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Lot 70 Hadfield Street, Lodge, Georgetown,

Ph.: 231-8148 or 665-4565

November 25th, 2014

Hello All:
Simpli Royal takes pleasure in inviting you to be part of Guyanas 45th Mashramani
Celebrations by participating in the 2015 Miss Mash Queen Guyana Pageant scheduled
for February 15th, 2015. This 45th year of the Republic of Guyana promises to bring forth
great things for our country and we invite you to participate in this hallmark experience.
Requirements for participation:
You must be between the ages of 17 and 25, be from 57 to 6 in height with weight in
proportion. You must love a challenge, be willing to wear a swimsuit, never married nor
bring forth a child, have a talent in the performing arts, be beautiful and ready to
represent Guyana. Start by filling in the application form and return it with your
biography, two (2) 5 x 7 size studio photographs for promotions. We will then call you
for an interview.
December 31st, 2014, we must receive a brief typed or written description of the
contestants National Dress, Swim Wear, Talent Wear and Evening Gown.
Appearances in National Dress, subject to your choice and relative to Guyana, where
delegates will introduce themselves, for 60 points. Swimsuit will carry 60 points and
could either be a full suit or a two piece. No unsavory or disrespectful display of
delegates anatomy is allowed. Then comes the talent segment which should not be more
than 3 minutes and no unsuitable material (profanity or vulgarity will be allowed) It
should also be universal anywhere it is performed and goes for 75 points. The final
segment for the pageant is the evening gown. This must be ankle length and must not be
unsavory or distasteful, showcasing the delegates anatomy. The gown will be judged on
design, originality, self-confidence, beauty and poise, for a total of 75 points. The
interview follows the evening gown segment and goes for a total of 25 points (based on
issues affecting Guyana).

First Prize
$500,000.00 cash
Second Prize $200,000.00
Third Prize $100,000.00
Miss Personality, Miss Amity, Miss Photogenic, Miss Congeniality, Best Evening Wear,
Best Talent and Miss Confidence and other great prizes.
For additional questions please contact Pamela Dillon, Simpli Royal, email: or on the above listed telephone numbers.
Thank you!!!

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