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Answers to Bonus Test Volume 1

1 (a) Water potential = p + s

= 300 + (-600)
= -300 kPa
() Water mo!es out o" t#e $ell% su$rose solution #as a lower & more ne'ati!e water potential an(
water mo!es (own a water potential 'ra(ient
$) -600 kPa
)(a) *ole$ules wit#in t#e memrane are ale to mo!e%
mi+ture o" p#osp#olipi( an( protein &arran'ement o" protein
() ,arriers % re$eptors&anti'en&$ell markers% en-.mes
$) Allow memrane to e sele$ti!e% stop t#e loss o" water-solule&polar mole$ules "rom insi(e
t#e $ell% allows mo!ement o" lipi( solution & non-polar mole$ules
(() (/)
(ii) Water potential is more ne'ati!e & lower
3(a) A 0 $ell wall & $ellulose wall
B 0 $ell memrane & plasma memrane
, 0 1iosomes & en(oplasmi$ reti$ulum & rou'# 21
34 $#loroplast
() 2le$tron mi$ros$ope #as 'reater resolution%
uses s#orter wa!elen't#
$) 5ome'enise lea" tissues% in $ol(6 isotoni$ u""er solution% $entri"u'e% resuspen( pellet
7 (a) (i) or'ani$ $ompoun( t#at is insolule in water%
$onsists o" $aron6 #.(ro'en an( o+.'en%
esters o" "att. a$i(s an( an al$o#ol e'4 "att. a$i(s an( 'l.$erol
(ii) Transport% a$ti!it.% stru$tural
() 8l.$oprotein
$) 9ree-e : "ra$ture an( "ree-e : et$# te$#ni;ue

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