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ActiveX is a software component of Microsoft

Windows. If you have Internet Explorer, then ActiveX

is already installed on your computer. ActiveX
controls are small programs, sometimes called addons that are used on the Internet. They can enhance
your browsing experience by allowing animation or
they can help with tasks such as installing security
updates at Microsoft Update.
Steps for compilation and running ActiveX control
1. Write the code for ActiveX control using notepad and name it as AClass.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ANamespace
public interface ASignatures
string FName();
string SName();
int Age { get;}
public class AClass :ASignatures
public string FName()
return "I";
public string SName()
return "N";
public int Age
get { return 249; }

2. Save it in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC folder

3. Open visual studio 2008 command prompt from start -> all programs
4. To compile the ActiveX control type csc /t:library AClass.cs
5. To register the component type regasm AClass.dll /tlb /codebase
6. Now open another notepad file and enter the javascript code to invoke the
component and save it as Activex1.html on Desktop
<script language="javascript">
<!-- Load the ActiveX object -->
var x = new ActiveXObject("ANamespace.AClass");
<!-- Access the Method -->
<!-- Access the Property -->

7. Open the ActiveX.html using internet explorer

8. Right click on the yellow ribbon to allow the blocked content

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