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The relevance of discovery learning to ICT mediated instruction

Discovery learning according to (Bruner, 1915) is a learning inquiry-based constructivist

learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on their
past experiences, existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be
learned. Its foundation emerged from the theories of John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget
in which they described learning as a collaborative process where students are actively involved
to construct and share knowledge. This approach is instrumental in promoting students
flexibility, creativity and responsiveness to learning activities which influences their motivation.
Science Lesson- Learning about the science of leaves.
This a science lesson which is taught to students. It focuses on the biological processes
involved in the changes in leaf color, different vocabulary related to plants and trees, and the
difference between trees and evergreens.
The students are asked to bring in a variety of leaves or pictures of trees which is used by
the teacher to create different learning activities such as word search, crafts and creative projects,
introduction to new vocabulary, and a discussion about photosynthesis and chlorophyll.
Additionally, the teacher uses these activities to introduce the students to the scientific
names of trees and leaves in the form of an internet scavenger hunt where they are given the
scientific names and they have to search the internet for its common identity.
Moreover, method of assessment is a worksheet given to students to fill in the blanks
from a word bank.
Further, the teaching strategy that was used is an integrated approach where the topic was
integrated across different subject areas. I will assess such learning through discussions to see
what the students have learned.
Also the area or concept where my learners will have the opportunity to problem solve,
construct new models of thinking, and discover new connections is through a craft activity in
which they construct their own tree and from pictures or plant/tree clippings. They must say
where it grows and what type of tree it is.

Burney, N. (2014). Falling into autumn: Learning about the science of leaves. Retrieved from
Pischetola, M. (2011). Digital media and learning evolution. Global Media Journal. 4 (11).
Retrieved from

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