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Matt Gilligan

Management 482
Professor Smith
November 25, 2013
OD a!"gro#n$
O#r Dail% rea$ is a &art of the 'atholi! 'harities organi(ation an$ )as fo#n$e$ in 1*84+ ,he
-#st re!entl% !elebrate$ their 25
anniversar% on November 1*
+ ,he organi(ation has a mission
of .g#i$ing o#r neighbors to)ar$ self/s#ffi!ien!%+0 efore the% )ere "no)n as a so#& "it!hen,
)here &eo&le !an get a hot n#tritio#s meal ever% $a%, the% )ere a homeless shelter that rotate$
among m#lti&le !h#r!hes in the Mar%lan$ area+ 1n 1*82, a shelter )as o&ene$ in 3eston, that4s
)hen OD starte$ fo!#sing on fee$ing the homeless+ O&ening an$ r#nning a so#& "it!hen )o#l$
be f#ll% staffe$ b% all vol#nteers+ ,his is )hen the% offi!iall% !hose the name .O#r Dail% rea$+0
5#st three %ears after o&ening the so#& "it!hen, the% )ere 6#alifie$ as a 501!738 non&rofit
OD then starte$ loo"ing at a broa$er &i!t#re of -#st sim&l% fee$ing the homeless+ ,he% reali(e$
that there are &eo&le an$ families that )ere fa!ing finan!ial !rises an$ )ere falling thro#gh the
!ra!"s+ ,hese families )o#l$ live &a%!he!" to &a%!he!" an$ )ith one small event, these families
or in$ivi$#als !o#l$ go from ma"ing en$s meet to losing their homes an$ be!ome homeless+
OD is o&en ever% $a% $#ring the %ear, rain or shine, giving a hot fresh meal to all &eo&le in a
finan!ial sl#m&+ 9or the families, the% )o#l$ also have boo"s that the !hil$ren !o#l$ ta"e home
an$ the% )ere allo)e$ to bring home as man% boo"s as the% )ante$+
OD is staffe$ b% all vol#nteers, the% hel& &re&are the foo$, serve the foo$ an$ !lean #& after the
g#ests are $one eating their foo$+ :ll of the foo$ serve$ is $onate$ b% s#&ermar"ets an$ some
e;am&les of )hat the% $onate in!l#$e !a"es, !oo"ies, &ean#t b#tter, et!+ 1n a$$ition, the% also get
$onations from !h#r!hes+ Some in$ivi$#als !oo" an$ free(e !asseroles an$ some in$ivi$#als
from farms bring fresh vegetables, s#!h as !abbages an$ tomatoes+
OD -#st ha$ an event !alle$ <ine = <on$erment+ ,he &#r&ose of this event )as to bring
)on$er to str#ggling families this season+ ,his event !onsiste$ of a )ine tasting to "i!" off the
holi$a% season, in )hi!h &arts of the &ro!ee$s )o#l$ be $onate$ to OD+ ,his event )as hel$ on
November 13, 2013 from 2>30/8>30&m+ ,he event !ost ?50 &er &erson an$ the% ha$ to 3S@P to
atten$+ OD also gets a lot of mone% $onations that allo)s them to $o ever%thing the% are $oing
to$a%+ 1 re!eive$ this information from their home &age7"Our Daily Bread Hot Meal
3esear!h on 'a#se
A#nger is a h#ge &roblem in o#r so!iet% to$a%+ Some &eo&le ta"e a$vantage of al)a%s having
foo$, an$ are not a)are of ho) serio#s the h#nger !risis a!t#all% is+ <ith the entire ho#sehol$s
that re&ort having lo) or ver% lo) foo$ se!#rit%, 80B of families )ith lo) foo$ se!#rit% )orr%
abo#t foo$ r#nning o#t, )hile **B of families )ith ver% lo) foo$ se!#rit% )orr% abo#t foo$
r#nning o#t+ ,here are other fears an$Cor &roblems that a lot of families )ith lo) foo$ se!#rit%
fa!e+ ,he% )orr% abo#t foo$ bo#ght not lasting, the% !annot affor$ a balan!e$ meal, !#t the si(e
