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Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
5.1 Assess student learning. Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies,
including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to
assess student learning.

Example 1: Before commencement of unit - check student knowledge levels
For example, Roman numerals at the start of the unit the students were asked to
write down everything you knew, and then again at the end of the unit showing a
comparison of their knowledge. Similarly, the class had a discussion about what the
class knew before starting the science experiment on plant life cycles.

Example 2: A lesson constructing a timeline of Australian history needed teacher
intervention therefore unable to use as an assessment example because it would not
be fair.

Example 3: My markers comments from Assignment 1 ETP425 Teaching and
Learning 3 Assessment and Reporting.

This assignment can be viewed from the following link: Password: cdu

This is a comprehensive and impressive assessment of the chosen work sample
written through the filter of key ideas learnt in this unit. Your work is thoughtful,
honest, well expressed and well structured. It demonstrates deep engagement with
issues of assessment and reporting. You have provided support from a range of
literature and your work aligns well with the relevant AITSL standards.
A commendable effort.

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate
feedback to students about their learning.

Example 1: Provide constructive comments in workbooks that encourage their
efforts. Be careful not to correct too many mistakes in their workbooks. Concentrate
on the important issues rather than every mistake they have made.

Example 2: Mark with the students as you go to reinforce and fix any issues on the
spot. Maths sheets can be easily marked together on the mat and any questions can
be answered or demonstrated on the board at the same time for the benefit of all
the students.

Example 3: Engage deeper learning by thinking about the next step/process, such as,
providing opportunities to extend their learning, and always have extension activities
for students who work quickly and need extension too.

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements. Demonstrate understanding of
assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable
judgements of student learning.
Example 1: Maths sheets and My two blankets, where each student had equal time
to complete the given task and are given the same information.

Example 2: Use at least 3 samples of a students work to provide a good balance for
reporting purposes.

Example 3: Moderate with other year group teachers to ensure all reporting is
similar and fair, such as Thursdays weekly year group meetings.

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.4 Interpret student data. Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student
assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.

Example 1: Self-assessment rubric for Asia project. The rubric alone could be
assessed due to students not reading the question properly.

Example 2: The Spelling Venn diagram below allows teachers to target their lessons
according to each students ability. It involves using the data to inform their
practice. This example promotes tailored small group activities to improve spelling.

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.5 Report on student achievement. Demonstrate understanding of a range of
strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers and the purpose of keeping
accurate and reliable records of student achievement.

Example 1: Create Website for work to be uploaded or viewed, containing password

protected pages for teacher comments to be kept online and eliminate
photocopying work for reporting and parent-teacher purposes.

Wix Website Address:
Password: dance

Example 2: Have a folder containing assessment samples for each child to use while
writing reports and to also show parents during Parent- teacher meetings.

Example 3: Parent-teacher meetings- plus informal chats with parents to report
problem areas urgently rather than wait until parent-teacher conference.

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