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Nicholas II: Last czar of Russia under the Romanov rule

Rasputin: A self-described holy man he claimed to have magic healing powers. And can help
the wounded people or help the ones that are sick.
Bolsheviks: Took over government and arrested leaders of the government. And split apart
from the Mensheviks.
Soviets: Formed local council that because peasants demanded land because the temporary
government wanted to keep the war going. And to do that he had to get support from his
citizens and the soldiers.
Mensheviks: Russian Social Democratic Labor Party that believed socialism could only be
achieved when a country becomes capitalist. After Bolshevik become in power the Mensheviks
divided up and supported the red and white army in the civil war.
Lenin: founder of Russian Communist Part. Leader of the Bolshevik revolution and toke over
the U.S.S.R.
Revolution of 1905:
Bloody War: when the workers of factories went to the winter palace to ask for better working
conditions because they were so bad. But Nicholas II ordered for them to fire at them and killing
a thousand of people who were unarmed.
The Russo-Japanese War: when the Russian and Japanese both wanted to control Korea and
Manchuria. both signed the treaty with rules but Russia had broken the rule causing the
Japanese to attack Russia.
WWI: Nicholas chose to force Russia into the world war I causing them to be unprepared for the
economic costs and military force. And they had poor equipped military troops to fight in this
war. And Germany had well equipped machine guns that killed Russians or wounded them or
taken Russians as prisoners.
Two revolutions:
March revolution: The provisional government is, temporary government, Alexander Kerensky
wanted to continue to be the world war I. Which caused for the support of the people and
military soldiers. Caused people to form soviets because of that. The soviets and Lenin gain
power and stay in world war I.
November revolution: it is also known as the October revolution. The Julian calendar showed
that it occurred in October. And according to the Gregorian calendar it happened in November.
Russian was the first communist government.
Treaty of the Brest-Litovsk: This is a treaty that Russia had surrendered and gave a huge part
of land to Germany and allies. Which then triggered many Russian to be angered because of
this and they planned to take out the royal family and murder them.
Trotsky: He is the leader of the Bolshevik red army, and he lead the red army to succeed in
maintaining to seize power.
Civil war:
White army: The non-communist group, tsars men
Red army: The communist group, the Bolsheviks
Problems: Economic difference, slavery, unfair taxes and states' rights
Results: Red army wins, freedom of slavery and 13th-15th amendments were passed.
New Name: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

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