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How do Americans View Christopher Columbus and George Washington


Kayanush Mistry
263 Baxter Lane, Milford, CT, 06460
Joseph A. Foran High School,
Milford, CT 06460
Grade 11
Freelove Baldwin Stow
972 Words

Kayanush Mistry

Mistry 1

How do Americans View Christopher Columbus and George Washington Today?

Two key figures in American History are George Washington, our first President,
and Christopher Columbus, the first European to arrive in the Americas. These two
gentlemen are so important to the United States of America that as a country, we have
taken one day off each calendar year to celebrate and honor them. Presidents day,
originally called Washington`s Birthday, and Christopher Columbus day (History). Both
of these figures faced many hardships and challenges, but through sheer determination,
they were able to overcome the obstacles that hindered their paths.
George Washington, a brilliant general and strategist, as well as the first President
of the United States was a very important historic icon. He was elected, by the Second
Continental Congress in 1775 as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. He took
command of what were then ill trained troops and fought against the British for six long
years (Washington). He trained those troops very well and soon they were able to defend
themselves properly from the British. He took part in many battles and would win some
and loose some.
Washington was also a very influential speaker. His influential speeches and
strategic thinking would help him out in many a tight place. In some battles, Washington
would have a very big disadvantage, yet still he would win the battle using his quick
thinking and superior military strategies. In 1781, Washington and his now trained army
forced General Cornwallis to surrender at Yorktown, effectively ending the
Revolutionary war (Washington). It was only through George Washingtons hard work,

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strategies and determination that George Washington was able to overcome the
challenges that he faced in his quest to free the United States from the unjust rule of the
British Empire.
In many ways, Christopher Columbus is very similar to George Washington. Just
like Washington, Columbus was a very persuasive speaker and very determined to
accomplish his goal. Christopher Columbus was a skilled navigator and explorer, who in
1942 became the first European to land on the shore of America. Throughout his life,
Columbus undertook four voyages. For all four voyages, Columbus was a very
persuasive figure and had no problem persuading Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and
queen of Spain to finance all his voyages. During his first voyage, one of his three vessels
ran aground, so he was forced to return back to Spain leaving them behind. During the
second voyage he returned, only to find that all of his shipmates were killed by natives.
So he founded a city there and governed it himself. He soon ran out of supplies and had
to leave for Spain then to get more (Christopher).
On his third voyage back, Cloumbus stopped in north-eastern part of South
America, stepping on American soil for the first time. He then headed out for the city he
founded and resumed his duties as governor. He did not do a good job. When things got
out of hand Columbus asked for help from Spain. Spain sent over Francisco de Bobadilla
to govern the city. Francisco deduced that Columbus was the root cause of the problem,
and Columbus was forced back to Spain in chains. On Columbus last voyage, he was
marooned on the island of Jamaica for a year before getting rescued. It was only through
Christopher Columbuss influential speeches and his immense determination that

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Columbus was able to overcome the many hardships that he faced and set sail
While Columbus and Washington were similar in many aspects, they were also
very different. They differed in how each became the leader of the country or city they
owned. George Washington was elected by the Second Continental Congress and was
well liked by all his fellow citizens. Christopher Columbus, on the other hand, annexed
his city and proclaimed himself as governor, he was not liked by his fellow citizens,
neither was he a very effective governor.
Another huge difference between these two gentlemen was the way in which they
went about accomplishing their goals. Washington accomplished his goal of separating
the Americas and Britain through wars and strategic planning, being a leader not just with
words but also by example. Columbus accomplished his goal through sheer determination
and will-power.
From the experience of these two very important men, Americans can apply a
couple of things to their lives. One thing that Americans can take away from the two
iconic figures is that one must be very determined to succeed in a task. Both George
Washington and Christopher Columbus were very determined to accomplish their goals
and it was because of this determination they were able to accomplish what they set out
to do. Both were extremely influential human beings. Washington was very influential,
he was able to rally his troops and increase their moral, while Columbus was influential
because even though his voyages failed so many times, he still got Spain to finance them.

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Washington also showed that being well liked by the people will go a long way in
being successful. He was a people person, well liked and respected, and a true leader.
Columbus also showed that having a clear goal and knowing the means as to how to
achieve helps one greatly. He planned for many months the voyage he would undertake,
focusing on all the little details that would matter.
Overall, both Christopher Columbus and George Washington were very important
figures in American history; Washington for freeing Americans from the British, and
Columbus for being the first European on American soil. They both faced many obstacles
in their paths and were determined to succeed in their respective goals. We should all
strive hard to achieve our goals. Some of our lifes goals may be hard, but determination,
will, and a desire to succeed will ensure that our goals are within our reach.

Kayanush Mistry

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Works Cited
"George Washington." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.
Minster, Christopher. "Biography of Christopher Columbus." Latin American History., n.d.
Web. 03 Dec. 2013.
"Presidents' Day." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.

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