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Mixed Media Arts

(425) 431-7900 x6278

Mrs. Megan Nebeker

Room A204 or A207

.5 Fine Art Credits

Requires a $15 class fee

Course Objectives:
In this class, students will:
Apply the elements of art in their artwork
Learn critical thinking skills in order to plan, create and evaluate art
Express creativity through a variety of art mediums and techniques
Learn to interpret and analyze works of art

Course Scope:
This hands-on class will engage students by exposing them to a variety of mediums for
creating art outside of the typical drawing and painting such as printmaking, book making, and
a mixed media journal. This class will primarily focus on looking for and using the Elements of
Art (line, shape, space, color, value, texture) to create a thoughtful and meaningful design
using the Principles of Design.

This class requires a $15 art fee, which can be paid with cash or a check made out to
Edmonds School District, and must be paid in the main office. This fee will pay for all
consumable supplies used in this class. If you are unable to pay this fee, please discuss it with
your counselor and have them email me. Students could be charged extra for damaging or
losing class supplies.
Students will need to provide a used hardcover book for their journal. Some can be found in
our EWHS library.

The best way to contact me is through email. My email address is listed above.
View assignment details, rubrics, a class calendar, and helpful videos on my website at
In order to keep students and parents/guardians in touch with this class, I encourage both
students and parents to sign up for texting notifications regarding this class. Messages will be
sent about project due dates, extra curricular opportunities, and other important information.
The system used for this class allows for students and parents phone numbers to remain
anonymous and does not allow parents and students to text me back. Parents and students
love this system, so sign up now!


Class Expectations:
Do your own work to the best of your ability
Much of students success in this class is based on their effort
Academic and artistic dishonesty (cheating and plagiarism) will not be tolerated
Pay attention to directions and follow classroom procedures
Meet deadlines
Once you get behind in this class, it will be very hard to catch up!
Be respectful of other peoples art work and opinions
Be in class
3 tardies will earn you a detention
If you leave the class for more than 10 minutes, you will be marked absent
Students who miss class have a very hard time catching up
All school policies will be upheld

Absences and Make-up work:

School policies regarding tardies, absences, and excessive absences will be enforced.
Please refer to the student handbook for these policies.
Late work is only accepted for projects, not for sketchbooks or small assignments. Late
projects will be accepted for reduced credit. 10% of the project score will be reduced for
every week that a project is late. For example, if a project is one week late, -10%, or if it is 3
weeks late, -30%
If you know you will be absent, notify me in advance, and work ahead. You can always check
our class calendar and website to stay caught up.

Grades are calculated as follows
50% Projects. These usually take 2-5 weeks to complete in class and can be difficult to
make up at home because they often involve special art supplies. Our largest
20% Homework. Before starting a new project, there will be small assignments to prepare
students for the large project. These are usually completed in class, but can often be
done at home. We will also do critiques and reflections at the end of each project.
30% Sketchbook. At the start of the semester, students will receive a sketchbook and
drawing pencils. At the start of each week, students will be given a prompt, and must fill
one page of their sketchbook. These are due at the start of the following week. This
should take about 15 minutes and often can be completed in class. The lowest
sketchbook entry score will be dropped at the end the semester.
Extra credit opportunities are available by writing about encounters with art. Proof of their
visit (a photo or ticket stub) must be provided. There is a worksheet that accompanies this
extra credit opportunity that is available in the classroom or on my website. Each student
is allowed 20 extra credit points per art visit and a maximum of 3 of those per semester.

Art can be messy, so please wear appropriate clothes, or wear an apron!

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