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Mabel Aguilera

Sep 12th, 2014

Period 3-4

Born To Run Questions (Chapters 1-7)

1.- When McDougall gets the chance to meet Caballo Blanco, Caballo explains why he reacted
the way he did. What were the things that scare him about Christopher? Why did Caballo agree
to have a conversation with McDougall in the first place?

Before Caballo could even start to explain himself, Christopher started to name all the things
that he wasnt, such as a cop or a DEA agent. He tried to introduce himself in a nice way so he
could get Caballo to trust him. But the things that had really scare him about McDougall wasnt
any of the things he named. It was only the fact that he saw him as a thread, trying to get on the
way of his food at the hotel. He had gotten lost that day and he was nearly delirious with
hunger. The whole reason why Caballo started telling Christopher his personality story is
because he has a plan and he knows McDougall being a writer is the missing piece to make it

2.- When McDougall discovers his passion for running, doctors tell him to quit this dreams
because his body isnt adequate for the heavy exercise. What are the analyses the doctors give
him? How many other opinions did he ask for? Why did he keep seeking for more answers of
the same question?

The doctors tell him that he is hurting himself because he is big guy whose weight isnt
appropriate for the leg workout. A six feet four inches and two hundred thirty pounds arent up
for the job. He asked for 3 different opinions. He keep asking over and over because he found
himself in denying stage where he kept trying to find some kind of escape from the inevitable.
He wanted to keep doing what he loved, even if that included hurting himself. So as long as
someone told him that it was okay for him to keep running, he was not going to stop.

3.- McDougall is able to meet the Tarahuma tribe and he is introduced to Arnulfo. Throughout
the conversation, McDougall feels paranoid about doing something that might offend the
Tarahuma culture. How does McDougall manage to keep the conversation going? Why didnt
McDougall ask all the questions he was wondering when he could have? Describe a situation
where you had to hold yourself back and explain why.

Mabel Aguilera
Sep 19th, 2014
Period 3-4

Born To Run Questions (Chapters 8-17)

1.- Ken Choulber is the man who transforms the abandoned town of Leadville to a racing track.
What was his plan? How did he manage to bring life back into the village? Why did the
Tarahumara agree to run in the Leadville race?

Fisher's plan was to get people to race against each other. Get the Tarahumara involved and
then get the media and shoe companies to donate money. He began by using the Leadville Trail
100 for marathons and then later on he got several llama owners to live up the peak and help
injured runners with whatever they needed. What Fisher offered the Tarahumara was not a
great deal, it benefited Rick more than them. The deal was to get Tarahumara men out of their
hometown in exchange of bags of corn and bean. The reason why they agreed to run in a place
where they've never been under terms they didn't understand was because although the offered
food wasn't much, at least it was guaranteed.

2.-Once the Tarahumara started racing for Fisher; people began to pay attention to their
unusual customs. Dr. Joe Vigil seemed to be the most intrigued of them all. How did he start
studying the Tarahumara techniques? What did he discover out of his own research? Why was
he so obsessed with trying to figure out their tactics?

Dr. Joe Vigil started by studying the art of running. Then he continued by studying Japanese
runners and tracked "old masters" and tried to keep their secrets before they disappeared
forever. He discovered that love was the main source of their supernatural powers. They did not
only love and enjoy running but enjoy the simple things in life.Their love for life inspired them to
be positive about their body and helped them find the connection between their legs and minds.
He was so determined to find their secrets because he wanted American society to go back to
what they once were. As children everyone ran without control and he concluded that if people
could love to run again, America would change for good.

3.- Before the Leadville 1994 race begins, Fisher is looking for someone who will help to keep
the Tarahumara fed and hydrated. A man voluntarily agrees to go up the mountain and keep
track of them. What did Shaggy say to Fisher that made him agree? How did Shaggy encourage
the Tarahumara to keep on going? Why did he decide to run away with them?

