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Melissa Peterson
Due April 11, 2014
NUSC 4237W
Paper Final
The phenolic compounds and antioxidants in Black Chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa*)
may be more useful in reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, and cancer than Black Currants (Ribes nigrum) in middle-aged adults.
Heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in the United States. An
important contributor to these diseases as well as many other chronic diseases is the damage
caused by oxidative stress. Animals have mechanisms to protect them from this oxidative stress.
These mechanisms are dependent on nutrients from the diet. Nutrients that may help control
oxidative stress include phenolic compounds, which are found in plants. Plants high in phenolic
compounds include berries such as black chokeberries and black currants. Because of their high
phenolic compounds, these plants may prove useful in disease prevention.
Aronia melanocarpa, or black chokeberry, is a plant in the Rosaceae (rose) family. It is
native to the Eastern United States, including Connecticut, and to some parts of Southern
Canada. (Brand1) It is very commonly grown in areas of Eastern Europe with Poland being the
biggest producer of the Aronia crop. (Brand2) Aronia melanocarpa is a deciduous shrub meaning
it loses its leaves in the winter. It is relatively disease and pest resistant. This medium-textured
shrub gets about three to five feet tall and spreads by suckers to form large colonies. It has shiny
dark green foliage in the summer and nice red fall foliage. The flowers form in small white
clusters that bloom in May. The fruits are small, half inch or less, dark purple to black in color,

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pome (fleshy fruits), and appear from September to December. (Brand1) The fruits are an edible
part of the plant. They are not often eaten whole because of their astringent flavor. More
frequently, they are dried, used in yogurt, or made into juice. However, it is not very common to
see Black Chokeberry juice and fruit sold in the store. More often, Black Chokeberry juice might
be an ingredient in another type of fruit juice. (Brand2)
Ribes nigrum, or black currant, is a plant from the Grossulariaceae (currant) family. It is
native to Europe and was eventually introduced to the United States. It can now be found in
some parts of the Northeastern and Northwestern United States as well as Southeastern and
Southwestern Canada. Like Aronia, it is also a deciduous shrub. Black currants were banned
from being planted in much of the United States because currants and other plants in the
Grossulariaceae family such as gooseberries are hosts for a disease called white pine blister rust.
This rust is detrimental to white pine trees and wiped out a large portion of white pines in United
States forests. Black Currants are legal to grow in Connecticut now and planting them is only
banned in certain parts of Michigan. Connecticut is currently the largest distributor of Ribes
nigrum and their products. The plants grow to about six feet tall. They have long yellow racemes
of flowers (the petals are not visible but the sepals are) that bloom from April to May. The fruits,
like of the black chokeberry, are round, dark purple or black in color, and are less than half an
inch in size. The fruits are edible and can be made into oils, juice and extracts or the whole fruit
can be eaten. The leaves can also be used to make tea. (Plants for a Future 2012) Black Currant
juice can be found in some regular grocery stores and has a very rich flavor. Because of its strong
taste, it is common to mix it with another beverage rather than drinking the black currant juice

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Phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds (also referred to as phenols or polyphenols)
are found in plants. They are secondary metabolites of plant growth (Mattila et al 2011). Phenols
are used as part of the plants normal physiology and metabolism such as for pigmentation and
growth. (Lee) While they are necessary in plants, they have been widely studied for human uses
as well.
Phenolic compounds are thought to be helpful in prevention of certain diseases. There are
three classes of phenolic compounds including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and tannins (Mattila et
al 2011). These classes of compounds are considered to be helpful in disease prevention because
they are high in antioxidants. (Jakobek et al 2011) In the human body, the purpose of
antioxidants is to offset the effects of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species
(Lobo). Both reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species are detrimental to various
pathways in our body (Lee).
Oxygen and nitrogen are important for the survival of humans. Humans are aerobic
organisms and therefore require oxygen to produce energy. A side effect of this use of oxygen is
the production of reactive oxygen species. Reactive oxygen species, including superoxide ion,
hydroxyl ion, hydrogen peroxide, and lipidperoxyl radicle/hydroperoxide, are free radicles and
non- radicles that contain oxygen. (Lobo) Reactive oxygen species, such as free radicles, are
unstable, highly reactive molecules that are formed in our body as a part of normal physiology.
A free radicle is a molecule with one or more unpaired electrons that can either donate
that electron or receive an electron from other substances in our body. If we are able to regulate
the reactive oxygen species, other physiological processes can continue as normal. However, if
we are not able to regulate them, oxidative stress can occur in the body. (Lee)

