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The essentials for delivering effective evaluations. San Diego Charger Girls 2005 - 2006 Team May 25, 2005 Charger Training Facility Presented by: Martin Olmeda, DTM Past District Governor Corporate Trainer/ Professional Speaker 8315 Century Park Court CP22C San Diego, CA 92123-1550 (619) 280-1066 jiu The Art of Evaluation in by Martin Olmeda What is Speech Evaluation? Evaluation-- defined by Webster as "finding the value or amount of worth, to judge the worth of." If we took this definition to heart we would be very CRITICAL evaluators. The art of evaluation is to provide an honest reaction to the speaker's presentation in a constructive manner. You are not a professional authority to criticize, but you are capable of giving YOUR honest reactions to the material presented and decide if you FEEL the objectives of the speech were achieved To be a effective evaluator you will often need to put aside your personal differences and prejudices either to the speaker or the content of the presentation. Listen to each speaker and presentation with an open mind. Why Evaluate a speech? Alll speakers are trying to achieve a specific or a series of objectives in delivering their speech. A salesperson wants you to buy the product, a story teller will want to entrance you in the story. The speech evaluation gives the speaker FEEDBACK on how the speech went and if the objectives for the speech were met. In Toastmasters, our manual speeches all have specific training objectives. Speakers have a MESSAGE they want to deliver and you to remember the message. The most powerful speech is one that you remember the MESSAGE and the speaker who delivered the MESSAGE. Communication is about delivering messages from sender to receiver with the receiver understanding the message and responding to the message. What do | look for first? Every speech has an INTRODUCTION, a BODY and a CONCLUSION. Did the speech have these items? Some speakers speak to hear themselves speak. Having no purpose or objective will result in your message not being remembered or received. THE INTRODUCTION should entice the audience to listen and should not contain things like speech title, speakers name, and time constraints for the speech. These are taken care of by the INTRODUCER of the speaker. The job of the speaker is to grasp our attention and mesmerize us to listen. THE BODY should have descriptive elements; visuals; pitch; vocal variety and a myriad of creative methods to keep the audience's attention. Remember it is the job of the speaker to keep the audience's attention. Did the speaker keep your attention? THE CONCLUSION should reenforce the reason this for this speech. A powerful ending will help the speech to be remembered. This could be the powerful pitch that you cannot refuse. What else do | look for? Were the objectives for the speech met? You as the evaluator should know the objectives for the speech. Enclosed is a sheet that briefly describes the first 10 manual speeches. As the evaluator this is information you already should know before the speaker even starts. Once the speaker is introduced your evaluation starts. LOOK at what the speaker is doing on stage, the evaluation starts as soon as they stand up and approach the lectern. LISTEN to the speaker. LIST their strengths and areas for improvement. To be an effective evaluator you must be a GREAT LISTENER and a very observant evaluator.

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