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All Saints Church in Wales Primary School

Vision Statement
Our school is a special place, a safe place, a place of learning, a place of nurture and
exploration. Our school endeavours to demonstrate openness and acceptance,
tolerance and forgiveness. Here, values and attitudes are formed and every
individual is celebrated as unique.
A church school develops a distinctive Christian character, through its religious
education, collective worship and ethos, which makes Gods love and presence made
known to the world.
Our school is a place of vision and witness to the Gospel. Our vision statement is
reflected in the curriculum and daily life of the school,
where Jesus Christ is our foundation and children are encouraged to become
members of a Christian community;
where every person has equal value and a chance to grow and develop to their full
potential at school, at home, in the parish and in the wider communities;
where teachers, staff, governors and parents are committed to providing the best
learning opportunities and experiences, in order to develop the whole person;
where the search for knowledge is accompanied by a quest for faith and a journey
of spiritual experience; that
every child can be nurtured in their learning about the richness of the created
and grasp every opportunity to contribute to it in life;
every member of staff can be nurtured in their vocation to teach;
every achievement can be celebrated and every shortcoming forgiven;
every person in this school can
know that he/she is made in

As many hands build a house, so many hearts make a school.

As a pupil I will do my best to:
work hard to reach my goals;
remember the school and classroom rules;
be polite, behave well and respect others;
do my homework regularly and bring it back to school;
take good care of the school environment and equipment.
I feel proud to be a member of All Saints Church in Wales School and its
Signature ___________________________


As a family we agree to:

encourage our child to achieve his or her very best;
support the school in promoting positive behaviour and keeping school rules;
support the school in its teaching of Christian values;
ensure that my child attends school regularly and endeavour not take holidays during
term time.
ensure that that my child arrives promptly for the start of the school day and is collected
on time when school finishes;
support my child in the completion and returning of homework (including reading and,
with junior pupils, writing comments in the reading records;
inform the school of any changes in family circumstances, address, contact numbers,
email address or medical conditions;
inform school immediately if my child is unable to attend school and give a written
explanation of the absence on my child's return;
contact the school as soon as possible if I have any concerns about my child's work or
ensure items of school uniform are clearly labelled with my child's name for easy
not reproduce or post any school related images on any social media sites;
support and attend events at school and Church.
respond to school notices, letters, emails and refer to the school website regularly for

Signature ______________________________


As a school the staff and governors will always:

ensure children are safe and happy;
value each individual and encourage them to develop their full potential;
provide a safe, secure & caring environment;
have high expectations of children, setting high standards in academic work
and behaviour;
encourage the children to develop a sense of pride in their school, parish,
and wider communities.
enable each child to explore the place of Christian values in his or her life;
provide parents with regular information about their childs progress through
Parents Evenings, annual school reports and informal contact;
keep parents and carers informed of school activities and events through
regular communication.

Signature ________________________________

Head teacher

Signature ________________________________

Chair of Governors

Together we will:
provide the very best of learning opportunities and foster a love of learning;
enable children to become confident, capable and competent young people;
within a Christian community, nurture the development of values and
principles so that our children can take responsibility for their actions, respect
and care for themselves, other people and property;
equip the children with the necessary lifelong learning skills, so that they can
become responsible citizens of the future.

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