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Stages of Cooked Sugar


Soft Crack
Hard Crack

1 cup Granulated
cup Cold Water
Candy Thermometer
Wooden Spoon
Stainless Steel Pot
Rubber Spatula

Tools to Cooking Sugar.


Pour cup of cold water into the pot.

Step 1

2. Pour 1 cup of sugar into the pot.

Step 2

3. Stir the pot until sugar is dissolved, then

place over medium high heat.

Step 3

Insert the candy thermometer on the side

of the pot, not touching the bottom of the

Step 5

223-234 degrees.
Syrup will form a loose thin thread. Used
for sugar syrups.


Let the temperature get to 234 degrees.

(Thread Stage.)

Step 6

Take out a tsp. of the mixture and set

aside in a cup of water.

Step 7

Apply it to the wax paper.

Step 9

234-240 degrees.
Syrup will form a soft, sticky ball that can
be flattened when removed from the
water. Used for caramels, fudge,
pralines, fondant, and butter creams.


Let the mixture boil until it reaches 239


Step 10

Take out a tsp. of the mixture and set

aside in a cup of water.

Step 11

Apply it to the wax paper.

Step 12

242-248 degrees.
Syrup will form a firm but pliable, sticky
ball that holds it shape briefly. Used for
caramels, butter creams, nougat,
marshmallows, Italian meringues,
gummies, and toffees.


Let the mixture boil to 248 degrees.

(FirmBall Stage)

Step 13

Take out a tsp. of the mixture and set

aside in a cup of water.

Step 14

Apply it to the wax paper.

Step 15

270-290 degrees.
Syrup will form strands that are firm yet
pliable. Used for butterscotch, firm
nougat, and taffy.


Let the mixture boil to 270 degrees.

(SoftCrack Stage)

Step 16

Take out a tsp. of the mixture and set

aside in a cup of water.

Step 17

Apply it to the wax paper.

Step 18

295-310 degrees.
Syrup will form threads that are stiff
(brittle) and break easily. Used for
brittles, toffees, glazed fruit, hard candy,
pulled poured and spun sugar.


Let the mixture boil to 295 degrees. (Hard

Crack Stage)

Step 19

Take out a tsp. of the mixture and set

aside in a cup of water.

Step 20

Apply it to the wax paper.

Step 21

320-360 degrees.
Syrup will become transparent and will
change color, ranging from light golden
brown to dark amber. Used for pralines,
brittles, caramel-coated molds, and


Take out a tsp. of the mixture and set

aside in a cup of water.

Step 22

Apply it to the wax paper.

Step 23

7. With the spatula, wipe down the sides of

the pot with cold water.

Step 24

8. Let the sugar reach a hard boil. DONT

insert a utensil.

Step 25

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