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Katie Browning
Name of the Project:
Collaborative Detective Story--A Community-Inspired Project
Telecollaborative structures:
Electronic Publishing and Peer feedback
Wasn't able to implement:
May 19th-June 20
(about 4 wks./ 1-2 intro.)
Reason: The end of the year ended up being very busy for my
sixth graders. It was very tough to squeeze in this project.
The Five Step Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher focuses students on the lesson; may connect it to
prior learning.
- Relation to past learning
- Lesson objectives and/or goal
- What is the motivation for learning
Students acquire new information.
- Basic information is given, examples are provided:
- Steps:1. Exchange student lists: match up students 2.students send introduction emails to each other 3. Enable
one or more wikis. 4. Create a questionnaire using Google forms to determine how much your students know about the
other country - ask questions such as: What do people like to do after school in [country name]? Each class of students
should answer the questions about their own country and their partners' country. 5.Students in the each country will look
at their partners' answers and make a comparison chart: partners answers and their own answer. This allows students
to learn a little about stereotypes and how we need to be aware of these when communicating.7 Create a page on the
wiki to work on the Detective Story.8. One class begins the stoy: responsible for the setting/ character development. 9.
The second class reads the story, proofreads and makes any corrections to grammar/spelling as necessary, then adds
another paragraph.10.Teachers monitor wikis (student progress).
*Guided Practice: Teacher supervises the students as they practice new learning.
- students practice their editing skills through various lessons taught in class, they also edit eachother's writing on
Google Docs for practice before the wikis
-teacher monitors through Google and gives feedback throughout
Closure: Teacher provides an activity to review the lesson. - the Wiki!!!
- Assessment and/or review: rubric used for work on the narrative wiki
determine - How does teacher review key points of the lesson and/or assess to
whether everyone achieved the lesson objectives(s)?: checks Google Docs
and wiki to see progress
Independent Practice:
Teacher provides opportunity for unsupervised practice,
if students are ready.
- Homework can be given for "correct practice": students are given Google Doc practice writing
assignments in which they must correct a student's work in the class
- What activities can students do for independent practice to achieve lesson objective(s)?: study
editing notes and practice with peers in class
- How will students know if they are practicing correctly.? The wiki will be looked at by teachers
and will continue as long as the classes prefer.
Resources and Preparation:
1. Visit teacher Linda Martins wiki to see a collaborative detective story written by her students
and get ideas for your own project.
2. Student Publishing:
3. What I Know About My ePals Country (Spreadsheet)
Common Core ELA Standards: W3, W5, W6, W10, SL1
: students will revisit how to write a narrative (previous "Shoe" assignment)
: students will practice proofreading, teamwork, netiquette and
brainstorming techniques.
* Students create international friendships and a great story to share.
*Have a lesson on Netiquette, especially emphasizing how
another person may interpret what you are saying online.
Collaborative Detective Story--
A Community-Inspired Project:
Implemention Plan- id=76eb047f-9ee1-49b3-96ad-880f0b8118c2&search_text=detectives
Name of the Project:
My Name Around the World Project
Telecollaborative structures:
Information Exchanges and Database Creations
Implementing it:
April 14th-May 23rd (orginal date)
September 16th- November 10th
(currently in process)
The Five Step Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher focuses students on the lesson; may connect it to
prior learning.
- Relation to past learning: review Name writing from beg. of year
- Lesson objectives and/or goal: Students research, find and publish information about own name
- What is the motivation for learning: Students will make blogs and sharing information about name and
Instruction: Students acquire new information.
-1.Students will explore the process of name giving in their region - the history of this celebration, who takes part, and
what this process means for students and for his/her parents and grandparents. 2.Students research, find and send
information about own name. (answer a list of ques.provided) 3.Students can create different visualizations of name:
posters, handicraft, drawing
wk1-2:Students share in the forum about their names/Students write description of names and create a poem
wk3-4Students can draw or make other visualization of own name. (electronic version) wk5-6Teacher publishes on Blog

Guided Practice:
Teacher supervises the students as they practice new
- Practice, provide knowledge of results=
- What do students do to practice what is being taught during the lesson?
Students utilize their NoodleTools accounts in making notecards for name
research/ Teacher provides feedback through teacher account
Closure: Teacher provides an activity to review the lesson.
- Assessment and/or review: research findings on NoodleTools/poems&art projects use rubric
- How does teacher review key points of the lesson and/or assessment determine whether
everyone achieved the lesson objectives(s)? make a blog photo album to put online for the
GLP and show in class for students to explain to peers
Independent Practice:
Teacher provides opportunity for unsupervised practice,
if students are ready.
- Homework can be given for "correct practice" : Searching for appropriate literature, web-sites,
reading and writing texts, taking interviews and photos, and creating Blogs.
- What activities can students do for independent practice to achieve lesson ojective(s)?
- How will students know if they are practicing correctly.? Outcomes: Students and teachers will
develop skills and knowledge in action research, presentations, essay writing, publishing, they will
know history of own name and will be familiar with other cultures.
Related links=
*English Worksheets from Slovenia
*Project Animoto Video
My Name Around the World Project
Students research, find and publish information about own name.
Group Facilitators
Pavle Tvaliashvili
The Name Around the World Project:
Implementation Plan-
watch how to videos on
blogs/digital photo
Common Core ELA Standards: W7, W8, W10
Collaborating with a school in Karachi, Pakistan
What's in a Name?
