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There are various forms of communication. Visual

language may be referred to as communication through
visual symbols, as opposed to verbal symbols, or words.
Words are also symbols, of course. They are not the
thing itself, although traditional religious ideas have
often centered around the idea that the word and the
thing are the same. For example, in more than one
religion it is forbidden to speak or write the name of God,
and in most faiths great reverence is given to the written
scripture. Also, words can take on symbolic meanings
that may go beyond the literal denition. The word black,
for example, became a highly charged symbol of political
and social realities for African. Americans in the 1960's.
The meaning and use of this term has shifted somewhat
since that time, though it continues to carry meanings
that might not be apparent to someone just learning



There are also nonverbal symbols that we respond to as

I have learned to be social and outgoing, but by nature, I

messages, though often without realizing exactly what it

am introspective. I enjoy observing things. It is amazing

is that has caused us to reach a certain conclusion. These

what you can learn about people, things and places by

symbols are often visual, though they can be auditory

watching and listening. Also, taking photos have become

or tactile. According to my multiple intelligences test,

embedded in our daily lives today. For my generation,

my verbal linguistic modality is an A, while musical/

snapping moments of our lives is routine. Flipping through

rhythmic is also an A. As such, the power of music as

photos on a person s Facebook page chronologically, or

a non-verbal, auditory language is very apparent. As I

scrolling down on the photo album in a person s smart

began to study photography, I have learned about the

phone could serve as a visual biography. But beyond

power of non-verbal symbols that reach us via the eyes.

the simple act of snapping to remember, the idea that a

photograph is a perfect depiction of a brief moment of the
world that I belong to became fascinating to me.
Photography is a mechanical means of faithfully
recording visual data beyond the ability of the painter.
When photography first came out in the 1840s, artists
wondered what they could do that the camera could not,
since photography could record visual data so perfectly.
However, soon, the subject matter of visual art as a whole
changed and the denition of art also became more uid.
Art is not just a set of skills to paint or take pictures,
rather it incorporates ideas, truth, self-expression, and
much more.


When I first started learning about the basic elements

Even if there is only one point, one mark on a blank

of photography and art, I focused solely on each of the

page, there is something built into the brain that ascribes

elements. However, as I began to construct this portfolio,

meaning to it, and seeks some kind of relationship or

I reviewed the elements of each unit in relation to the

order. If there are two points, immediately the eye will

whole. I learned that design is the process of selecting

make a connection and see a line. If there are three

and organizing elements or components in order to

points, it is unavoidable to interpret them as a triangle;

fulfill a specific purpose. Then as I was selecting and

the mind supplies the connections. Sometimes our minds

organizing the photographs, I began to understand how

supply the missing pieces to complete the image. We

parts became whole.

also accept separate parts of points as part of a contour

or form. Other times, our minds have the tendency to see

Our lives are made of thousands of moments. For every

and group objects of similar shape or color.

individual, the moments are different and the order in

which these moments are strung together is varied.

The involuntary connections we impose on a collection of

Even if a picture can tell a thousand words, thousands of

points can be clearly seen when we examine any image.

pictures cannot tell a person s life. Well, then, what s the

When you zoom in closely on any picture or image,

point of my photography?

they are composed of many points. At what stage do the

apparently random points of become identifiable as a
face? At what point do they become a specific person?
How many points are needed to tell a story?


Each of us may only be one small point in the world.
The world is made of millions of other people, lives,
and elements. Physicists may call these points atoms.
However, none can be looked at without considering its
relation to all the other points. I am just a 14-year-old. But
I am already somebody s daughter, granddaughter, sister,
friend, and student. Who I am changes depending on my
relation to another person or object or thing.
But there is no doubt that my family has helped shape
me into the person I am today. The businesses my
family owns, and the prospect of eventually taking them
over, has led me to explore my education and interests
accordingly. From an early age, I ve been fascinated
by topics like how business are formed, run, and
marketed. I have also been imbued with a strong sense
of responsibility for the family name and excitement
about potentially growing its reputation. Thanks to these
factors, I have had to mature more quickly than I would
have otherwise. And thanks to my family s support, I have
also been able to take advantage of opportunities to learn
from varying cultures and try out different activities to
develop as a person.



