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Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !

and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
OF ED 315 Field Student
Candidate Stephanie Falksen Check One: 1
Observation __ 2
Observation _X__
Supervisor: D. Habanek Date: 4.1.14
Cooperatin !eacher: ". #ickel #u$ber o% Students: 1&
School: '(") *rade: 4 Sub+ect,s-: (."
Planning and Preparation (AEA: Coneptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $
%&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pet' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
E-idene (Candidate,
/ses teachin resources and curriculu$ $aterials that are appropriate in
representin the ideas and concepts.
0lans instruction appropriate to students1 staes o% develop$ent and
learnin st2les.
.inks ne3 ideas to %a$iliar ideas and $akes connections to students1
0rovides opportunities %or active enae$ent5 $anipulation and testin o%
ideas and $aterials.
6no3s ho3 to enhance learnin throuh the use o% a variet2 o% $aterials.
7alues %le4ibilit2 in the teachin process b2 $onitorin and ad+ustin plans
and adaptin instruction 3hen necessar2 and appropriate.
Chooses appropriate teachin strateies5 learnin e4periences5 and
$aterials to achieve di%%erent instructional purposes and to $eet student
7aries his or her role in the instructional process in relation to the content
and purposes o% instruction.
0lans $otivational instruction b2 relatin lessons to students1 personal
Seeks to %ind 3a2s to $eet the needs o% diverse learners.
8ou planned a lesson that continued the outco$es related to 3ritin a
persuasive essa2 in letter %or$.
!his lesson %its into the onoin unit 2ou desined %or 3ritin persuasivel2.
9t also %it into the oals the teacher had 3ith reard to 3ritin.
8ou developed e4a$ples to lead student thinkin into the di%%erence
bet3een statin one1s opinion and $akin a persuasive state$ent
8ou planned part o% the lesson to be teacher directed and interactive5
%ollo3ed b2 independent 3ork 3ith individual con%erences 3ith 2ou.
____9nade:uate ____($erin __4__0ro%icient ____Distinctive
Cla##roo. En-iron.ent (AEA: Coordination")ntegrati-e )nteration $
%&S: /'3'50D)SP: Re#pet' Re#pon#i*ilit+ ,
E-idene (Candidate and Student,
(D FO;) <11
=21= (D
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational
and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
Planning and Preparation (AEA: Coneptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $
%&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pet' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
E-idene (Candidate,
Sho3s respect %or the diverse talents o% all learners.
/ses kno3lede about hu$an $otivation and behavior to develop
strateies %or orani>in and supportin individual and roup 3ork.
9s co$$itted to the e4pression and use o% de$ocratic values in the
Orani>es5 allocates5 and $anaes the resources o% ti$e5 space5 activities
and attention to enae students in productive tasks.
6no3s ho3 to help students 3ork productivel2 and cooperativel2 3ith
each other.
/ses strateies o% e%%ective classroo$ $anae$ent to pro$ote positive
relationships5 cooperation5 and purpose%ul learnin in the classroo$.
;espects students as individuals 3ith di%%erin personal and %a$il2
backround and various skills5 talents and interests.
9t1s hard to decide 3hen to reconi>e so$eone 3ho talks out.
8ou used sinals5 like pencils do3n 3hen 2ou1re done so 9 can see.
)eetin 3ith students individuall2 is a reat idea. Ho3 do 2ou pair that 3ith
$aintainin viilance about 3hat the other students are doin? "l3a2s
$ake sure ever2 student has 3hat the2 need to et started be%ore sittin
do3n. *et up ever2 three student con%erences to check on the others. !r2
to hold the individual con%erences to a %e3 $inutes.
Ho3 $uch ti$e did the2 have to 3ork? *ive a ti$e taret and then
re$inders a%ter 2=$inutes5 at 1= $inutes to stop and then a @ $inute
8ou need a sinal %or breakin in 3hen students are 3orkin. Aust startin
to speak rarel2 ets the response 2ou $a2 3ant. .et the$ kno3 that 3hat
2ou1ll sa2 is i$portant enouh %or 2ou to 3ait to $ake sure that ever2one
3ill hear it.
____9nade:uate ____($erin __4__0ro%icient ____Distinctive
)n#trution (AEA: Co..uniation' Coordination' Diagno#i#'
)ntegrati-e )nteration $ %&S 1'2'(0D)SP: Re#pet' Re#pon#i*ilit+'
E-idene (Candidate and Student,
(D FO;) <11
=21= (D
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational
and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
Planning and Preparation (AEA: Coneptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $
%&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pet' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
E-idene (Candidate,
/ses di%%erent representations and e4planations o% concepts 3hen
necessar2 to acco$$odate students 3ho approach learnin %ro$ di%%erent
conceptual %ra$e3orks.
/ses teachin approaches that address di%%erent learnin st2les and
per%or$ance $odes.
/ses instructional strateies that pro$ote student learnin %or a rane o%
student abilities.
(ncouraes discussion.
(licits sa$ples o% student thinkin orall2 and in 3ritin.
