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Kingdoms (Bacteria)

There are two types of bacteria.

A. Archeobacteria

B. Eubacteria.

What are the characteristics of
both kingdoms Archeobacteria
and Eubacteria
1. Prokaryotic (no nucleus)
2. Unicellular (one cell)
3. Cell wall made of cellulose.
4. Autotrophic & heterotrophic.

What is different between the two
These bacteria live in
areas without oxygen
(anaerobic). Like in
deep volcanic vents.
Archea.. means
ancient. These forms
of life were thought to
be the first on Earth.

Bacteria are oxygen
breathers or

Eumeans true, so
these are considered
the true bacteria
Bacteria move by using flagella
(whip-like tail) and cillia (little
hairs) Watch the video below!
What are the shapes of bacteria?
There are 3 different
shapes of bacteria.
1. Coccus: round

2. Bacillus: rod

3. Spirillium: spiral

What shape is this bacteria?

Eubacteria labeled
Cell wall of cellulose
How fast do bacteria grow.
What are some ways bacteria is
1. Bad breath
2. Tooth decay
3. Body Odor
4. Spoils food
5. Salmonella
6. Gonorrhea (S.T.D.)
7. Chlamydia
Zits are caused by bacteria.
What are some ways we can cure
the bad bacteria?
1. Antibiotics

2. Antiseptics

3. Alcohol and other

4. Iodine
What are antibiotics?
1. What does the word antibiotic mean?
Against life
2. An antibiotic is medicine that kills the
harmful and good bacteria.

3. Do you take antibiotics for the flu? NO
Why or why not? The flu is a virus not

Who was Alexander Fleming?
He was the first
scientist to discover a
cure for bacterial

The first antibiotic
was made from a
fungus called
Penicillium notatum.
Can humans become resistant to
Yes we can!!! We can become
resistant just like an insect can
become resistant to insecticide.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
Louis Pasteur was the
scientist who came up
with the process of
super heating milk to
remove harmful

This process is called

What are some ways bacteria is
1. Helps you digest
2. It is in food like
yogurt and milk
3. Decomposers


Antibiotics: In this set-up which one
worked the best?
Penicillin Tetracycline

Ampicillin Control
Look at the plate of agar below:
Where does the antibiotic seem to
be working the best?
Point to the antibiotic
that worked on the
bacteria the best?

Which one worked the
What is the control? Why is a
control used?
This clear area where bacteria are
being destroyed is called the zone
of inhibition
This is a picture of a colony
(probably composed of a million)
Streptococcus: Observe the

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