A line is a mark made by a moving point and having

Line in the form of maps is readily recognized as a

psychological impact according to its direction, weight,

symbolic representation of a place. The place may be

and the variations in its direction and weight. It is

a local neighborhood, or the entire world. It may be a

an enormously useful graphic device that is made to

carefully measured representation, or a stylized diagram,

function in both visual and verbal ways. It can act as

such as a subway map. In either case, we understand it to

a symbolic language, or it can communicate emotion

be a device by which we can understand the relationship

through its character and direction. Certain arrangements

between places; how to get from "here" to "there."

of line are commonly understood to carry certain kinds

of information.

Graphs are another readily recognizable linear device.

They are widely used to communicate quantitative
information and relationships in a visual way. From the
time we rst meet them in basic algebra, we encounter
and interpret graphs.



When you put together straight, horizontal, vertical, and

curved lines together, you can write a few words that
identies who you are. Mine are Hyun, Na, Christine, and Lee.
A name does not a person make, and yet somehow each
manages to capture the sum of a person s parts. Every
individual we have ever met, uniquely flawed and gifted,
can be brought to mind through the simple invocation of a
couple words. My names, for example, are Hyun, Na, and Lee.
Add them all up, throw in my reasonably strong handshake,
and you could claim to know who I am. But when asked
about my favorite color (blue), or my dreams and aspirations
(numerous), you d have no idea how to answer. Hence, the
age-old question of what exactly is in a name?
Mine was chosen for me by my parents, as is Korean tradition.
I have characters to accompany my moniker, which let people
know that I am Hyun ( deep and wide ), Na ( rice plant ), and
Lee ( plum tree ). But in one of the great tragedies of my life, I
have been mislabeled. There lies in me absolutely no interest
in deep and wide rice plants, nor do I particularly like plums.
Rarely does a person choose his or her own name: the birth
certicate is printed long before the taste buds decide what
they prefer. I am now, in effect, stucka name cannot be
removed as easily as a hat. So what s the use?



My name binds me to my brother. Hyun, a common

But that all I changed when I moved to America. No

component in both our names, designates our familial

longer was I Hyunna, the foreigner with the name

generation. This generation shows our temporal

difficult to pronounce; instead, it was much easier to

position in the entire Lee family tree; for example,

remember Christine, a common American name. The

my father comes from the previous generation, so

personal rebranding campaign worked; I was the dried

his familial generation designation differs from ours.

plum outselling the prunes next door. Not being able to

My last name, Lee, ties me to my country; nearly one

pronounce a name is a death sentence in relationships,

million and a half other Koreans share it with me. It s

but having Christine as my name still sometimes causes

a last name that originated in Silla Dynasty, which

problems. Christine has led not an insignicant number

was one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, and one of

of people to question why I chose this name instead

the world s longest sustained dynasties that reigned

of a dierent American name, when I had the choice.

from 57 BC to 935 BC. I was proud to learn that Silla

Having to abandon my given name left a mark on me

eventually conquered the other two kingdoms, unifying

that persists to this day. The process of my assimilation

the Korean Peninsula. During the Koryo Dynasty, the

was much smoother, but at what cost?

Lee last name divided into 14 ancestral clans, and as

the numbers of people grew, further divisions occurred.
Today, there are some 80 different Lee clans, some
larger than others. Because I can trace my last name
all the way back to my founding ancestor, I know that
I am tied to this land by family. My name may not say
much about me, but it speaks volumes about my past
and family history.



I have come to acknowledge that Christine is not my

Ultimately I have learned that it doesn t necessarily

name, it is more of a nickname than a real stand-in

matter what people call you. What lasts beyond the initial

for Hyunna. By taking Christine, I molded myself into

handshake is what you answer to. At school, I answer to

someone who would be receptive to American culture.

Diligence or Passion, depending on my mood. At home, I

Christine allows me to exist in the odd grey-zone between

answer to Piety. If you call out Problem, I will only

cultures. I am neither fully American, nor fully Korean

answer to Solution. I am Hyunna Christine Lee, and yet I

anymore. The situation complicates itself, of course,

am so much more.

whenever I met a fellow Korean student. At that point I

immediately switched back to being Hyunna. The fluid
nature of my two selves confuses me, but yet somehow
fits. I have come to terms with my dual identity and
have embraced how Hyunna as a person may be slightly
different from Christine, just as my mannerisms and
actions change based on my current country s cultural
expectations. I have two separate entities cohabiting
the same body, who come out at different times and
situations. This, I suppose, is what cultural adaptability is
truly about: keeping as much of your original identity as
you can, while also assimilating into the new culture.