of the meal or s"i&&e$ meal an$ sometimes not eating for the entire $a%+ Statisti!s sho) that 20B
of ho#sehol$s have lo) foo$ se!#rit%+ 7" Food Security in the U.S.: Frequency of Food
Insecurity." 8:n$ abo#t 1+3B of the nation4s !hil$ren live in a lo) foo$ se!#rit% ho#sehol$
an$ str#ggle to get the &ro&er n#trition ever% $a%+ ,he ma-orit% of families that live )ith lo) or
ver% lo) foo$ se!#rit% are single moms+ 9or the &ast five %ears the amo#nt of &eo&le or families
that have lo) or ver% lo) foo$ se!#rities has been going #&, )hi!h in &art )as $#e to the $e!line
of the national e!onom%+ Most of the families that are str#ggling )ith foo$ inse!#rit% ten$ to b#%
the !hea&er foo$s that are more filling, b#t the &roblem )ith this is the !hea&er foo$s la!"s the
n#trients that a$#lts an$ !hil$ren nee$ to be health%+ ,hese !hea& foo$s also ten$ to !ontain high
vol#me of s#gar, salt, an$ fats, )hi!h lea$s #& to &otential obesit%+ :nother !a#se for more
families not being able to "ee& foo$ on the table is the fa!t that foo$ &ri!es an$ other &ro$#!ts
s#!h as gas have in!rease$ $ramati!all%, )hile the !ost of living a$-#stment is not being able to
"ee& #&+ 9or e;am&le, in the &ast t)o %ears the &ri!e for a $o(en eggs has gone #& abo#t 38B
an$ a loaf of brea$ rose 1*B+ <ith a ma-orit% of the &eo&le that )or" for a -ob that &a%s a ho#rl%
rate, that for some is -#st minimal )age, these &eo&le !annot "ee& #& )ith the gro)th, be!a#se
their ho#rl% rate $oes not in!rease as fast as all of the &ro$#!t &ri!es $o+ :s a nation as a )hole
this &roblem )ith the ra&i$ in!rease in !osts it is mainl% hitting the lo) foo$ se!#rit% families
$riving the $ee&er into har$shi&+ 7Aoefer, 3i!har$+ D9oo$ Se!#rit% an$ So!ial Prote!tion in the
Enite$ States+D8
Some of the )a%s &eo&le tr% to hel& )ith h#nger is b% having foo$ ban"s, non&rofit
organi(ations s#!h as O#r Dail% rea$ an$ foo$ stam& &rograms+ 3e!entl% this month, the
Government has re$#!e$ the monthl% foo$ stam&s for millions of &eo&le+ ,his !#t $e&en$s on
the si(e of the famil%+ 9or e;am&le, a famil% si(e of 1 )as !#t 11 $ollars a month, )hi!h is abo#t
121 $ollars a %ear, )hile a famil% si(e of 4 lost 32 $ollars a month, )hi!h is abo#t 3*2 $ollars a
%ear+ ,his is !a#sing some &arents to ma"e ver% to#gh $e!isions+ ,his means the% !an onl% b#%
one gallon of mil" instea$ of t)o, not being able to have fresh bro!!oli for $inner or sna!"s for
%o#r !hil$ren to bring to s!hool+ ,his !#t in foo$ stam&s !a#ses &eo&le to go to the so#& "it!hens
b% the mi$$le of the month be!a#se the% are r#nning o#t of mone% 6#i!"l%+ ,his has been the
largest !#t the &rogram has ha$ sin!e !ongress &asse$ the first foo$ stam& a!t+ ,he &roblem )ith
&eo&le nee$ing foo$ stam&s to s#rvive is getting )orse over the &ast t)o %ears !a#sing an
in!rease in &eo&le enrolling for foo$ stam&s, )hi!h -#m&e$ b% 12B+ 1n 2012, the foo$ ban" !ost
over F8 billion $ollars an$ the government &lans on tr%ing to !ontin#e to !#t from foo$ stam&s
over the ne;t ten %ears an$ tr% to !#t foo$ stam&s b% 40 billion $ollars+ ,he% also )ant to tr% to
