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clearly visible or understood; obvious.
The name of my business, !""#$%&' )*#+,-&., comes fiom the "uuh" factoi. Nost of what
I have leaineu ovei the yeais just seems so logical anu obvious. Beie aie some of the key
messages I have come to believe:

-/*0%1 the behavioi you seek in otheis: manage youi own behavioi anu come fiom a
place of calm befoie you can help youi chilu oi anyone else foi that mattei.

-2,#' 3*4 5*+46 *& .%'6 7-..%$. Wheievei you CB00SE to place youi attention will
giow. If you come fiom a place of abunuance anu giatituue, life will be geneious. Seeing
youi woilu as lacking biings constant uisappointment.

-!74&0#&+% only giows in a fielu of +#18 eneigy. If you consistently feel neivous anu
iattleu with anxiety, exploie the souice of those feelings anu finu suppoit to giounu
youiself. It is the unueilying thoughts that cieate that feeling of oveiwhelm.

-0ui 7*0-%6 aie fai moie -&'%11-.%&' than oui minus. 0ui minus haiboi suffeiing
thoughts fiom eaily tiaumatic expeiiences that aie ueep within oui biain, (the Amyguala
to be specific). These thoughts show up eveiy uay in oui behaviois. When you tap into the
sensations that youi bouy feels, like eveiy othei cieatuie on Eaith, you will be able to
ueteimine when you aie in the miust of a pieuatoi anu iealize that youi bouy is signaling
you with a suivival iesponse. The bouy uisplays this with excessive sweating,
neivousness, loss of woius, etc.

-)*&&%+'-*& with othei people is %66%&'-#1 to oui 64$9-9#l. Except foi sociopaths, all
people want to know that they aie seen, heaiu anu that they mattei. Tiue connection
iequiies "$%6%&+%. Finuing stillness within is the best place to stait. You can uo this
thiough meuitation, yoga, iunning, uancing, ait, spoits, music oi even just oiuinaiy
moments with loveu ones. If you aie "that" peison that is fieakeu out by the thought of
stillness in a yoga oi meuitation class, tiust me when I tell you: R0N B0N'T WALK T0
FINB S0PP0RT in helping you to conquei those feelings. I was Y00 anu life on the othei
siue is much sweetei.

In my coaching piactice anu thiough the woikshops that I teach, these aie some of my "go
to" coie concepts. When we woik togethei we get to cieate oui own iules. The exchange
is ieal anu honest anu extiemely fun in my opinion. Who uoesn't enjoy talking about
youiself with a ieally cuiious anu inteiesteu listenei. This biings me to the othei ieason I
nameu my business Appaient Coaching, because aftei all...

I am just #:"#$%&'.


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