Line also communicates emotion and states of mind through its


character and direction. The variations of meaning generally relate to

Vertical lines communicate a feeling of loftiness and spirituality. Erect lines seem

our experiences of line and direction.

to extend upwards beyond human reach, toward the sky. They often dominate
public architecture, from cathedrals to corporate headquarters. Extended
perpendicular lines suggest an overpowering grandeur, beyond ordinary human

Horizontal line suggests a feeling of rest or repose. Objects parallel to the earth
are at rest in relation to gravity. Therefore compositions in which horizontal lines
dominate tend to be quiet and restful in feeling.

Diagonal lines suggest a feeling of movement or direction. Since objects in a
diagonal position are unstable in relation to gravity, being neither vertical nor
horizontal, they are either about to fall, or are already in motion.

Curved lines do vary in meaning. Soft, shallow curves suggest comfort, safety,
familiarity, relaxation. They recall the curves of the human body, and therefore
have a pleasing, sensual quality. On the other hand, deep, acute curves, on the
other hand, suggest confusion, turbulence, even frenzy, as in the violence of
waves in a storm, or the chaos of a tangled thread.



Wrinkles along the eye rims and corners of lips signify

a blithe life filled with laughter and joy; they are the
traces of a positive attitude, which also makes others
feel cheerful just by looking at them. On the other hand,
wrinkles on foreheads show the hardships a person went
through and their worrisome life. They are the scars of
toughness that life gave. As such, wrinkles can tell stories
of someone s life.
The people tell the hidden stories inside the creases. I
often ask my grandmother to tell me about her when
she was younger. Then, she would hold my hand and
sketch her life with her words, even the littlest details. As
I listen to her voice, I follow the story with the paths of
the deep lines on her face and brush my ngers against
Wrinkles are intricate lines that are not a mere result

the bumpy streaks of her life. Distinct images form inside

of aging, but the very traces of the lives that we had.

my head, and every single time, I am astounded by how

Each fold, stretching spontaneously but harmoniously

much she has been through.

as if a person s face is delicate piece of art, reveal

various moments in people s lives. Despite the general

Everyone has ups and downs in their lives, and wrinkles

conception that a wrinkle-free face is to be desired, I nd

are the proud evidence of victory. I nd this is absolutely

these miniature biographies utterly beautiful and value

stunning. Therefore, through the marvelous lines, I see

the life in them.

the beautiful life that lies beneath.



Form, Shape and Space

Form and shape are areas or masses which define
objects in space. There are various ways to categorize
form and shape. Form and shape can be thought of
as either two dimensional or three dimensional. Two
dimensional form has width and height. It can also
create the illusion of three dimension objects. Three
dimensional shape has depth as well as width and
Also, form and shape can also be described as either
organic or geometric. Organic forms typically are
irregular in outline, and often asymmetrical. Organic
forms are most often thought of as naturally occurring.
Geometric forms are those which correspond to
named regular shapes, such as squares, rectangles,
circles, cubes, spheres, cones, and other regular
forms. However, not all naturally occurring objects are
organic; snowakes and soap bubbles are among many
geometric forms found in nature.



Our perception of shape and form are aected by many dierent factors. The
position or viewpoint from which we see an object can emphasize certain
features, and aect the impression it makes. The character and source of light
also changes the perceived character of the object.
We have all grown up looking at two dimensional images that purport to show
three dimensional space, and even time. For example, whenever we look at
a at surface (a picture or a television screen) and assume we are looking at
spaces and objects that have depth. Further, certain forms and shapes lead us
to emotions and ideas.



Horizontal and vertical lines in combination communicate
stability and solidity. This stability suggests permanence,
reliability and safety.
Squares are angular and geometric. Add an extra
dimension and it becomes a box. I don t like boxes that can
neatly categorize and cast things in a sti mold. But just
as photographs are not merely rectangular, flat illusions
of the three dimensional world, that attempt to capture a
particular moment, I fight the urge to put a box around



I pride myself most on being a ghter of cognitive bias.