ma"e it har$er to 6#alif% for foo$ stam&s+7Severson, Gim+ DCut in Food Stamps Forces Hard
Choices on Poor+D8

1 vol#nteere$ for t)o l#n!h shifts at the OD in altimore+ Ha!h shift )as for fo#r ho#rs from
*>00am/1>00&m+ <hen 1 arrive$ shortl% before *>00am, 1 reali(e$ that 1 )as the onl% vol#nteer
from ,o)son+ 1 )al"e$ in thro#gh the ba!" $oors an$ )hen 1 got insi$e 1 ha$ to sign in+ 1 have
never vol#nteere$ before, so 1 nee$e$ to !reate a ne) a!!o#nt+ :fter 1 signe$ in, 1 nee$e$ to grab
an a&ron, name tag, an$ a hair net+ 1 then entere$ the $ining area, )here 1 )as tol$ to &#t on
some r#bber gloves an$ hel& !#t some tomatoes for the sala$ the% )ere &re&aring+ 9or this -ob 1
nee$e$ to grab a )hite !#tting boar$ an$ "nife that )as abo#t 8 in!hes long+ ,his is )here 1 met
Mi"e, he has been vol#nteering there on!e a month, for the &ast seven %ears )ith his )ife
5essi!a+ Ae sho)e$ me the &ro&er )a% to !#t the tomatoes+ 9irst 1 nee$e$ to !#t the stem off an$
then !#t the tomatoes into small bite si(e$ &ie!es+ Ae also tol$ me if an% of the tomatoes ha$ a
sti!"er on them to -#st &eel it off an$ &#t them off to the si$e+ ,he tomatoes )ere all ro#ghl% the
same si(e, abo#t the si(e of a tennis ball+ 1 fo#n$ o#t 6#i!"l% that the best )a% to !#t the
tomatoes )ere in eight small &ie!es+ :lmost all of the tomatoes ha$ sti!"ers on them an$ 1 !o#l$
never &eel them off )hen 1 ha$ gloves on+ So 1 6#i!"l% learne$ ho) to fli!" the sti!"ers off )ith
the "nife+ On!e the !#tting boar$ )as almost f#ll )ith !#t #& tomatoes, 1 nee$e$ to $#m& the
stems in the trash an$ the !#t #& tomatoes in a big bl#e bin+ Mi"e )as a lot faster than me in
regar$ to !#tting the tomatoes+ Ae )o#l$ fill the !#tting boar$ t)i!e before 1 )o#l$ on!e+ Ae
sai$ not to )orr%, be!a#se he4s been $oing this for a )hile+
:fter abo#t 20 min#tes of !#tting tomatoes, 1 )as grabbe$ an$ tol$ to sit in the $ining area for
orientation+ 1 sat $o)n )ith all of the other vol#nteers an$ 1 learne$ abo#t the histor% of ho)
OD began+ : )oman tol$ ever%one the &#r&ose of the organi(ation an$ )hat the% $o to &re&are
for ea!h $a%+ On!e she )as $one tal"ing abo#t the histor%, she then e;&laine$ )hat ea!h -ob
entaile$+ ,he -obs in!l#$e$ a server, r#nner, !leaner, tea &o#rer, an$ )ater filler+ 1 )as assigne$ to
the !leaning &osition in the bl#e se!tion, )hi!h )as in the ba!" left !orner of the $ining hall+ ,he
$ining hall ha$ fo#r se!tions, famil%, &in", bl#e, an$ green+ Ha!h se!tion ha$ fo#r tables )ith si;
!hairs at ea!h table allo)ing abo#t 24 &eo&le &er se!tion or aro#n$ *2 &eo&le in the entire $ining
area+ <hen 1 got to m% se!tion 1 met the rest of the vol#nteers that 1 )o#l$ be )or"ing )ith+
Megan, also a !leaner in m% se!tion, )as 22 an$ she is !#rrentl% at the Eniversit% of Mar%lan$
st#$%ing me$i!ine+ ,o ma"e things less !om&li!ate$, )e -#st s&lit the fo#r tables+ 1 got the far
ba!" t)o tables )hile she got the t)o front tables+ ,his )as Megan4s first time vol#nteering an$
she sai$ that she !ame )ith a gro#& of eight &eo&le from her s!hool for a servi!e learning
&ro-e!t+ <e also ha$ eth an$ 'hris at o#r station+ eth )as the )ater refiller an$ 'hris )as the
