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Professional Semester III Final Report

Faculty of Education
Field Experiences
Fall Semester, 2014
Professional Semester III is a five-course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and
professional study in curriculum design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. Intern Teachers are
assigned full time to schools for the semester during which they assume responsibility for approximately one-half of
the teaching day. PS III professional study is designed to complement and enhance the internship. The
professional study components may occur on or off-campus and are coordinated by the Faculty Mentors in
collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.

Place an X in front of the course in which you are registered

Education 4571
Elementary Education
Education 4572
Secondary Internship
Education 4573
Special Focus Internship
Education 4574
Fine Arts Internship - Art or Drama
Education 4575
Fine Arts Internship - Music
Intern Teacher

Julia Vandezande

Grade Level(s)


Vincent Massey Junior High


Kel Connelly

Teacher Mentor

Leanne Evans

Faculty Mentor

Debbie Ireland

Intern Teachers Descriptive Report:

My PSIII internship has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and one that has shown me that I am
truly passionate about this career choice. The staff and students at Vincent Massey were very welcoming,
and I was able to start teaching on the first day of the school year in September. This allowed me to set up
the classroom and welcome the students as they first arrived in junior high, and to work with the students
to set expectations for when they are in my classroom.
During my time at Vincent Massey, I taught three sections of science seven. Teaching the same class
three times each day allowed me to try different teaching methods for the same lesson, and to reflect on
what worked best. As the classes that I taught were very diverse, I found that different methods worked for
different classes and learned to understand the dynamics of each class and adjust my lessons
accordingly. One of the science classes I taught was a Learning and Literacy class, where I had the
opportunity to work closely with the literacy teacher to support the students. In another class, I had multiple
students who were level one ELL and others who needed additional emotional and learning support. I
developed a set of modified materials for the ELL students so that they would be able to participate in
each of my science classes.
In my classes, I used a mix of technology, class and group discussion, guided inquiry projects, and
individual work. Students often told me that they appreciated the hands-on nature of my science class,
and looked forward to it each day. Students were given a chance to show their knowledge in various ways,
such as through labs and practical exams, verbally, and in writing. I was always available at lunch and
before or after school to help students or give them extra time on their projects, and many of my students
took advantage of this. I also had a class D2L website that all of my students had access to, and I updated
this daily with assignments, news, and extra materials. This served as a great resource for students who
missed a day, and also for those students who would rather download the assignment and use their
laptops at home or at school.

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PS III Final Report for Julia Vandezande

Intern Teachers Descriptive Report (Continued)

Vincent Massey has an incredibly close-knit science team, and I was immediately welcomed as part of the
team. Collaborating with the team was invaluable for me, and we met informally most days to discuss our
lessons and plans for the future. I cannot express how much I learned through these discussions, and
truly appreciate the knowledge I gained through bouncing ideas off of this group of talented and
experienced teachers. I attended an Alberta Science Network evening workshop with the team, where I
participated in seminars on junior high science units. As a team, we planned a grade seven science field
trip to look at the bridges and structures in downtown Calgary, and I was the leader for a group of 45
students on this trip. I was also asked to lead a bus of 55 students on a grade eight science field trip with
multiple stops through the foothills. During these field trips, I really enjoyed showing students how what
they have learned in the classroom applies to real life. I also found that field trips were a wonderful
opportunity to build on my relationships with the students, and these relationships were crucial in helping
manage the classroom.
Both in the classroom and on field trips, I think one of the most important and rewarding parts of teaching
is building relationships with your students. I made an effort at the beginning of the semester to build
relationships with each student, and found that this paid off hugely throughout the remainder of my
internship. For students who were identified as difficult, I put the most effort into building this positive
relationship slowly each day, and many of these students became very successful in my class.
I had the opportunity to take the lead in parent teacher interviews for my three classes, and really enjoyed
the chance to learn more about each student and their family. I felt that the information gained from the
interviews helped me to support them in the classroom, and their parents to support them in their learning
at home. Further parent contact was made when necessary, and I was able to see how much a student
can benefit when teachers and parents are on the same team.
I have always had a passion for playing volleyball, and this internship allowed me to move into the role of
coach. I took on the role of head coach for the junior boys (grade 8) volleyball team. In this role, I planned
and ran the team during tryouts, practices, games, and tournaments. While the boys on my team were
inexperienced in volleyball, they were incredibly hard working and enthusiastic athletes, and the team
improved immensely throughout the season to finish as division champions!
The team practiced two to three times per week in addition to playing two games each week. While this
was a large time commitment, I always found myself looking forward to spending time with the team. The
experience of coaching this team has ignited a love of coaching, and I hope to be able to continue this in
the future.
I feel extremely lucky to have been placed at such a wonderful school, where I was supported in gaining
experience and expertise in teaching. This internship has provided me with the skills and knowledge I
need to confidently enter the workforce as a teacher who is engaged in all aspects of the school
community. I am looking forward to a career where I am excited to go to work every day, and cannot wait
to get started!