Hi! My name is Mei and Im here to tell you all about my
name. My full name is Mei Yu Rudolph, and my first name
means beautiful jade. My last name is Russian and from
the Ukraine. My Mom chose my name and it originated in
China. There was no particular reason they chose my
name. My parents just liked it because it was short and
unique. If I was the opposite gender for the day my name
would be Cooper. I feel like my name is very special and not
a lot of people are named Mei. If I were to change my name it
would be Mikayla. There are 7,970 people in the United
States named Mei, but .1 % of those people are boys. These
are some facts about my name and I hope to talk more
about my name soon!
Synopsis- The Name Around the World Project
I chose to incorporate this name project at the beginning of the school year for
2014. Each student was given a graphic organizer to record their research/ideas. They
were asked to look up what their name means from online sources and also asked their
parents about how they got their name. We have written paragraphs and created name art
for this project. The students thoroughly enjoyed each part of the project so far.
We have followed The Five Step Lesson Plan for the most part. For the Guided
Practice section Noodle Tools was not yet introduced to my students yet, therefore they
didnt record their findings online, they did it on paper. I had planned on implementing
this project at the end of last year, but waited until the beginning of this year in hopes for
learning more about students right away. I thought that it was a good introductory
My students just finished the first couple weeks on the instruction, the research,
writing, and art. Our next step is to share with another class in a forum and to post our
creations in a blog. My students are excited to read about sharing with the other class
soon. This project has taken us a few weeks longer than anticipated. The other class is
being very flexible.
Name of the Project:
The Teddy Bear Project
Telecollaborative structures:
Electronic Publishing and Peer feedback
When will I implement it:
October 13
-December 15
(about 8 weeks)
*I needed to change projects because this time frame
worked better for my class and for Common Core State
The Five Step Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher focuses students on the lesson; may connect it to
prior learning.
- Relation to past learning
- Lesson objectives and/or goal
- What is the motivation for learning
Students acquire new information.
- Basic information is given, examples are provided
*Contact with partner classes teacher through e-mail.
Discuss timeline and procedures to be used.
Share ideas and information about one another.
Type out and make copies of all needed parental consent and information forms.
Purchase a teddy bear that represents Irvine, USA to send to partner class.
Write out lesson plans for theme and get all technology ready to be used.
Guided Practice:
Teacher supervises the students as they practice new learning.
1.Students will participate in naming a special class teddy bear and will be introduced to the project.
2.Teacher shares the objectives, desired outcomes, and timeline for the project. (also informs the parents)
3.Photographs, artwork, special messages from the students and the teddy bear will be sent to the partner class.
4.Students will share their culture with the partner class by taking their Japanese Teddy Bear home at night and journaling on Google Docs .
5.Students will make a class website for their partner class about the Japanese Bears travels and all of the facts that they have learned about their partner
class from their communication with them.
Closure: Teacher provides an activity to review the lesson. -website!
-Assessment and/or review: Students will be evaluated during their participation in lessons and activities. Their
communication skills on Google Docs will be monitored.
- How does teacher review key points of the lesson and/or assess to whether everyone achieved the lesson
objectives(s)? Achievement of benchmarks-Rubrics will be used that assess and evaluate aspects of the project, including
collaboration on the website
Independent Practice:
Teacher provides opportunity for unsupervised practice,
if students are ready.
- Homework can be given for "correct practice": students are given Google Doc practice writing
(journaling) in which other students/teacher corrects before communicating with our bear class
- What activities can students do for independent practice to achieve lesson objective(s)?:
Review how to write a letter format, watch videos on how to create a website using Weebly
- How will students know if they are practicing correctly? : Teacher will provide feedback
The Teddy Bear Project
: Discussed different stuffed animals students had/trips they have taken
:This project aims to foster tolerance and understanding of cultures other than your own.
:Will recieve diary messages (Google Docs) from your bear in another country.
Example project:
Resources and Preparation:
1. Visit teacher Dawn Misrok's example project to see pictures, a teddy bear, and step by step assignments. This will
help you develop ideas for your own project.
2. Google Docs: (make sure each student has an account/in my district they pay for the
student accounts)
3. Weebly Website :
Common Core State Standards: W7, SL1/4, L3/6
Collaborating with school in Osaka, Japan
Introduction on Google Docs
First journal entry
from a student that
took Mr. Noodle
Mr. Noodle went on a Field Trip!
Synopsis- The Teddy Bear Project
We have been participating in a wonderful GLP called the Teddy Bear Project. It
is filled with many learning experiences. Our class recently picked out a teddy bear and
voted to name him Mr. Noodle. Mr. Noodle was then dressed in some of our spirit wear
before we sent him off to J apan. Osaka, J apan is where Mr. Noodle is now spending him
time with students from Mr. Kawasakis classroom. They have sent us a bear as well,
named Kumataro. Kumataro is dressed in a robe and tie. My students are so excited to
take pictures with him and blog back and forth of our adventures with our bears.
Mr. Kawasakis class has already shared a couple of pictures and journal entries
with my class about what Mr. Noodle is doing in J apan. They have been sharing through
Google Docs. My class will be doing the same. We introduced Kumataro last week and
this week happened to be conferences. Coming up students will be using the
Chromebooks in our class to share their experience with Kumataro. They are excited to
collaborate for the next month or so. We couldnt have asked for a better class to share
with, and we even have a student in our class who can translate J apanese for us when
needed. We have used the Google translator multiple times already.

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