tea filler+ ,he% both )ent to the same high s!hool in altimore an$ )ere &lanning on going to
Salisb#r% Eniversit% together ne;t %ear in the fall+ eth )as going as a &s%!holog% ma-or, )hile
'hris )as going as a b#siness ma-or+ 'hris tol$ me that the% both tr% to vol#nteer )hen the% !an
at OD+ 'hris fo#n$ o#t abo#t OD )hen he got into a little tro#ble in high s!hool an$ ha$ to
$o some !omm#nit% servi!e for sho&lifting from the lo!al mall+ Ae sai$ vol#nteering at OD has
been a )a"e#& !all, be!a#se he $i$n4t )ant to have to rel% on an organi(ation to s#&&l% foo$+ Ae
has !ontin#e$ to vol#nteer after !om&leting his ho#rs an$ sai$ that this organi(ation hel&e$ him
move in the right $ire!tion to)ar$s a smarter life an$ he also sai$ that he sto&&e$ sho&lifting an$
#n$er age$ $rin"ing+ 'hris an$ 1 ha$ a long !onversation abo#t )hat he )ante$ to $o )ith
b#siness )hen he got to !ollege+ Ae tol$ me he )ants to something )ith b#siness, b#t he -#st
$i$n4t "no) )hat he )ante$ to !on!entrate in+ 1 also met a ni!e ol$er )oman name$ Nei!%, )ho
)as 52 an$ has been vol#nteering at OD for the &ast fo#r %ears+ She sai$ that she has a lot of
feelings for this organi(ation an$ she e;&laine$ to me that abo#t seven %ears ago, she )as
str#ggling an$ bo#n!ing from one -ob to another, -#st tr%ing to ma"e en$s meet+ 9or an entire
%ear, she ate at O#r Dail% rea$ abo#t three $a%s a )ee", be!a#se she !o#l$ not affor$ to b#% her
o)n foo$+ Nei!% tol$ me that this &la!e hel&e$ her in her time of nee$ an$ on!e she )as
finan!iall% stable an$ she got a stable f#ll time -ob, that she "ne) she )ante$ to hel& OD as
m#!h as &ossible+
:s a !leaner 1 ha$ a ver% sim&le -ob+ 1 nee$e$ to )i&e $o)n the table after ea!h g#est got #& an$
&#t $o)n a !lean na&"in )ith a for" on to& of the na&"in+ <e )ere also given a &late to )i&e the
!r#mbs onto an$ )e ha$ a trash !an to sha"e the !r#mbs off the rag an$ )i&e the !r#mbs off the
&late+ 1f o#r rags ever got too $irt%, )e !o#l$ go into the "it!hen an$ the% )o#l$ !lean the rag for
#s+ 1 )as tol$ to s&ra% the rag abo#t ever% five min#tes so that the rag sta%e$ moist, )hi!h hel&e$
get ever%thing off the table+ ,his $a%, the g#ests ha$ t)o o&tions for the reg#lar meal that
!onsiste$ of beans an$ hot$ogs or the vegetarian )hi!h )as a sala$ an$ &ean#t b#tter an$ -ell%+ :
ma-orit% of the g#ests got the reg#lar meal, an$ 1 )as able to fin$ o#t 6#i!"l% that beans an$
hot$ogs is a real &ain to !lean #&+ <hen 1 )o#l$ go #& to the table to !lean the sa#!e from the
beans, it )o#l$ be all over the table, an$ )hen 1 )o#l$ tr% to )i&e the table $o)n, all 1 $i$ )as
smear the sa#!e ever%)here, ma"ing the table even more $irt%+ 1 then fo#n$ a ro#tine that 1 !o#l$
$o )hi!h got the tables !leane$ ever% time+ 1 )o#l$ s&ra% the rag five times an$ 1 also grabbe$ a
se!on$ rag to $r% the table off an$ soa" #& the e;tra sa#!e+ 1 )as thin"ing that this -ob is real
eas% be!a#se normall% 1 onl% nee$e$ to !lean t)o s&ots at a time, so 1 never ha$ g#ests )aiting
to ta"e a seat+ #t one time as 1 )as !leaning a s&ot off a table 1 t#rne$ aro#n$ an$ m% entire
