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Web-based Curriculum Project Template

Title and URL of Web-based Curriculum Project or Student Publishing

opportunity: (Example: Journey North, !journeynorth!or"#
CNN $tudent Nes http:%%edition!cnn!com%studentnes%index!html
NT!" &' you are usin" a Web-based curriculum project or student publishin"
opportunity 'or this assi"nment that is not currently in your textboo( or in the
Next$teps project, you can earn up to )* Extra Credit Points!
+re you eli"ible 'or extra credit,
-E$, & belie.e & 'ound somethin" currently in our text or Next $tep project!
No, & used a project 'rom the text or the Next $tep project!
#rade le$el and Content%Standards &rea: /or hat "rade le.els is this eb-
based project appropriate, What content%standards is bein" addressed, What are
students learnin", What standards mi"ht be addressed ith this project, (-ou can
be "eneral ith the standards! Numbers, letters, and exact ordin" not necessary at
this point! Example: 0persuasi.e ritin",1 0scienti2c method,1 0causes o'
War,1 03uadratic e3uations!1#
This eb based project%student publishin" opportunity is 'or any "rade, but & ould
recommend it 'or "rades 4-)5! The standards that the students are learnin" are
about current e.ents that are happenin" around the orld and ho they a6ect them
and others!
Summary of Classroom Learning !'periences: 7o ould you recommend this
resource be used in a classroom, When, 7o many hours a day, 7o lon",
& ould recommend that this source be used either daily as a short )* minute or so
acti.ity 'or current e.ent discussion! This could also be used 'or a project to ha.e
students choose a current e.ent topic, study and research it, and 2nd connections,
opinions, and comparisons about the e.ent!
!ngaged Learning (ndicators: Which indicators o' E8 are ould be supported by
usin" this Web-based project, (examples: Collaboration ith peers, near-peers,
mentors9 $tudent-centered learnin" and (noled"e creation9 $tudents publishin" to
others ho ill use%care about the project9 etc!# &s the project truly 0authentic,1
This site can be used 'or students to research current e.ents, and 'orm opinions! The
students can then extend their (noled"e by doin" 'urther research on the topic!
Then the students can present their 2ndin"s and share them ith an audience .ia the
ireporter! This tool allos students to post a .ideo about a current e.ent and "et
'eedbac( 'rom others! This is can be student centered and is authentic!
&cademic Rigor and )igher rder Thin*ing: &s the project academically
ri"orous, +re standards bein" addressed, &s the project promotin" hi"her order
thin(in", Where does student thin(in" 'all on :loom;s taxonomy and hy,
This is hat ma(es this project di6erent because it can be made ri"orous and "
students the opportunity to en"a"e in hi"her order thin(in" dependin" on ho the
teacher creates the assi"nment! &' you allo the students to atch the current e.ent
.ideo, do research, participate in discussions, 'orm their opinions, come up ith a
solution 'or the problem, create a ireport .ideo to share and pro.ide and "i.e
'eedbac( to their peers! +ll o' these are ays to reach hi"her le.els on :looms
Web-based Curriculum Project Template
Student +oti$ation Potential: <n a scale o' )-)* ho moti.ated%excited do you
thin( the students be to participate in this online learnin" experience, Why,
& thin( that the students ould be excited to participate in this experience because it
" them the opportunity to be in.ol.ed in somethin" current and share their
thou"hts and opinions ith the orld! The 'eedbac( that they can "i.e and recei.e is
also .aluable to them! $core: =
Technology Use," What technolo"y uses are critical to the project, 7o does this
learnin" experience model e6ecti.e use o' technolo"y, Would it inspire others to use
technolo"y, 7o else mi"ht technolo"y be used to enhance the learnin" experience,
The students ould need to use the computer, internet, di"ital .ideo recorder o'
some (ind, could use any (ind o' editin" so'tare to ma(e their .ideo more
interestin", students could also use a interacti.e board 'or presentin" or creatin"!
The technolo"y ould help the students to be more interested in sharin" their
opinion and e.en" an opinion about current e.ents!
LoTi Le$el: &' this project as implemented per your recommendations, hat ould
the 8oTi le.el be and hy,
This ould be at a >b or ? because their is an outside expert .ia CNN and the
students are en"a"ed in real orld problems ith technolo"y bein" used to share
their (noled"e and 'orm opinions, and ma(e decisions!
(mplementation: 7o recepti.e ould teachers%administrators be to usin" this
Web-based project, What objections mi"ht they ha.e, What
solutions%in'ormation%modi2cations%implementation procedures mi"ht alle.iate their
Teachers are already resepti.e to usin" this project! Teachers use it because it is a
ay to "et students to understand and care about the current e.ents happenin" in
the orld! &t also " them a chance to debate their opinion! $ome teachers mi"ht
be hesitant to use the ireport tool that CNN o6ers but that tool is so si"ni2cant to
ma(in" this source authentic! Teachers mi"ht not ant to ta(e the time to allo
students to create and share but they could allo students to ma(e their .ideo
outside o' class, share it throu"h ireport and on a classroom blo" or @oicethread,
ha.e students comment on each others .ideos to spar( discussion about the topic!
+ll o' that can be done outside o' class and re3uires little to no or( 'rom the teacher!
+y Project" +re you interestin" in desi"nin" your E8 project around this Web-based
project, Why or hy not, (Aemember: &t is not cheatin" to use an existin" project
as the 'oundation 'or your projectB &t is resource'ulB#
No & do not ant to use this project 'or my E8 project but & mi"ht incorporate some o'
the 'eatures into my project!

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