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Feasibility Study Rubric

A Cover Page
Includes all necessary elements (APA formatting is correct, etc.)
Is neat and readable
A Title
A clever title (not too short, but not too long)
Is placed in the correct areas
A Short Introduction
Gives a quick overview of the place you will create the non-profit
Gives a quick overview of the organization itself


Review of the Background

Gives a summary of the background of the study (are there similar organizations around)? /5
Includes any citations/statistics necessary about the background
An accurate and informative description of data collection
Includes information about distribution


An accurate and informative description of the results of data collection
Includes any necessary information including graphs, charts, etc.


Accurately and thoughtfully considers the feasibility of the project
Includes information about the location, cost, legality, etc. of the project


Limitations on the Research Design

Accurately describes possible limitations to the research design
Shows that, despite limitations, the method still leads to feasibility


Conclusion, Notes, Works Cited, Appendices

Concludes with a final confirmation or denial of feasibility
Includes a properly formatted Works Cited page and any other necessary info


Group Participation
Blog Participation
Group Grades


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