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Analyse how a character or characters help you to understand an important idea or

theme in a text you have studied.

A character in the text Montana 1948, by Larry Watson, that helped me understand
an important idea or theme was David Hayden. David helped me understand the
ideas of racism and oppression through his relationships with other people in his
Firstly Davids relationship with Marie was innocent and pure at the beginning. She
looked after him and she brought him up. He saw her as part of the family. His
parents treated her well and showed her respect even though she was a Sioux
Indian from the Reservation. David loved Marie and never questioned the fact that
she had to sleep downstairs rather than in the spare bedroom upstairs, until he was
older. This helped me understand that as a child he was innocent and did not
understand the racism that his parents unconsciously practiced.
Davids relationship with his Uncle Frank helped me to understand the idea of loss of
innocence. At the beginning of the text David worships his uncle who is a war hero
and a doctor. As he finds out more about Frank, David loses respect for him and
when he realises Frank is responsible for Maries death he actually wants to kill him.
This shows us that David has grown up and lost his childlike point of view his
innocence about his uncle. He realises that his hero is a man who is a criminal. He
also realises his father has to do something about it and that it has caused a split in
his family.
Davids relationship with his father also helps me to understand the theme of growing
up. At the beginning David has little respect for Wes as he doesnt live up to the
expectations that young David has of a sheriff. He doesnt wear a badge and he
doesnt carry a gun. However, as the story goes on David realises that his father is a
strong man even though he doesnt dress or look like a traditional sheriff. David sees
the struggle his father goes through against his grandfather and that helps him
understand the racism his grandfather has towards the Indians.
In conclusion, David Hayden and his relationships with other characters helps me to
understand the themes of racism, loss of innocence and growing up in the novel
Montana 1948.

380 words

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