se!on$ table left at on!e, )hi!h too" me off g#ar$+ <itho#t hesitation Megan )al"e$ over an$
starte$ )i&ing the table $o)n )hile 1 &#t $o)n the na&"ins an$ for"s+ :fter an ho#r into the
l#n!h shift, 1 ha$ m% ro#tine $o)n &at an$ )hen 1 )ent over to a table that ha$ t)o o&en s&ots
si$e b% si$e, 1 starte$ !leaning the table b% #sing the )et rag in m% left han$, )i&ing in a !ir!#lar
motion going !o#nter !lo!")ise an$ then $r%ing the table )ith the $r% rag, )i&ing the table
$o)n in a !lo!")ise !ir!#lar movement+ 1 )o#l$ normall% $o this t)i!e to ma"e s#re 1 got
ever%thing off the table, b#t before 1 !o#l$ $o this 1 hear$ someone sa%ing )a; on )a; off+ 1
loo"e$ #& an$ one of the g#ests )as &ointing at me sa%ing 1 misse$ a s&ot, so 1 starte$ )i&ing
$o)n the table again, an$ 1 hear$ him again sa%ing )a; on )a; off+ 1 loo"e$ #& at the man )ho
a&&eare$ to be abo#t 5 foot 8 in!hes an$ the first thing 1 noti!e is the Grill that he ha$ on his
#&&er an$ lo)er -a)+ Ae loo"e$ at me an$ la#ghe$ )hile sa%ing 1 )as a strong %o#ng )arrior
!leaner+ 1 then res&on$e$ sa%ing than" %o# )ise master, &#t a na&"in an$ for" $o)n an$ )al"e$
a)a%+ On!e it )as abo#t 12>30&m, Nei!% tol$ me 1 no longer nee$e$ to &#t $o)n na&"ins or
for"sI 1 -#st nee$e$ to )i&e the table $o)n+ On!e the last g#est left, 1 hel&e$ !lean #& b% &#tting
the &la!emats on m% t)o tables in the $es", )hile also &#tting the salt an$ &e&&er sha"ers on the
to& $ra)er of the $es"+ 1 then ha$ to !lean $o)n the tables one last time an$ &#t the !hairs #& on
to& of the tables+ :fter this )e ha$ the o&tion to either sta% an$ eat a free l#n!h or )e !o#l$
leave+ 1 )as not ver% h#ngr%, so 1 &#t m% gloves in the trash, thre) m% a&ron in the $irt% a&ron
bin, got m% letter signe$ that state$ 1 $i$ m% fo#r ho#rs an$ left+
1 tho#ght m% $a% )o#l$ have been over )hen 1 got on the b#s that )o#l$ ta"e me home, b#t
)hen 1 got to the ne;t sto&, 1 sa) a &erson &ointing at me as he !ome onto the b#s+ Of !o#rse,
!oin!i$entall%, it )as the )a; on )a; off g#%+ Ae sat $o)n ne;t to me an$ starts ma"ing the )a;
on )a; off han$ motions+ 1 )as thin"ing that he -#st )ants to mess )ith me some more, b#t it
t#rne$ o#t he )as a ver% ni!e man+ Ais name )as Demean an$ he )as 48 %ears ol$, b#t his
a&&earan!e ma$e it har$ to tell his age+ <e starte$ tal"ing an$ he as"e$ )hat 1 $i$ to have to $o
!omm#nit% servi!e 1 e;&laine$ m% &ro-e!t to him+ Ae la#ghe$ thin"ing that 1 got in tro#ble )ith
the la) an$ he )ante$ to !om&are stories of )hen he got in tro#ble )ith the la)+ ,hen he tol$ me
some stories of ho) he got in tro#ble an$ ho) he hates the !o&s aro#n$ altimore, be!a#se he
feels that be!a#se of the )a% he loo"s an$ lives his life, the !o&s ass#me that he is al)a%s $oing
something )rong an$ sto& him for no reason+ Ae also as"e$ me )hat m% $rin" )as, so 1 tol$ him
that m% favorite $rin" )as an 1rish ,rash!an+ <hen 1 as"e$ him )hat his )as, he tol$ me that he
has been !lean from al!ohol an$ $r#gs for the &ast five %ears an$ that he is tr%ing to t#rn his life
aro#n$ an$ ma"e better $e!isions+ Ae tol$ me that at one &oint he s&ent all his mone% on $r#gs