7alues the develop$ent o% students1 critical thinkin5 independent
proble$Bsolvin5 and per%or$ance capabilities b2 usin varied teachin
and learnin strateies to enae students in active learnin.
)odi%ies e4planations 3hen necessar2 to assist students1 understandin.
Orani>es5 prepares students %or5 and $onitors independent and roup
;econi>es the i$portance o% verbal and nonverbal co$$unication.
9s a thouht%ul and responsive listener.
Co$$unicates in 3a2s that de$onstrate a sensitivit2 to cultural and
ender di%%erences.
)odels appropriate co$$unication strateies in conve2in ideas and
Supports learner e4pression in speakin and 3ritin5 and other $edia.
6no3s ho3 to ask :uestions and sti$ulate discussion in di%%erent 3a2s.
8ou planned e4a$ples student could relate to. 9t see$ed as i% the %irst
e4a$ple ot a bit lost. Chen 2ou s3itched to the second e4a$ple the2
3eren1t all 3ith 2ou. 0ossibl2 bein a bit $ore consistent 3ith ter$inolo2 D
opinion to state$ent5 %or e4a$ple. ($phasi>e leavin out EthinkF or E%eelF
because that indicates opinion. So$e included those 3ords 3hen the2
re3rote 2our state$ent. !his did co$e out so$e3hat later.
!he2 handled the talk to 2our neihbor 3ellG Consider 3hen 2ou need to
add to directions E9 should hear one voice at a ti$eF and E9 should see 2ou
chane %ro$ speaker to listenerF.
!he loner 3hole roup discussion oes on5 the %e3er sta2ed 3ith 2ou.
Consider 3hen 2ou have to reroup. Sa2 that 2ou have so$ethin
i$portant to tell the$ that 3ill be help%ul. Cait %or all e2es be%ore speakin.
Ho3 $an2 directions can the2 re$e$ber? "l3a2s have a student repeat.
8our directions be%ore allo3in the$ to 3rite 3ere too lon. "l3a2s o back
to the %irst steps to ensure that ever2one can et started. 8ou did ask and
so$e could tell 2ou. Consider postin steps. !his helps kids %iure out ho3
a $ultiple step process is orani>ed.
Ho3 are 2ou keepin track o% 3ho did each step be%ore ettin a laptop?
8ou asked students i% the2 checked 3ith a neihbor. )a2be havin the
neihbor initial the paper 3ould help track this.
9t1s a decision point to stop ever2one to revie3 the steps. "%ter ho3 $an2
:uestions about 3hat to do ne4t should a teacher break in to revie3 the
____9nade:uate ____($erin _X__0ro%icient ____Distinctive
A##e##.ent (AEA: Diagno#i#")ntegrati-e )nteration $ %&S: 3'40
D)SP: Colla*oration' Co..uniation,
E-idene (Candidate and Student,
(D FO;) <11
=21= (D
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational
and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
Planning and Preparation (AEA: Coneptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $
%&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pet' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
E-idene (Candidate,
6no3s ho3 to select and construct assess$ent strateies and
/ses appropriate assess$ent techni:ues to enhance his or her
kno3lede o% learners5 evaluate students1 proress and per%or$ances5
and $odi%2 teachin and learnin strateies.
Solicits and uses in%or$ation about students1 e4periences5 learnin
behavior5 needs and proress %ro$ cooperatin teachers and the students
(valuates the e%%ect o% class activities on both individuals and the class as
a 3hole5 collectin in%or$ation throuh observation o% classroo$
interactions5 :uestionin5 and anal2sis o% student 3ork.
/ses classroo$ observation and in%or$ation about students as sources
%or evaluatin the outco$es o% teachin and as a basis %or re%lectin on
and revisin practice.
8ou continued to practice data collectin 3hile teachin.
8our %or$al assess$ent 3ill be the %inal version o% their persuasive essa2.
____9nade:uate ____($erin __4__0ro%icient ____Distinctive
Pro5e##ional Re#pon#i*ilitie# (AEA: Co..uniation")ntegrati-e
)nteration $ %&S: 16$D)SP: Re#pon#i*ilit+' Colla*oration'
E-idene (Candidate,
;elates pro%essionall2 and e%%ectivel2 3ith the cooperatin teacher and
Dresses pro%essionall2 and consistentl2 portra2s a pro%essional de$eanor.
9s enthusiastic about teachin.
Seeks out the cooperatin teacher to support hisHher develop$ent as a
learner and a teacher.
8ou continue to pro+ect a pro%essional classroo$ presence.
____9nade:uate ____($erin __X__0ro%icient ____Distinctive
Su$$ar2 State$ent: 8ou plan thorouhl2. 6eep 3orkin on brinin 2oursel% and 2our thouht%ulness into the lessons. 7eerin %ro$ 2our plan because 2ou
intuitivel2 kno3 3hat 3ould better co$e ne4t is a ood thin.
(D FO;) <11
=21= (D
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational
and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
Overall 0er%or$ance: ____9nade:uate ____($erin __X_0ro%icient ____Distinctive
(D FO;) <11
=21= (D

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