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Sport on a screen

The genre of sport in video

games is a very popular
genre with games such as
FIFA and PGA golf are very
simalar in the sense that
there is a big emphasis on
online play. Storys in this
genre are rare but there
is a linear narrative when
you start tournaments or a
career mode whcih are on
most sports games. The venues such as the Nou Camp
stadium in Barcelona or
the Celtic Manor golf resort
on PGA are al lreal and very
realistic. The people in the
games such as the players
in Rugby Challenge 2 or the
companys in F1 are also
real as well as the tracks.
The venues such as the Nou
Camp stadium in Barcelona
or the Celtic Manor golf resort on PGA are al lreal and
very realistic. The people in
the games such as the players in Rugby Challenge 2 or
the companys in F1 are also
real as well as the tracks.

The conventions of this

particular genre ussaly are
the same weather it is sega
ralley or PGA golf, is always includes sport, tournaments , online mode,
multiplayer mode, and
real players/teams. Sports
games ussaly do come
out annualy, games such
as FIFA and F1 bring out
a new game every year.,
other sporting games such
as rugby challenge or PGA
do not bring a new one out
every year .There is rarley a
link beetween sports genre
video games causing voilence amongst people who
play them, this is because
there is nearly no voilence
in games such as FIFA and
Sega Rally, so ther would
be no reason for them to
cause voilence, there are
some games such as Fight
Night and UFC which obviosluet do contain voilence
but there is still no talk
of them causing real voilence.

FIFA 15 is probably the
most popular sprots
games and is also one of
the most popular games
out of any. It is a sports
game based around football.
There are a huge amount
of things that you can
do on this game, online
mode is a very poular one
, by there are other yhings like career mode,
freindly games, tournaments such as Champions leauge or the FA cyp,
although that game does
not have much of a story
line there is still a linear
narrative because you
can start a season at the
begining a finish it at the

The Iconography of
the game is brilliant,
all aspects such as
the real stadiums
such as the Camp
Nou and the real colours of the kits is all
part of the iconography of this game, if
it was wrong or unrealistic in anyway it
would definetley not
be as popular.
The voilence of this
game is minimal ,
which is why there
are never any links
beetwen this game
and having a influence on people playing this game and
bad behaviour.

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