus of ayurvedic medicine is to promote good health,
rather than fight disease, but this treatments may be recomended for specific health problems.
Ayuverdic medicine promote the use herbal compounds, special diets and other unique health
practice. Indias government and other countries in the worlds support clinical and laboratory
ayurvedic medicine research, but within context eastern belief system, while the western part is not
widely studied about that.
The main concept of Ayurvedic medicine is to maintain balance of phisycal, mental and spirituals
person. And ayurvedic medicine using three system or doshas including the nervous (Vata), arterial
(Kapha) and venous (Pitta). As the science of self-healing, ayurveda including diet and nutrition,
lifestyle, exercise, rest and relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, and medicinal herbs, along
with cleansing and rejuvenation programs for healing body, mind and spirit.
Ayurvedic medicine had more than 20 treatments, but the most commonly prescribed include:
Pranayama is breathing exercises, abhyanga is rubbing the skin with herbal oil to increase blood
circulation and draw toxins out of the body through the skin. rasayana is using mantras during
meditation combined with certain herbs to rejuvenate a person, yoga is combining pranayama,
movement, and meditation. Yoga has been shown to improve circulation and digestion, and to reduce
blood pressure, cholesterol levels, anxiety, and chronic pain, pancha karma is cleansing the body to
purify it and reduce cholesterol, and herbs medicines.
Do you want to try ayurvedic treatments?
Ayurvedic medicine has many benefits for health, and i want to try that treatment to maintain of
health, because ayurvedic medicine is a good treatment to prevent deseases.

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