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Off-Campus Observation Map

Name Gian Melo


Name of School

Carlos Finlay Elementary School


Name of Teacher Observed

Observation Date



Time 9:30-10:30

Music Education


Grade(s) 3rd

Date Submitted 10/13/14

Describe the teaching

environment. Who are the
children? Who is the teacher?
How might the school environment
impact what happens in the

The classroom had an appearance of a cafeteria (too much white empty walls for an
elementary classroom). It had a promethean board. Musical instruments where nowhere to
be seen.
The teachers were a group of music education practicants from FIU, the lesson was divided in
different activities on which the practicants took charge each.
The goals of the class seemed to be to be able to elaborate and construct on previous music
What were the teachers goals for experiences so rhythm, form, and pitch elements would be polished and emphasized. Also
the class/ensemble? How did new activities were introduced with some more complex melodic lines and rhythms.
she/he act on those?

What teaching/rehearsal
strategies did you see? What was
the learning sequence?

A lot of rote teaching was employed, making emphasis in keeping up a steady beat while
singing also demonstration and repetition from the students.

There was a listening activity where the students were asked to listen and look to a video

What would you do differently?

performance of a song they had previously visited, I would have made the listening a little be
What was missing from the lesson? more guided like ask the student (before listening) to listen for a particular element in the

music or something that they are able to make the connection with what they know and put
in their own words.

What evidence did you observe

that would indicate that the
learning goals were met?

Some students were able to follow the activities didactic approach and some not. My
question is; how does assessment (besides observastion) and guidance is applied for those
who are struggling to engage in the activities?

What evidence of critical thinking,

critical feeling and/or critical action
did you see?

In some of the activities questions about rhythm association with songs students had learned

What National Standards did you


Evaluate performances of familiar music using teacher-established criteria. (MU.3.C.2.1)

Identify patterns in songs to aid the development of sequencing and memorization skills.

How did students engage in the

classroom? What was happening
at the time when students were
really focused?

Some of them were engaged in the activities and were able to follow through, some others
were struggling with them, and especially the activities where there was required to contrast
rhythm, speech and steady beat.

Describe a "teachable moment"

that you might have witnessed.

What constructive comments might you make about this lesson/rehearsal?

-The content of the activities was clear and well worked on, making the activities run smoothly. But how do we
help the students who are struggling while we are trying to deliver the lesson.

What is your overall assessment of this teacher, the students and the lesson/rehearsal?
-I think as instructors they were able to present their topic to the students, but, how much connections were
the students making?

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