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Freedom its2l8 - If you don't shut up right now, I swear to Kami and all the gods that will

I take 10 kunias
and shurikens each with a explosive tag and shove it down your throat then blow it up.

CrimsonLaurana - "You a**hole! I'm gonna gut you and feed your innards to the pigs!" "You d*mn b**ch!
I'm gonna castrate and make you a f*cking enuch!"

Jane(with my corrections) - Shion got pissed and took out a frying pan, baseball bat, a small dog, and
duct tape. Lots and lots of duct tape. Then, he let the doggy do what he wanted with the dinosaur and
after he was done, he knocked him out with the baseball bat and duct taped him. When he woke up,
Shion knocked him out with the frying pan. After that, he shoved Madara in a hole for a few days and
then made him think he was going to release him, but wasn't. Then he used Chinese water torture (put
cloth over there open mouth and pour water on the cloth without stopping). Then he randomly pushed
needles into Madara's skin all over his body and left him there to rot.

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