an$ almost over$ose$ on the !ombination of vo$"a an$ other $r#gs that ma$e him en$ #& in the
hos&ital+ Ae tol$ me )hen he )o"e #& an$ reali(e$ he almost $ie$, he ma$e a &oint to never $o
an%thing li"e that again an$ that he )as not ha&&% )ith his life+ Demean tol$ me that he no) has
a f#ll time -ob an$ is tr%ing to fin$ a better neighborhoo$ to live in, ho)ever, it4s har$ right no)
be!a#se he !annot fin$ man% &la!es that he !an affor$+ 1 )as sho!"e$ that Demean )as this o&en
to me, b#t )hen 1 got off the b#s 1 ha$ a !om&letel% $ifferent &ers&e!tive abo#t him+
On m% se!on$ $a% at O#r Dail% rea$, 1 )as able to hel& more $#ring the &re&aration+ <hen 1
got in 1 ha$ to sign in, grabbe$ an a&ron, hair net, an$ name tag an$ then 1 )al"e$ into the
"it!hen+ M% first -ob )as to &#t the $essert on all of the tables+ ,his re6#ire$ me to &#t a na&"in
$o)n at ea!h seat )ith t)o 'hi&s :ho% !oo"ies on ea!h na&"in+ efore 1 !o#l$ finish &#tting all
of the !oo"ies $o)n, 1 )as grabbe$ an$ bro#ght o#tsi$e to hel& #nloa$ some of the tr#!"s+ ,he
first tr#!" ha$ a g#% bringing some $r% foo$s an$ )hat loo"e$ li"e one h#n$re$ fro(en
!asseroles+ <e nee$e$ to move all the foo$ from the tr#!" to the !arts )hi!h ha$ three levels of
storage s&a!e+ ,he% ha$ me ho& on the be$ of the tr#!" an$ the% ma$e an assembl% line in )hi!h
m% res&onsibilit% )as to grab the foo$ an$ han$ it to one of the three other vol#nteers )ho
)o#l$ go ba!" an$ forth &#tting the foo$ on the !arts+ 1 6#i!"l% fo#n$ o#t ho) fast m% han$s
!o#l$ go n#mb )hile han$ling fro(en foo$+ <e then &#she$ the !arts insi$e the b#il$ing an$
#nloa$e$ all the foo$ into their storage area+ 1 )ent ba!" o#tsi$e to see one more tr#!" )hi!h
)as f#ll )ith 40 &o#n$ bags of s#gar an$ 20 &o#n$ bags of !abbage+ :s )ith the first tr#!", 1
ho&&e$ on the be$ an$ starte$ #nloa$ing an$ han$ing ever%one the foo$ )hile the% loa$e$ the
!arts ba!" #&+ <hen )e &#she$ the !arts ba!" in an$ 1 )as in !harge of sta!"ing all of the bags
of s#gar from the !arts+ 1 ma$e a &ile in three ro)s of three an$ alternate$ on ea!h ro) sta!"ing
one ro) flat an$ hori(ontal an$ the ne;t ro) flat an$ verti!al+ ,hen 1 )ent ba!" into the $ining
area, )here 1 )as then able to !hoose the -ob that 1 )ante$ to $o+ 1 en-o%e$ being a !leaner last
time, so 1 !hose the same -ob an$ the% &#t me in the bl#e se!tion again+
<e ha$ more vol#nteers to$a%, b#t be!a#se it )as the beginning of the month )e $i$ not have as
man% g#ests as the last time 1 vol#nteere$+ ,his $a% )e ha$ an$ e;tra !leaner, so 1 onl% ha$ to
loo" over one table+ <e )ere not too b#s%, )hi!h gave me some time to tal" to the other
vol#nteers+ ,his shift 1 reall% onl% tal"e$ to one !o#&le, Gar% an$ Jo#ra+ Gar% )as also a !leaner
an$ Jo#ra )as tea filler+ ,he% )ere both in there 20s an$ tol$ me that the% tr% to vol#nteer as
m#!h as the% !an+ ,he% sa) 1 )as )earing a ,o)son shirt, so the% as"e$ me abo#t s!hool,
be!a#se the% both gra$#ate$ from ,o)son an$ are !#rrentl% living in ,imoni#m+ 1 tol$ Gar% 1
)as a finan!e ma-or an$ it t#rne$ o#t that he )as a 'P: an$ still )or"ing in the fiel$+ Jo#ra -#st
