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One of the comparisons that I can find between Colombia and the UK, is the weather.

First of
all, here in Colombia we dont have seasons and its very unpredictable, while the UK does have
seasons and its easier to be prepared if rains either its cloudy or sunny, this happens because
of the differences of latitude and longitude of these 2 countries.
Colombia has a democratic government, the highest authority is the president, and UK its
under a constitutional monarchy. This means that in the UK the principal authority its a king or
a queen (as now).
Although UKs area is smaller than Colombian, its capital is more populated. London has above
8,979,158 habitants and Bogot 7,571,345.
Something curious for Colombian people is that everybody in the UK drives on the left,
because since the medieval times, they have thought that for a right-handed person, is better
to have your opponent near to that hand, and away from your sword.
One of the most important writers of Colombia is Gabriel Garca Marquez who won the
Literature Nobel Prize in 1982 for his novels, stories, chronicles and tales, and he is recognized
all over the world. In the UK, J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter saga, she has never
won a Nobel Prize but young people of different countries recognized her for the books.
In a recent research made by de New Economics Foundation, who measure the development,
human welfare, and environmental index, Colombia is on the 3
place, but United Kingdom is
on the 41 rank. According to these results we can definitely say that Colombia is happier than
United Kingdom.
If the topic is the Architecture, United Kingdom has ancient castles, from 12
approximately. Nowadays these castles are open to the public, converted on theme parks,
concert stages. Colombia maybe is more traditional, people from Spain didnt build castles,
instead, we have colonial houses. There are houses as bigger as a block, has a lot of rooms and
big yards too because in past the family members were around 20 or more.
Also, in Colombia, the tallest skyscraper is Torre Colpatria placed in Bogot, with 196 m. In the
UK, The Shard in London is 310 m. Most of the skyscrapers of London are tallest than

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