Intern Teacher Signature


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PS III Final Report for Julia Vandezande

School Administrator Comments:

It is my pleasure to share my observations of Ms. Julia Vandezande upon completion of her Professional
Semester III at Vincent Massey School. During that time, Julia has taught grade 7 Science and coached
the schools junior boys volleyball team. In the short time she has been here, Julia has shown herself to
be a very talented, intuitive, committed, passionate, and caring teacher. She is highly attentive to and
responsive to the multi-dimensional nature of the adolescent learner.
The learning environment in Julias classroom is very positive. Her students indicate that they feel
respected and appropriately challenged and supported in taking risks in their learning. Students readily
articulate that Julia really knows and values each of them as individuals. They express particular
appreciation for the extra time she will take to help them understand a concept, both during regular class
time and outside of class time. It is not uncommon to see Julia working with students outside of regular
class time. Julia is fair and consistent in her interactions with students, responding to their concerns and
consistently offering positive, constructive feedback. Her ability to establish that classroom climate has
been instrumental in facilitating high levels of student engagement. In a relatively short period of time,
Julia has succeeded in establishing an exceptionally solid rapport with students.
Julia has proven herself to be very assertive, poised, flexible, humorous, and easy-going while yet
maintaining a highly effective learning environment. She shows a very clear understanding of group
dynamics and the unique management challenges associated in a junior high classroom setting. Julia
utilizes a variety of very effective classroom management techniques to minimize disruptions and address
discipline concerns. She is very consistent in her expectations of how students should be treating each
other and has set high standards with regard to appropriate behavior. In the few instances where Julia
has had to deal with student behavioral issues, she has handled them most appropriately, maintaining the
students dignity while addressing the issue directly. She clearly believes in the importance of developing
a classroom atmosphere where students feel safe and comfortable.
Julia demonstrates very effective planning processes. She is very meticulous in planning her lessons.
Lessons are well planned and learning outcomes are tightly connected to the Program of Studies. Julia
regularly arrives at school well before her scheduled classroom time and invests hours of preparation to
ensure her lessons are organized and engaging. She demonstrates a very solid knowledge of the
Science curriculum. Her comfort level with the subject allows her to devote her planning time to focusing
on ways to personalize learning for students. She demonstrates a significant understanding of
assessment principles, utilizing an array of formative assessment strategies to determine her students
level of understanding, readily adjusting her lessons to ensure for comprehension. Julia is evidently
aware that regular feedback is the most effective method of encouraging student growth and
improvement. I am particularly impressed with her ability to provide every student with meaningful,
actionable feedback.
Julia shows much creativity and initiative in designing learning experiences for students. She utilizes an
extensive host of appropriate skills and strategies with her students in order to encourage group
participation and facilitate learning. Julia is very cognizant of the array of unique learning needs in her
classes and she accordingly designs lessons that attend to the multiplicity of diverse learning styles before
her. She readily employs direct instruction, group work, creative projects, presentations, and technology.
Julia is very attentive to affording students with appropriate levels of student choice. Her lessons,
assignments, and projects are engaging and most students are diligent in completing learning activities. I
am particularly impressed with Julias commitment to continually circulating around the classroom during
the course of a lesson, intentionally checking understanding with each individual student.
It has been a pleasure to have Julia Vandezande join the Massey community. Students, colleagues, and
parents appreciate and respect her. Julia has shown herself to be an exceptional teacher, standing on the
beginning of a most promising career.
Kel Connelly, Principal

School Administrator Signature


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PS III Final Report for Julia Vandezande

Teacher Mentor Comments:

Mrs. Julia Vandezande has successfully completed her PS III internship at Vincent Massey Junior High
where she taught grade 7 Science.
Mrs. Vandezande approached her classes with a positive and friendly nature, which enabled her to
develop meaningful and effective relationships with her students. She developed an atmosphere of
respect within the classroom, and demonstrated concern for the individual learning needs of each of her
students. Julia consistently proved her ability to alter her lesson, instruction and even her assessment to
account for the knowledge, background, and learning style of each student. Mrs. Vandezande was able to
create and maintain an effective classroom environment, and clearly expressed her expectations both
academically and behaviourally.
Mrs. Vandezande enthusiastically dedicated much of her personal time to planning with colleagues, where
she was instrumental in developing new labs, activities, and assessments for the science classroom. Her
extensive knowledge of the science curriculum, her creativity, flexibility and resourcefulness made her an
essential part of the planning process. Julia created lessons that were thoughtful, academically engaging
and that were meaningful and relevant to her students lives. Mrs. Vandezande crafted a variety of
formative and summative assessment, which she utilized to guide her teaching.
Mrs. Vandezande possesses outstanding professional qualities that will benefit her future school,
colleagues and students. Julia was actively involved in our school community, supervising school
activities, taking part in after school programs, and supporting student lead fund raising initiatives. Mrs.
Vandezande fully immersed herself in her role as teacher, participating in Science department and team
meetings, as well as her Professional Learning Community. She spent much of her own time coaching
volleyball, providing extra help sessions, developing PRIDE interventions, and attending workshops,
webinars and seminars. Julia has an exceptional understanding of the job of a teacher, and has
demonstrated enthusiasm and proficiency in all of her responsibilities.

Mentor Teacher Signature


Faculty Mentor Comments:

Julia has had a successful internship at Vincent Massey Junior High School, where she has been teaching
three sections of grade 7 science. She has developed positive relationships with students and staff
members, and has become a valued member of the school community. Julia has attended staff
meetings, department meetings, parent teacher interviews, and all professional development activities
which were expected of teachers.
In addition to her grade 7 teaching assignment, Julia also assisted in setting up the classroom at the
beginning of the year, coached the junior boys volleyball team (which won their division championship),
observed other teachers who taught a variety of subjects, assisted students requiring academic support
during lunch hours and after school, and supervised students during one lunch hour per week. She also
supervised students on two field trips one to study the downtown structures as part of her Structures
and Forces science unit, and the other to look at land forms in the foothills with grade 8 students. At all
times, Julia followed through on her commitments on schedule and in a professional manner.
Julia developed comprehensive long range plans, unit plans and daily lesson plans and ensured that she
was well prepared for every class. Unit plans included information on big ideas, essential questions,
general and specific learner outcomes, schedules, assessments, and resources. Julias knowledge of the
curriculum ensured that her students were successful in meeting learning outcomes. Her materials were
always well organized and easily accessible.

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PS III Final Report for Julia Vandezande

Julia used a variety of strategies to connect with and engage all students, resulting in appropriate behavior
and smooth transitions at all times. Her students were always engaged, enthusiastic, and respectful. This
maximized teaching and learning time.
Julia used a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of her students. She excels in effectively
using technology, and regularly used the SMART Board as a teaching tool. Each class began with an
interesting quick question related to the lesson which allowed students to make predictions based on
their prior knowledge. This was followed by slides and discussions of fascinating real-life examples of
structures (such as the tallest bridge in the world, in China, which had cables installed using rockets, and
Sailing Rocks in Death Valley) and of creatures (such as the treehopper with ant adaptations). These
activities piqued students interest and increased engagement. All science activities were open-ended,
collaborative, and offered many ways to solve problems and share understanding.
Julia was aware of her students individual needs and she provided opportunities for all students to be
successful. For students who had limited exposure to English, she provided translations of data collection
sheets, opportunities to work with partners or groups, and visual representations of information.
Julia is an excellent role model for her students. She has very high expectations for herself, and she is
keen to learn new things. As a result of her interest in professional development, she attended an evening
event for science teachers which featured professionals from various work environments demonstrating
the important relationships between curriculum content and real-life work applications, and the importance
of personalizing learning for students.
Julia demonstrates skill in all subject areas for which she was responsible, and displays a strong work
ethic, enthusiasm and a positive attitude at all times. Julia constantly reflects on her practice, and makes
changes as necessary in order to maximize student learning.
Julia has had a wonderful opportunity to work with the science department in addressing the requirements
of the new report card, where rubrics are now being used instead of percentages. With support from the
members of the science team, Julia developed assessment tools, both formative and summative. She
entered report card marks for her three classes, and discussed student progress at parent teacher
Julia is an outstanding teacher with personal and professional integrity. Her life experiences, her passion
for teaching and learning, and her skill in working with children, colleagues, and parents lead me to believe
that she will be an exemplary teacher. I am confident that she will be a valuable staff member and will
serve her students well throughout her teaching career. It was truly a privilege to work with Julia during
the last four months.
I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is PASS.

Faculty Mentor Signature


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