re!entl% retire$ as a n#rse+ She starte$ tal"ing abo#t her famil%, the% have t)o "i$s an$ ho) one
is str#ggling )ith J%me $isease+ 1 tol$ her that 1 also have J%me $isease an$ ho) it affe!te$ m%
e%es+ Jo#ra, for some reason )as fas!inate$ abo#t all the &ro!e$#res 1 )ent thro#gh an$ as"e$
$etaile$ 6#estions of )hat s#rgeries 1 ha$, me$i!ine 1 too", an$ ho) it affe!te$ m% life+ 1 $i$n4t
reall% have m#!h to $o $#ring the l#n!h shift+ 1 al)a%s ha$ at least one !hair em&t% at m% table,
so 1 )o#l$ have some &oints )here 1 )o#l$ have nothing to $o for 15 min#tes+ :t 12>30&m 1
starte$ )i&ing m% table $o)n )hen Gar% as"e$ me ho) 1 )as going to get ba!" to ,o)son+ 1
tol$ him 1 )as going to ta"e the b#s, b#t he insiste$ that the% !o#l$ ta"e me ba!" be!a#se the%
)ill be in the ,o)son area an%)a%+ 1 a!!e&te$ their offer an$ after )e )ere $one !leaning the
table an$ &#t all of the !hairs #& )e ate l#n!h an$ starte$ to hea$ o#t+
<hile on the )a% ba!" Gar% )as as"ing me more 6#estions abo#t )hat 1 )ante$ to $o )ith
finan!e+ 1 tol$ him that 1 )ante$ to be a &ortfolio manager an$ )or" )ith sto!"s+ Ae tol$ me that
he has a frien$ that has a small investing firm )hi!h is )al"ing $istan!e from )here 1 live an$
that if 1 )as loo"ing for an internshi& in the s#mmer or s&ring semester he !o#l$ &#t in a goo$
)or$ for me+ <e then e;!hange$ emails an$ )hen 1 got ba!" to m% a&artment 1 emaile$ Gar%
m% res#me an$ )ithin t)o $a%s 1 got an email to s!he$#le a intervie) in 5an#ar% for a &ossible
internshi& in the s#mmer+
,his servi!e learning &ro-e!t allo)e$ me to o&en m% e%es more abo#t the h#nger &roblems that
)e have in o#r so!iet%+ ,his &ro-e!t also ma$e me ta"e a ste& ba!" an$ not -#$ge or ass#me
!ertain things abo#t the &eo&le that go to the so#& "it!hen for foo$+ 1 reali(e$ )hile $oing this
&ro-e!t the little things &eo&le $o reall% $o ma"e a big $ifferen!e in &eo&le4s lives+ 1 feel that this
&ro-e!t gave me more val#e as an in$ivi$#al+ Overall 1 reali(e$ that a!t#all% &#tting forth effort
an$ &h%si!all% hel&ing an organi(ation has so m#!h more satisfa!tion then -#st sim&l% $onating
M% #n$erstan$ing for the &roblem )ith h#nger is so m#!h better no)+ 1 never reali(e$ ho) man%
&eo&le reall% $o str#ggle )ith &rovi$ing a health% meal for themselves or their famil%+ efore
this &ro-e!t 1 tho#ght the &er!entage of &eo&le that str#ggle$ )ith h#nger )as small, li"e one or
t)o &er!ent+ <e )o#l$ al)a%s thin" abo#t :fri!a )hen )e thin" abo#t &eo&le $ealing )ith
h#nger+ #t, after vol#nteering 1 reali(e$ &eo&le are str#ggling all aro#n$ #s an$ )e $o not &a%
eno#gh attention to this &roblem in the Enite$ States+
<hen 1 first got to OD an$ the% )ere $es!ribing the &eo&le that )e might see )hen serving
them their foo$ 1 ass#me$ the )orst+ 1 e;&e!te$ them all to loo" trash%, #n$er the infl#en!e or
smell%+ 1 also -#$ge$ them from the beginning an$ ass#me$ that all the &eo&le that !ome in are
either la(% or not a har$ )or"er meaning the% $on4t &#t the time an$ effort to get a goo$ -ob+ #t
m% ass#m&tions )ere )rong an$ this &ro-e!t ma$e me reali(e that the g#ests !oming to the so#&
