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Black Rhino lives in Namibia, Coastal East Africa, usually their habitats
are in Tropical and Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas and Deserts.

Black Rhinos population just is 4,848 in the world.

European hunters are responsible for the early decline of black rhino
populations. Most people regarded rhinos as vermin and exterminated
them at all costs.

Why they matter? :

Rhinos are very important because they are one of the oldest groups of
mammals, virtually living fossils and are too an important role in their
habitats and in countries like Namibia, rhinos are an important source of
income from ecotourism.

Some threats:

Black rhinos have two horns, and occasionally a third small posterior
horn. The front horn is longer than the rear which makes them

lucrative targets for the illegal trade in rhino horn.

Nowadays, black rhinos remain critically endangered because of
rising demand for rhino horn. Wealthy Asian consumers, particularly in
Vietnam, use rhino horn for folk remedies. 333 rhinos were killed in
South Africa in 2010 almost one a day.

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