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A. No ethic is as ethical as the work ethic. John Kenneth Galbraith
B. The word workaholism owes its origin, as well as it negative overtones, to
alcoholism. The only thing that distinguishes between the workaholism and
other addiction is that workaholism is sometimes considered as virtue, while
others are invariably considered vices.
C. . Workaholic is someone who is addicted to working. A totally compulsive
person, a classic workaholic, wildly ambitious, utterly obsessed by his work and
his career. They value their job over everything else. Work becomes top priority
before friends and family. It also becomes destructive sometimes. While on the
other hand the hard worker is the one who knows the balance between the work
and personal life. They enjoy their own leisure time with their friends and family


Main Idea
A. People who are workaholics are the beliefs of nonworkaholics. People who work
to live cannot understand those who live to work and love it. Workaholism is
almost exclusively American, but it is also un-American. People are supposed to
lead lives that are well-rounded, balanced and more normal than those of
workaholics. Sure people work on weekdays but when its weekend they are
supposed to spend their time with family, friends instead spending your evenings
and weekends at work or working from home. Working long hours for employees
can put them in to pressure.
1) I would like to give an example from my reading that I did last week.
George, the leader of the south-west London branch of workaholics
anonymous became workaholic. He actually is not a workaholic, it just he
likes to keep himself busy with what he does. He never like to sit still or
have some time with family.
a) Heres another example that I would like to connect to the first one. A
21 year dies in his bathroom after working 72 hours a week. His father
believes that he suffered from epileptic seizure triggered by
exhaustion. People who are addicted to work are egoistic and dont
collaborate well, they just think about their own goals.
B. Do they possess any qualities of being workaholic
1) There are many ways where you can check and make sure before you can
actually tell that the person you are working, leaving with is a workaholic
or no. It also gives you the steps on how to make intervention work for
workaholics. Intervention is a two-step process. It also has the toll free
number to set up an intervention for the family member you suspect is a



Main Idea:
A. Treating their family and friends different than people who work standard
1) Workaholism is often described as a disorder of several dimensions
physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual. Theres often an
ongoing or recurring loss of control over excessive working and
compulsive activity. Despite the adverse consequences, workaholics have
a preoccupation and obsessive investment with work and activity. Along
with this are distortions in thinking, particularly what is called denial. Coworkaholics say their own behavior and thinking were affected by the
disorder also. They say they joined the denial and contorted logic of the
workaholic in order to gain reassurance and an illusion of control about
the sturdiness of their relationship. They became preoccupied with the
work addict and obsessed with the workaholics wellbeing
2) Why America is the no vacation nation among all other nations. I would
like to sum up with the main points here. It is said Americans work like
robots. No obligations to offer vacations. He also states Germany is
among more than two dozen industrialized countries -- from Australia to
Slovenia to Japan -- that require employers to offer four weeks or more of
paid vacation to their workers, according to a 2009 study by the human
resources consulting company Mercer. Also being said that Finland and
France guarantee six weeks of time off. I would also like to add another
article where it gives you every tiny information on how we Americans
needs more relaxation time like other nations.

VI. Conclusion
Workaholics are more willing to settle for excellence in one endeavor and to admit that
they are inept and uninterested in anything else. Employers may say that they want people
with balanced lives and outside interests. They may pretend that workaholics are not
welcome but in fact they still encourage workaholic tendencies. The major finding they you
will find in my paper will be workaholics balances their lives between work and home. You
will also read on how to recognize the signs of intense security in themselves about work.
And how their work contribute to their pressure or actions for workaholic.



"Are We a Nation of Workaholics?" The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 25 Oct. 2013. Web.
02 Nov. 2014
"Living with Workaholics - for Friends and Family." Page 1 Living with a WorkaholicFor
Friends and (n.d.): n. pag. 2005-2007. Web. 2 Nov. 2014.
Workaholic Intervention." Addiction Help Center RSS. N.p, 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.

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