"it!hen are some of the har$est )or"ing &eo&le+ ,he% )or" t)o -obs an$ $o ever%thing the% !an
to ma"e en$s meet, the% -#st nee$ a little hel& in the &ro!ess an$ OD is that little hel& the%
nee$+ 1 $i$ reali(e that the% are all tr%ing to t#rn their lives aro#n$, )hile most of them -#st $i$n4t
have the re!o#rses to get o#t of this sl#m&, b#t if given the o&&ort#nit%, most of them )o#l$ be
able to rise to the o!!asion+
,his &ro-e!t sho)e$ me that the little things that &eo&le $o to hel& the organi(ation reall% $oes
ma"e a $ifferen!e+ Hver%one that is not in the lo)er in!ome or str#ggling )ith foo$ ta"e foo$ for
grante$+ <e $o not )orr% abo#t )ill )e have for l#n!h to$a%, )e thin" )here $o 1 )ant to go or
)hat $o 1 )ant to ma"e+ ,he little things that &eo&le $o to hel& this organi(ation allo)s these
g#ests to not have to )orr% abo#t if the% )ill be able to eat l#n!h to$a% or not+ 9or e;am&le,
ever%$a% a gro#& of vol#nteers )ho most never met before )or" together to hel& serve h#n$re$s
of g#ests that $a%+
1n a$$ition, 1 feel as if this &ro-e!t gave me more val#e as an in$ivi$#al+ ,his &ro-e!t gave me a
real life e;&erien!e )here 1 got to see ho) an% gro#& of &eo&le !an $o an%thing if the% )or" as a
team+ <e )ere able to serve ever%one 6#i!"l% an$ effi!ientl% )hen )or"ing together+ ,his also
hel&e$ me ma"e more !onne!tions )ith other b#siness &eo&le that have an interest in this !a#se+
1 learne$ to be more o&en min$e$ an$ less -#$gmental+
1n the en$, 1 feel that 1 got more satisfa!tion vol#nteering at this organi(ation then if 1 !o#l$ have
b% $onate$ a large s#m of mone%+ ,he main reason for this is that )hen %o# vol#nteer %o#r time,
%o# get to a!t#all% see )hat %o#r time an$ effort $oes to hel& others+ <hen 1 thin" abo#t m%
e;&erien!e, 1 )as able to see the -o% the foo$ s#&&lie$ gave the g#ests+ 1 )as able to see the
a&&re!iation the g#ests ha$ for #s as the% than"e$ #s for vol#nteering+ 1 got to see ho) all the
har$ )or" that &eo&le &#t into this organi(ation !an hel& so man% &eo&le live a ha&&ier life+ 1 feel
that )hen &eo&le -#st sim&l% $onate mone%, %es the% get the satisfa!tion of "no)ing that the%
hel&e$, b#t the% $o not get to see )hat their mone% a!t#all% )as #se$ for+ <hile )ith
vol#nteering 1 got to )itness firsthan$ )hat m% efforts $i$+ eing there also o&ene$ m% min$ of
)hat is reall% going on an$ ma$e me rethin" )hat 1 tho#ght )as tr#e+ % $onating mone% %o#
might not be as o&ene$ min$e$, still %o# -#st feel the nee$ to $onate mone%+ 1 reall% en-o%e$ this
e;&erien!e an$ &lan to vol#nteer in the f#t#re some more+
Hoefer, Richard. "Food Security and Social Protection in the United States." Journal
of Policy Practice uly !"#!$ #. Print.
"Our Daily Bread Hot Meal Program." Our Daily Bread Hot Meal Prora!. %.&., n.d.
'e(. !) %o*. !"#+. ,htt&$--....catholiccharities/
Se*erson, 1im. ""ut in Food Sta!#s Forces Hard "hoices on Poor." $e% &or'
(i!es 2 %o*. !"#+$ #. Print.
" Food Security in the U.S.: Frequency of Food Insecurity." US De#art!ent of
ariculture. %.&., n.d. 'e(. !) %o*. !"#+. ,htt&$--....ers.usda.go*-to&ics-food/

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