As human beings, we are naturally conditioned to judge
people based on their basic characteristics size,
shape, color. But through much eort, I have found that
such instincts can be overcome. This is certainly not to
say I m immune from making these kinds of mistakes;
rather, I have too often formed a false conclusion
about someone from his or her outward appearance.
Therefore, I now go about my daily life with a
heightened awareness of how looks have no bearing
on behavior. Outward innocence does not equate to
inward goodness, I have found. In fact, some of my
strongest relationships have been formed out of my
refusal to allow my initial impression of a peer to lead
me astray me in understanding that peer s true nature.



The conict had originated from a rumor that my friend

From this experience, I also learned the importance of

had criticized me behind my back. Naturally, I confronted

tackling problems head-on. Simply because resolving

her and lost my temper, while she claimed it was nothing

this conflict face-to-face seemed far too difficult and

but a misunderstanding. Rather than even attempt to

painful, my friend and I ignored the growing divide,

listen to her explanation, I quickly convinced myself

which only exacerbated the situation and made it even

that I was right to be devastated. Since that incident, I

harder to x. If we had communicated with each other

now take care to subdue my initial reactions to conict

immediately, everything would have been over so much

and refuse to let my emotions take over. Only after I

more quickly. It was one thing for my parents to sagely

have calmed down and have had the chance to think

tell me to face dicult situations directly; I now have

things through do I take action. This simple change has

seen the wisdom of their advice in action.

improved the quality of my decision-making immensely.

Part of me is glad to have gone through this struggle,
the consequences of which far outgrew the initial
cause. Though my friend and I lost out on two years
of potential good times together, we learned precious
lessons that will prevent us from making such mistakes
ever again. Through the process, I have grown to be
a much more understanding and decisive person. I
view this stumble as an essential part of growing into
a better, wiser friend, and perhaps a real adult. I nd
myself becoming a more perfect circle. I may still have
some bumps and edges here and there, but I have
learned that part of becoming an adult is becoming
more round.



Today, my ability to empathize with others is what I

value most. When my friends are upset, they often
confide in me about their issues. For instance, one of
my friends once lamented that she doubted her parents
cared about her. Through the course of our long
conversation, I acknowledged the pain she was feeling
and explained that perhaps her parents showed their
affection for her in ways that she did not necessarily
see, but that this did not mean that her family did not
care about her. By the end, she told me that she felt
much better. I thoroughly enjoy being able to use my
skills as a listener to cheer up my friends. Stepping
outside of myself and doing my best to experience and
appreciate the diculties of others is one of the most
honorable things I can do to help others.



I find every person to be the perfect balance of all
of the elements of visual art. From the millions of
points that we call moments making each of our lives
dierent, the points that we biologically and physically
may call DNA and atoms also make us individuals. We
walk different paths of life; some walk on a straight
line, others diagonally up and down, and some take
roundabout ways to get to their nal destinations. Our
paths are sometimes tangled in knots of relationships
and other times lines between people are blurred. Every
person has his/her unique form, shape and space.
When people of all dierent forms and shapes occupy
the same space, that space may be called diverse.



Of course, I have some favorite people, and they share many points, lines,
forms, shapes, and spaces with me. To name one, I love my grandmother. She
has wrinkles and much more.



What kind of person do I want to be when I grow up?

I would have to study movement, color, value, texture,
balance, proportion and much more to be able to snap a
shot of the future. Perhaps I never will be able to. I can
attempt to share any pieces of my past and present, but
I can only hope, dream, aspire, envision, and all other
Growing up, I was very conscious of how others might judge me. Shy to a fault, I

words that don t solidify a denite result for my future.

avoided conversations and any other opportunities to speak out. Even if I knew
the answer to a question in class, I refused to raise my hand what would

I have always been interested in experiencing cultures,

happen if I was wrong? The fear of the classroom being lled with laughter at

whether it be Korean, Japanese, American, or from a

my foolish errors paralyzed me. Yet at home I was carefree, talking to anyone

country on the other side the globe. I was very excited

who would listen. Sensing my apprehension, my grandmother reminded me

to attend an international school when I was in just 4th

that the world deserved to hear my voice, to know who I was. I slowly grew

grade. I thought although there was no way I could y

into more of an extrovert. Not only did I feel more relaxed because I no longer

all around the world, I could interact with students from

had to hide myself, but others also felt more comfortable around me. My

around the globe, and exchange ideas, cultures, and

peers and I were closer after I found the real me. Now, when I sense someone


else s anxiety, I am the one to initiate. I am able start conversations with new
students at school because I remember the paralyzing sensation of entering an
unfamiliar environment. Furthermore, even when someone acts in a way that is
perhaps unusual or strange, I try to appreciate their dierence and perceive it
in a positive light. Just as I had to embrace my individual value in the world, I
make sure to do the same for everyone else I meet.



