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For the following terms, write out the indicated word parts:

prefixes, combining forms, roots, suffixes; then define the word.

Example: hypodermic
hypo / derm / ic
def: below or deficient / skin / pertaining to

1. erythroblastosis _____________ / ____________ / _____________

def: ______________ / _____________ / _______________________

2. splenorrhagia ______________ / ______________

def: ________________________ / _______________________

3. reticulocytosis ________________ / _______________ / ________________

def: ______________ / ______________ / ______________________

4. leukocytic ____________ / ___________ / ___________

def: ______________ / ____________ / __________________________

5. splenectomy ___________ / __________

def: _____________________ / ______________________________

6. leukocytopenia __________ / __________ / __________

def: ______________ / ______________ / ________________________

7. lymphoma ___________ / ___________

def: ___________________________ / __________________________

8. metastasis ___________ / ___________

def: ____________________________ / ________________________

Write the correct medical term for each of the following:

9. ____________________ a decrease in the number of neutrophils
10. ___________________ impaired ability to provide an immune response
11. ___________________ syndrome caused by HIV
12. ___________________ blood voluntarily donated by any person for transfusion

Write the full medical term for the following abbreviations:

13. PT __________________________________
14. ESR __________________________________
15. PTT __________________________________
16. CBC __________________________________

Match the following abbreviations with their meanings:
17. _____ microcytosis a. WBC with rose-stained granules
18. _____ monocyte b. thrombocyte
19. _____ eosinophil c. small red blood cells
20. _____ lymphocyte d. WBC with granules
21. _____ platelet e. WBC termed one cell
22. _____ granulocyte f. an agranulocyte active in immunity
23. _____ basophil g. WBC with dark stained granules

For each of the following, circle the combining form that corresponds to the meaning

24. eat or swallow phas/o phag/o plas/o
25. juice lymph/o hemat/o chyl/o
26. formation plas/o troph/o thromb/o
27. blood erythr/o hem/o lymph/o
28. safe toxic/o reticul/o immun/o
29. germ or bud blast/o gen/o crin/o

Progress Note:
CC: fatigue

S: This 43 y/o female c/o feeling run down with lack of energy x 1 mo.
Pt. denies fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and reports no
weight loss. She has had very heavy menstrual periods lasting 5 days since DC
of birth control pills 1 year ago.
PMH: mononucleosis at age 14, NKDA. FH: father, age 68, died of MI; Mother,
age 74, has myelodysplasia; sister, age 45, L&W.
SH: married x 8 yr, no children; ETOH wine with dinner, denies smoking.

O: VS: T 98.8 F, P 81, R 15, BP 136/62. WDWN female in NAD. HEENT WNL
Neck: supple / s lymphadenopathy. Lungs: clear. Heart: RRR / s murmur
Abdomen: soft and tender / s organomegaly. Extremities: no edema.

A: Etiology of fatigue and decreased energy unclear. Possible iron deficiency
anemia in light of heavy menstrual periods.

P: Blood studies to include comprehensive metabolic panel, CBC / c differential.
RTO in 1 wk for lab results.

30. Which of the following is not mentioned in the history?
a. type of treatment the patient received for mononucleosis
b. patients consumption of alcohol
c. how long the patient had been married
d. health status of the patients sister

31. Describe the condition of the patients mother:
a. she has leukemia
b. she has a bleeding disorder characterized by an abnormally decreased
number of platelets in the blood
c. she has a hereditary disorder characterized by an excessive buildup of iron
deposits in the body
d. she has a disorder within the bone marrow characterized by a proliferation of
abnormal stem cells, which usually develops into leukemia

32. Which of the following describes the findings of the physical examination?
a. swollen lymph glands
b. normal examination
c. fast heart rate
d. heart murmur

33. What is the possible cause of the patients fatigue?
a. viral condition characterized by an increase in mononuclear cells (monocytes
and lymphocytes) in the blood
b. macrocytic normochromic type of anemia characterized by an inadequate
supply of vitamin B
, causing red blood cells to become large, varied in
shape, and reduced in number
c. microcytic-hypochromic type of anemia characterized by small red blood cells
containing low amounts of hemoglobin because of lack of iron in the body
d. normocytic-normochromic type of anemia characterized by the failure of bone
marrow to produce red blood cells

34. Identify the subjective information most significantly linked to the assessment:
a. enlarged lymph glands
b. heavy menstrual periods
c. fatigue
d. the patient quit taking birth control pills

35. Which test of the following tests is part of the plan?
a. test to determine coagulation defects such as platelet disorders
b. test to diagnose an infection in the blood-stream, by culturing a specimen of
c. needle aspiration of bone marrow tissue for pathologic examination
d. expanded battery of automated blood chemistry tests used as a general
screen for disease

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