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Class Activities

SS8H6 The student will analyze the

impact of the Civil War and
Reconstruction on Georgia
b. State the importance of key events of
the Civil War, include Antietam, the
Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg,
Chickamauga, the Union Blockade of
Georgias coast, Shermans Atlanta
Campaign, Shermans March to the Sea,
and Andersonville

Given five options of

important events in the Civil
War, Students will collaborate
in groups and create 5 min
power point presentations
discussing their event showing
they understand their topic
using key dates and figures.

The students will be given a rubric to aid them

in the construction and information that must
be provided on the power point. At the end of
each groups power point I will ask a series of
questions to each group member that will link
with the information that they have provided in
their power points and questions on some of
the specific events that had taken place in
which impacted the civil war. Their power point
will give me a visual idea on how much they
have learned about these impacts. But the
questions about the power point will assess the
knowledge that each individual group member

S7L5. Students will examine the

evolution of living organisms through
inherited characteristics that promote
survival of organisms and the survival of
successive generations of their
a) Explain that physical characteristics
of organisms have changed over
successive generations (e.g. Darwins
finches and peppered moths of
b) Describe ways in which species on
earth have evolved due to natural

Using Prezi or Powerpoint,

students will create a slide
show of no less than 5
different slides representing
traits of organisms that help
them survive and thrive in
their particular environment
or habitat. Verbal data must
accompany each slide
explaining how and why the
organism may be changing.
Grading will be based on
validity of arguments as well
as creativity.

I will assess the students verbally during their

presentations. The assessment will be based on
how well they explain their presentation and
the amount of accurate information that has
been provided. I will ask each students
questions about their presentation, the
organisms and their survival methods. The
questions will relate to things such as, why do
you think that organism uses such a technique
to survive? Does the organisms characteristics
aid in its survival if so how and how does it
relate to what we have learned about
organisms? I will also get into a question that
will allow the student to explain the ways that
natural selection can aid in or hurt the survival
of their species.

In class the students will learn about time lines

and significant events that took place before,
during, and after the civil war that may have
had different impacts. They will learn this
through research, a power point activity and a
time line creation. The students will each be
given lap tops and assigned key events of the
civil war. They will be asked to look up
information such as dates, what took place and
who was involved. Students are to take the
information that they have and in a group
design a power point that will be presented in
class. The next day they will then be given a
colored piece of construction paper and asked
to transfer the information onto the
construction paper. Once all information has
been transferred we will then began our time
line of events. This time line will take place
along the wall in our class. We will list the
events in chronological order from beginning
to end. On the third day we will finish up our
time line and present our power points.
In class each student will receive a package that
contains different organisms and characteristics of
them. We will go over how some of these
species use their survival techniques how they
reproduce and how often. We will go over how
they grow what type of climate is needed for
them to survive and even answer questions as
to why they believe these organisms may need this
type of environment for survival. The
information on reproduction will be a
requirement for the presentation because
some organisms reproduce in very large quantities
which may aid in why they are still around and
in their survival tactics. The next day the
students will be given lap tops where they will
research an organism from the package and
answer the questions about the organism that
will be provided to them at the start of class.
This will began the process of them creating a power
point or Prezi for the third days presentations.

ELACC7RL7: Compare and contrast a

written story, drama, or poem to its
audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia
version, analyzing the effects of
techniques unique to each medium (e.g.,
lighting, sound, color, or camera focus
and angles in a film).

Using VoiceThread, students

will compare and contrast the
book and the movie The
Using VoiceThread, students
will analyze the effects of film
on the story The Outsiders by
selecting a scene and verbally
explaining an interpretation of
lighting, sound, camera focus,

Students will submit their VoiceThread to

the teacher. The teacher will assess the
VoiceThread using a rubric. Some
attributes on included in the rubric are
character differences and similarities,
language differences and similarities, and
action differences and similarities. There
will also be a portion of the rubric that
addresses the second objective. There will
be an attribute for verbal interpretation of
a scene based on a clear and logical

In class, students will learn about comparing

and contrasting. They might practice
comparing and contrasting a poem to a song.
Then, they will learn about some of the artistic
choices media producers might make because
there are different allowances with different
media. The students might practice with the
same song but look at the rhythm, the way the
words are sung, the tempo, etc. Then, the
teacher will introduce the activity with the
class novel, The Outsiders. The students are
already familiar with the tool VoiceThread.
Students have the rest of that period as well as
the next period to work on their assignment.
Teacher guides as necessary.

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