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Healthy Active Living

PPL10 Grade 9, Girls.

Health Related Fitness Components

Body Composition: cardio respiratory endurance exercises burns calories at the highest rate
per minute. Resistance training builds muscle which increases metabolic rates for a greater
calorie burn.

Cardiovascular Endurance: running, fitness walking, aerobic dance, stair and bench run ups,
basketball, swimming, cycling, water aerobics, soccer, lacrosse. Related to health of cardio
respiratory system.

Flexibility: stretching and yoga. Puts joints through a wide range of motion.
Muscular Endurance: calisthenics, push- ups, pull- ups, abdominal curls, weight training with
light weights and high repetitions. The movement of muscles without becoming fatigued.

Muscular Strength: resistant training with weight machines, free weights, elastic bands, and

Why Heart Rate Range is Important ..

Cardio respiratory endurance
The most important fitness component is cardio respiratory endurance, the
ability of the heart, blood vessels and lungs to deliver oxygen to the
working muscles and to remove waste products during vigorous physical
activity. Cardio respiratory endurance is expressed in terms of your
maximal oxygen uptake, the greatest amount of oxygen that can be used
by the body during intense exercise. This is the best indicator of
physiological well being. Research shows that vigorous exercise is
needed to keep the heart healthy, prevent heart disease and live at the peak
of health.

Determining Your Heart Rate Range

The target heart rate represents the intensity level at which you should exercise to produce

cardio respiratory benefits. This amount of exercise (overload) is enough to condition the
heart, lungs and muscles but is not overly strenuous. Monitoring intensity during a workout is
done by measuring the heart rate. For fitness to occur your heart rate must be raised to
approximately 60% of the difference between the resting and maximal heart rates. An increase
in heart rate equal to 80% of the difference between resting and maximal rates is a reasonable
upper intensity level for most exercisers.
Lesson: Students will determine their Training Heart Rate Range using the Karvonen Method.

Training Heart Rate (THR)=(maximal heart rate (MHR)- resting HR x intensity%= working
heart rate.
Resting HR = count your pulse at rest for 60 seconds.
When estimating your target heart rate range, you must first establish two factors:

Why YOU should enjoy P.E ..

Have fun and participate in many different activities

Enjoy socialization with their friends
Stay in shape and look good
Learn workouts that they can do at home and teach their parents and friends
Feel fit and healthy
Emphasis is on individual activity and personal goals, and to a lesser extent on competition
Class is not taken over by the more skilled
Learn new games and activities so all begin on a level playing field
Succeed at their own level
Stress that a lower score is not a reflection of their self worth
Talk about current health and fitness research which explains the need to keep fit

We participate in P.E. class four days a week, fifty minute blocks with one extended period

of one hour and ten minutes.

Three classes are fitness, one is sports, every other week, a fitness class becomes a health
Extended periods are hikes, 2.2 runs, 3 mile power walks and fitness circuit testing.
Fitness testing occurs once a quarter with 1 mile, 2.2, 1.5 runs, 2.2 walk, fitness circuits,
portfolio check and written tests.
Step aerobics, aerobics or pliometrics are usually once a week.
Calisthenics, weight training, band workouts are rotated through once a week.
Flexibility training once every other week.
Once every 6 weeks, medicine ball workouts, balance ball workouts, fitness videos,
orienteering and kick boxing

Pre-Class Activity Examples:

Pick five activities
Pick 2 cardio, 2 strength, 1 flexibility.
Speed jump rope 100 times
Run and touch all 4 walls of the gym
Do 10 push-ups
Do 20 hula-hoops
Toss a weight ball in the air and catch it 20 times
Try and do a handstand
Volley 6 times in a row with a partner (paddle bats)
Hold downward facing dog position for 10 seconds
Throw the fitness dice 3 times
Do 3 activities on the fitness mat

Warm-up Fitness Activities

Pairs Tag: Two catchers holding hands run around the gym, whomever they catch holds hands with them and then they break off into pairs. Last girl not
caught is the winner.

Tails: One girl of two puts a band in back of her shorts. Second girl must try and pull out band. Weight over feet, side to side movement.

Groups of three or four: One person stands outside the circle. Have to try and tag the person in the middle. Keep alternating the middle person. Stress sideto-side movement.

Fox and Geese: Groups of four or five. Four geese in a line, fox has to try and catch the end goose. Stress side-to-side movement.

Musical Hoops: Hoops are scattered around the gym. When music starts run around outside of the gym. When the music stops jump into a hoop, gradually
keep taking hoops away until one remains. Have task cards ready when girls are out so they are not standing around.

Hoop Tag: One or two catchers. Spread hoops around the gym. Safe area inside the hoop but as soon as someone comes in you have to get out.

Why Test?
Using assessments and threading them through the curriculum can advance
students knowledge and understanding of health and skill related fitness concepts
which I hope will lead them to choosing the habit of fitness over inactivity.

Evaluate personal fitness level and give motivation to continue regular exercise.
Used to set goals to maintain progress towards health enhancing levels of fitness.
Testing helps monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum.

Feedback about personal strengths and weaknesses.

Assessment Tools

Body composition


evaluations (self,
peer, and instructor)

Heart rate monitors

Written tests and

Skill and fitness

Fitness portfolio
Oral presentation
Personal log/journal
Out of class physical
activity homework


Fitness Assessment


Why students need to keep a portfolio.

A place to record student performance data, showing progress or achievement during the year.
Students discuss their portfolio with parents and advisors in order to better understand their personal health.
Serves as a basis for program evaluation.
Involve the student in the program.
Help encourage reflection of goals.
Create habits of mind, organization and management.
Provide feedback for self-improvement.
Have as an exhibit of her own progress through the year to share with parents and teachers.
Goal setting.
Being able to self-monitor, self-manage, and self-evaluate.

Student Fitness Activity Log


Heart Rate

Fitness Assessment Norms


1.5 Mile Run

2.2 Mile Run

2.2 Mile Walk

1 Mile Run















12:34 13:40






13:40 14:45


33:30 -35:45









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