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Ashley Slaughter

Philosophy of Education
My fundamental belief about the nature of children is that each child is an irreplaceable
being. Children vary between cultures, needs, learning abilities, learning goals, and personalities,
however, all depend on a nurturing environment that is warm, welcoming, and secure to learn
and develop. It is my aspiration to provide this kind of learning environment by providing a
classroom filled with experiences, model professionalism, responsibility and care, while teaching
students with instructional strategies and critiquing my techniques with time and experience.
As a teacher, my central thought process revolves around the learning process. Teaching
a student a concept can be difficult; re-teaching a student a concept, once they have learned it
incorrectly, is even more difficult. For this reason, it is prudent to be involved in the entire
learning process; which includes reflection upon practice. I also believe it is my duty to learn.
Education is a field that involves constant improvement; therefore, in order to provide the finest
education, and reach self-actualization, I will consistently further my education.
I believe the best way to encourage learning, gain respect and connect with students is to
display enthusiasm, equality and compassion. By doing so, I will create a professional
relationship that will ultimately benefit the student-teacher relationship. My first priority is to
conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner before, during, and after school hours. This
will ensure I am a strong role model for the students while securing my position and ethical
principles. Maintaining professionalism will be an asset to my students and a basis for a
welcoming and encouraging classroom.
I consider teaching to be a group effort. I believe that communication between students,
parents and fellow teachers will allow me to collaborate on solutions for particular academic and

Ashley Slaughter
behavior problems as well as plan my curriculum to coordinate other subjects and have students
relate to the content. Ultimately, the role I will play in the learning environment is a leader,
mentor, role model, team member, and a caring professional.
In order to effectively teach the students, I will incorporate 8 learning styles, rhythmic,
spatial, linguistic, logical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic, together to
empower the unique mix of learners. I will also incorporate strategies such as the pair and share
technique to aid students in the learning process. With experience, I will perfect my teaching
techniques and gain wisdom. My philosophy is that learning is ongoing, and with each student,
parent, coworker and community member I will learn and critique my techniques; ultimately,
molding me into an expert educator.

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