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Morgan Chambers

A. Classroom Management:
To make my students feel that they are valued members of the learning community in our
classroom, I will implement activities that allow the students to share their ideas and interest with
the class. By having the students feel comfortable in the classroom, I would have the students
partake in daily morning meetings where they have the opportunity to share one thing that is one
their mind. At the beginning of the year, the morning meeting would be used as an introductory
tool to help the students get to know each other. Another way to help students feel as if they are
valued members of the learning environments is to have them take part in caring for the learning
environment. Part of Montessori education, is care for the environment, so the students would
contribute to doing things such as: washing tables, dusting, watering plants, and sweeping. By
doing this they are actively engaged in making the classroom a beautiful learning environment.
Behavior rules and expectations will be addressed at the beginning of the year so that the
students know what is expected of them, as well as what is not acceptable. As a class, we will
brainstorm and develop rules that the students feel are important, as well as implement rules that
the teacher has for the classroom. One rule that would be implemented by the teacher would be to
be respectful of our classmates and their work. Raise your hand when you need to talk/ask a
question and be respectful and careful when handling and working with the materials are also
rules that would be implemented into the classroom.
With the rules and expectations of the classroom known, students know what is expected
of them in terms of behavior. The first offense of misbehavior would just be a verbal warning (i.e.
Is this something we should be doing in the classroom? Does this choice follow ours rules in the
classroom?). The second offense would have the student taken to the watchers chair. This is used
as a tool for the student to watch and reflect on the choice that they made while watching the
other students who are working like they are supposed to. Depending on the severity of the third
offense, the student would either be sent to the office or sent to the watchers chair in the
neighboring teachers classroom until they can make the right choices for their behavior and
return to class. Any actions that jeopardize the safety of the student or other students in any way
would result in immediate removal for the classroom in order to keep all students safe. The
involvement of the resource officer will be used if needed to ensure the safety of all the students.
Students will follow the rules and behavior expectations will be acknowledged verbally,
as a way to acknowledge them as well as to show an example of appropriate behavior to students
who may be having difficulties following the rules. If the example of the student making the
correct behavior choices in the classroom does not help to redirect the student who is
misbehaving, then the steps for misbehavior will be implemented.
B. Non-Instructional Routines and Procedures
As the students enter the classroom each morning they will be greeted by either the assistant or I
while they unpack and put their belongings in the cubbies. While greeting the students,
attendance will be taken as well. At the end of the day, students will be given their agendas to
take home and asked their lunch choice for the following day. After the students pack up, they
will return to the line and as a class, this time will be used for sharing any thoughts that the
students would like to share with the class about something that happened that day. (i.e. Today at
recess we played football and my team won!).
As a Montessori classroom, students are the leaders of their own learning. The students
take the lessons off the shelves, work independently, and then return the lessons to the correct
shelves. Student work is collected through their subject notebooks that they work in during work

Morgan Chambers
time. When students do work in these notebooks, they bring their completed work to a teacher to
be checked off and dated. Observations are done during work time as well as a tool for tracking
the students learning.
Student jobs will be changed out weekly. These jobs include: botanist to water the class
plants, zoologist to care for classroom pets, patriot to hold flag for the pledge, and meteorologist
to observe and keep a record of the weather for the week. Each student will have the opportunity
to have a class job. To keep track of this, I will keep a checklist for the student jobs so that all
students have the opportunity to have an extra responsibility in the classroom.
During work time, students who need their pencil sharpened are allowed to go sharpen
their pencil when needed. If the student needs assistance, then they will ask either the assistant or
I for help. Our classroom has a restroom, so during work time the students use the restroom when
needed without having to ask permission. During line time, when students need to use the
restroom they raise the sign for restroom in sign language (previously taught) and wait for a nod
from either to assistant or I so that instruction is not disrupted. When transitioning from the class
to the hall to go to another location, students are called to line up one by one, to refrain from
confusion. Before leaving the classroom, students are reminded of the expectations for behavior
while in the hallway.
The use of emergency drills is extremely important to prepare the students in the case that
these drills had to be implemented for any reason. To ensure the safety of the students during
these drills the procedures for different drills would be discussed frequently in class. This not
only helps the students become more comfortable with the procedures, but also helps them to
develop an understanding as to why these types of drills are practiced monthly. During these
drills, I would keep an attendance sheet with me so that I could ensure that all of the students
were safe and accounted for during the different parts of the drills.

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