Each year I was especially excited for Culture Days to

represent Korea, along with my Korean classmates.
Together, with the help of our families, we cooked
spicy rice cakes and Korean style fried rice to share
with the school and students from other countries. As
my Korean classmates would explain to international
students the demographics of Korea and its unique
cultural traditions, I talked about famous places to visit,
and my favorite spots in Seoul. I laughed as many of
the international students at my school and even a few
teachers asked me eagerly about Korean fashion trends
they had seen in the media due to the recent rise in
K-pop, or Korean pop music. Their curiosity regarding
Korean music immediately sparked my interest, and I
was eager to show them what it was all about.



As a result, I began to bring in different K-pop music

of songs and music videos, covering a wide range of
Korean idols and popular styles. Slowly, more and more
of my international peers began to understand what
the huge cultural phenomenon was about, and I began
to look forward to showcasing and sharing everything I
knew about Kpop. I was ecstatic when last year, Misaki,
one of my friends from Japan, told me she was coming
out to Korea to visit me. Like two typical teenage girls,
we happily went shopping together, and I took her out
to visit the most popular places. Before she went back
to Japan, I bought her a gift bag filled with newest
K-pop music reecting Korea s updated trends, and she
was thrilled.



It wasn t long before this interest in Korean music

bonded Misaki and I. Although she is a year older I
am, this past fall we had long conversations about the
future and what we dreamed of becoming. Over the
course of these talks, I realized that I love K-pop but am
not particularly interested in becoming a singer or a
celebrity. Rather, I realized that the K-pop, phenomenon
has created a demand for a product that is, in essence,
abstract. The idea that culture could be imported and
exported like any other commodity fascinated me,
and I have not lost interest in this blossoming field.
The entertainment industry as a whole has become an
international powerhouse. Living as an international
student and seeing many dierent perspectives, I have
gained lots of useful insight into what Korean people
like, what foreigners like, and what kind of cultural
items or products would catch on quickly in Seoul s
trendiest districts. So I soon began looking for some
hands on experience in the eld.



I was immensely grateful when I found out that of the

many family businesses, one was a cable television
network. I began a series of conversations with my
parents and worked out the details for a learning
experience. I convinced my parents that I would make
use of my experiences in photography, art and design,
information communication technology, as well as
be helpful for the company with language skills in
Japanese, Chinese, English, and Spanish. While most of
my work consisted of doing clerical tasks, I had some
valuable experiences meeting various buyers from
China and Europe. My supervisor taught me what type
of discussions they would have, and how the company
determined if it was more profitable to engage in
business with foreign buyers or with domestic buyers
depending on the number of purchase orders, length
of contract, taris, and various other aspects I had little
idea of beforehand.



One project I worked on, where the department I was working in had to plan
launching event for a new show, required me to help with design for banners
and promotional items suited to t Chinese consumers. We were successful in
our choices and the event was lively! Though I only played a small role, I felt a
tremendous sense of satisfaction from the small success. It felt great to work on
such a project, and my involvement made me want to continue learning more
about various kinds of business marketing systems and how they function in
countries such as America, England, China and Japan.
This world of merging international cultures and economies has shaped my
dreams and aspirations. My goal is to take advantage of my interest in the
entertainment retail industry, and work internationally across borders to establish
business ties around the globe. I am proud of the international background that I
have, not only as a Korean student from a British international school studying at
a boarding school in New Jersey but also as a product of the mixing of Japanese
and Korean heritage where I have always embraced cutting across cultural lines.
I know I may still have a long way to go, but I am motivated and ready to tackle
the journey that lies ahead, and I cannot wait to continue expanding my horizons
and become closer to realizing this dream. Perhaps in twenty years, my portfolio
will consist of images of from tens of dierent countries across the globe.

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