What Shaggy said to Rick was that no one else would be up for the job, especially since there
were a lot of risks involved and no insurance that he would walk out of there safe. Fisher agreed
because he realized that no one else would decide to randomly climb up a mountain and run
trying to catch up with two strangers just to maintain their needs. Throughout the race, Shaggy
keeps calling Ann a "bruja," making her the enemy and creating tension between the
competitors. When Martimano hurt his knee thinking that Ann had cast a spell on him, Juan got
all the adrenaline he needed to be encouraged enough to win the race. Shaggy decided to run
away and become part of the Tarahumaras so he could find his freedom and a place where he
felt like home.

4.- Ann is known for being an independent woman who is determined to prove her worth. What
kind of records has she won? How did she improve her running techniques through the last few
years? Why is she so determined to compete against the Tarahumara?

Mabel Aguilera
Sep 26th, 2014
Period 3-4

Born To Run Q's Chapters 19-24 & 26

1.- When Jenn is talking to McDougall at the hotel, she describes how she started racing ultra
marathons in the first place. What is something she said that really stroked McDougall? Why
does he compare her to Caballo Blanco? What are other similarities you can find between Jenn
and Caballo? Do you feel like you understand their running motivation a little better? How

After McDougall was taking care of drunk Jenn, she started mentioning what truly motivated her
to start running. She said that "running ultras made her a better person" and that it always gives
you "hope that it will turn you into the person you want to be, a better, more peaceful person."
Also, she mentions that when she runs it's like all her problems disappeared for that moment
and how when she ran nothing really mattered anymore. Jenn starts to sounds familiar to
McDougall, because just like her Caballo ran to escape his problems; he ran to become the best
version of himself. Other similarities would be that they both say that running makes their mind
quiet down, and the world turns into nothing but a wild adventure to explore. I feel like
throughout the chapters, as readers we have been able to get a deeper understanding of their
motives. Especially because now we know that is not only the art of "loving" running but the way
loving it makes them feel. How running is not just an escape for them but also a lifestyle.

2.- Once McDougall seems to get a group of people together for Caballo's race, they all start to
have their doubts about how reliable this strange guy really is. What are some of the things
Caballo Blanco said in his emails that could have made him questionable? What are some of
the things McDougall said about Caballo that made him somewhat trustable? In your opinion,
why do you think McDougall helped Caballo organize this event knowing the risks were greater
than the experience?

When Caballo tries to pull off the race by his own, he tries contacting people who he considers
worth racing against the Tarahumara. The problem was, his emails made him sounds like a
joke; his horrible grammar makes this professionals question his credibility. In one of his emails
he wrote: "The Tarahumara are more or less good runners compared to the Apaches, the
Quimaras a little more than less. But the question is, who's more chignon than Ramon?" This
confusing email managed to intrigue Mike and question why some stranger is challenge him to
prove his worth. McDougall made sure people knew Caballo was a real person, especially a
real runner. He makes it sound like they are really close friends and how the proposal he is
suggesting is a real deal. I think McDougall helped him organize this event because he knows
Caballo is completely lost without someone who has a professional language and someone who
can taken seriously by recognized runners. Plus, he has always admired Caballo Blanco and
being able to help him out to accomplish his dreams makes him feel appreciated and important
to him.

3.- When "Barefoot" Ted meets Caballo Blanco for the first time he cannot help to manage his
excitement. What are some of the Tarahumara customs that have inspired him the most? What
are some details from Ted's life that could have motivated him to run this race? Why do you
think Ted was so happy to meet Caballo?

