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Text analysis grid

Author and title of text

Characterisation (Make notes here about who the main characters are, their character traits and, crucially, how the writer reveals these traits.)

Scenes and places (Make notes here about the places described, where the text is set and how the writer portrays them.

Time and sequence (Make notes here about the order in which events are shown to us.

Consider how these places might be symbolic.)

Is it chronological? Are there flashbacks, etc? Most importantly, discuss why the

writer reveals events in this order.)

Voices (Make notes here about what we are told by characters involved, either directly or indirectly.

What do you learn about the character/themes/emotions, etc from what

they say? Does the writer use different voices to give us further info about a character, and so on)

Point of view (Make notes here about the voice/voices that narrate the story. E.g. is the story told by one of the characters? Does this bias the reader in any way? If so, why
might the writer use bias? What does it reveal about the narrator? Is there more than one voice? What effect does this have?)

Messages (Make notes here about the overall message of the text? What is the ideology of the text? Does the writer want you to interpret the text in a particular way? Are
there alternative interpretations? How might different people in different contexts respond?



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