Ted mentions how inspirational the Tarahumara had been to him throughout his running career.
He finds extremely interesting the fact that they can run a hundred miles in sandals and how he
could not explain himself how it was possible to go in such bg distances without appropriate
shoes, when he was spending thousands of thousands of dollars on shoes that were supposed
to make the sport way more effective. Ted got his nickname from running barefoot all the time,
he started doing this when he realized that running barefoot stopped his pain. This is exactly
what made him start researching the truth behind running shoes. He also realized that when he
felt completely exhausted was when he felt more motivated to keep on going. Unfortunately,
when he reached forty years old his body started fighting him and it was so discouraging for him
that he almost thought of giving up. But that one day, that he took off his boots and realized how
light he could feel and what he was capable still a older age, motivated him to run this race.
When he met Caballo, he thought he was meeting this legend who represented the impossible.
This alive mith who could prove him that age wasnt a sign to stop but a signal to keep
challenging himself. Caballo meant so much more than just a runner, Caballo was the faith he
was so determined to find.

4.- Caballo Blanco has been the one behind the idea of the whole race, but once McDougall
manages to make it possible he doesn't seem so sure about his plan. What are some of the
things he makes the runners do in order to compromise the team? Why did he get so angry
when Barefoot Ted wouldnt take his flip flop advice seriously? Why do you think Caballo was so
anxious about the outcome of the race?

Mabel Aguilera
Oct 3rd, 2014
Period 4-5

Born To Run Questions (Chapters 25, 27 & 28)

1.- McDougall uses scientific research to prove that running barefoot is the best way to protect
your body from getting harmed. What are some of the arguments he makes about running
shoes? How is running barefoot more beneficial for your body? Why do you think shoe
companies make sure people think running barefoot would be insanity?

McDougall investigates an article by Dr. Richards, in which he asks millionaire shoe industries
to prove that wearing their merchandise "decreases risks for getting injuries and to able to show
that their shoes will improve a better distance performance (McDougall, 171). He also asks that
once they decide they can prove it, show him data to back up all the information. Because the
company was not able to give him a concrete answer, he comes to the realization that running
shoes are not as great as announced. Alan Webb's argument says that "Human Beings Are
Designed to Run Without Shoes" (McDougall, 175). He uses his own life example to prove how
much running barefoot has improved his life for the better. He says that the obvious notorious
changes are his feet size, how he went for being size twelve to nine. Hartmann also explains
how shoes run the beauty of the foot arch: "The beauty of any arch is the way it gets stronger
under stress; the harder you push down, the thighs it's parts mesh. Putting your feet in shoes is
similar to outrun them in a plaster cast. Work them out and they'll arc up like a
rainbow"(McDougall, 176). Big millionaire companies want people to keep buying their products.
It's all a matter of business; if the belief of running barefoot spread around less people would
buy good and that would make the business lose money. By making people believe that they
created the best product in the market, they make sure the income will keep coming in.

2.- McDougall does not feel so secure about being able to participate in the "greatest race the
world has ever seen." What are some of his biggest concerns? What techniques does Eric uses
to encourage McDougall to keep practicing? Why do you think McDougall felt motivated to race
this particular ultra?

McDougall feels insecure about his weight and how he still feels out of shape, because he is not
able to run as fast as everyone else or keep up with Caballo's pace. He even suggested Eric to
start doing yoga to try to avoid another breakdown or try orthotics. Eric denies both suggestions.
One of the techniques he uses was tying a rope around his waist. By doing this, McDougall bent
against the rope and as he dragged himself forward he found the perfect running position.
Another technique he makes sure McDougall pays attention to, is the way little kids run. The
way the Kenyans run as if they were running on hot coals. He also suggests the Tarahumara
diet and how nutritional and light it is. McDougall feels motivated to run this race because Eric
has been a constant pusher, not only physically but emotionally. Whenever he felt like breaking
down, Eric would be by his side knowing the right thing to say. Also, he feels ready to run 50
miles when he realizes that the Tarahumara secret started working for him as well. He was able
to run more without getting exhausted, his diet had improved as well as his mood. McDougall
comes to the realization that after all, he was born to run.

3.- Eric states that the Tarahumara aren't great runners, but great athletes. What is the
difference between these two terms? What are some techniques that Eric uses from the
Tarahumara? Why do you think Eric uses saying from the Tarahumara customs such as the
belief that you must challenge your body in order for it to get better?

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