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Oxidative stress caused by accumulation of reactive oxygen species can severely damage
cells. This can impair the bodys ability to continue with normal physiological processes
including lipid peroxidation, protein synthesis, and DNA synthesis and it can lead to DNA
damage. Oxidative stress can increase complications in different diseases such as diabetes
mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and cancer; it can also lead to unhealthy aging. These are the
reasons humans need antioxidants. (Lobo)
Antioxidants are a defense mechanism against reactive oxygen species. They counteract
and neutralize the effects of the reactive oxygen species to work to prevent oxidative stress. A
balance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants is important for maintaining normal
physiology and limiting oxidative stress. (Lobo) Antioxidants function as reducing agents or
electron donors to the free radicle reactive oxygen species (Lee).
Phenolic compounds or polyphenols have high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
(Brand2). Some sources of phenolic compounds have been shown to be more beneficial than
others. The phenolic compounds and antioxidants in Black Chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa)
may be more useful in reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, and cancer than Black Currants (Ribes nigrum) in middle-aged adults.
The Need for Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidants
Phenolic compounds are metabolized in the human body in different ways. They are
often helpful in reducing oxidation of cells and therefore reducing the risk of certain diseases.
There are some antioxidants naturally present in the human body, called endogenous
antioxidants, that work as a natural defense system. These include superoxide dismutase,
catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. Catalase and glutathione peroxidase break down hydrogen
peroxide to water because glutathione is an electron donor. Superoxide dismutase breaks down

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superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is less reactive and therefore less
damaging in certain circumstances than superoxide. Some compounds can serve as markers to
show increased oxidative stress in a human. For example, an increase in the chemical compound
glutathione disulfide in blood means that a person has oxidative stress. (Lee 2014)
Other antioxidants can be acquired from food. These are called exogenous antioxidants.
Exogenous antioxidants include, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a-tocopherol (vitamin E). While
many mammals are able to synthesize the water-soluble vitamin C, humans do not have this
ability and therefore, need to consume vitamin C. Ascorbic acid reacts with the different reactive
oxygen species by giving the radicles an electron in the form of a hydrogen ion. In the presence
of vitamin C/ascorbic acid, the reactive oxygen species, hydroxyl radicle, superoxide, and
hydrogen peroxide eventually become water. Black currants are high in ascorbic acid. Vitamin E
or a-tocopherol is found in plant oils. It is a fat soluble vitamin that, like ascorbic acid, donates
hydrogen ions to free radicles to replace the missing electrons. It also works by helping to
destroy the reactive oxygen species, singlet oxygen. (Lee 2014) Vitamin E should be taken along
with vitamin C to prevent the formation of a-tocopheroxyl radicle. When taken without vitamin
C, vitamin E/a-tocopherol can be affected by reactive oxygen species and converted into atocopheroxyl radicle, which can result in lipid peroxidation, the oxidative degradation of lipids,
and can lead to cell damage. (Lee et al 2012)
There are some reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species which cannot be controlled
with the bodys natural defenses, including peroxyl and peroxynitrate. They must be controlled
by the consumed antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E. Carotenoids and
phytochemicals such as polyphenols can also function as antioxidants. B-carotene is the most
abundant carotenoid and it has the greatest amount of provitamin A activity, meaning the fat

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soluble vitamin A can be formed from B-carotene in the body. Lycopene is another carotenoid.
Both B-carotene and lycopene can react with and quench the non-radicle reactive oxygen species
called singlet oxygen. The polyphenols are able to scavenge oxidants including reactive oxygen
species, in a similar way as antioxidants. (Mattila et al 2011)
Phenolic compounds in Black Chokeberries
Black chokeberries are high in phenolic compounds including the anthocyanins cyanidin
3-galactoside (highest concentration) and cyanidin 3-arabinoside. Black chokeberries are among
the highest phenolic compound containing fruits. This high phenol concentration makes this fruit
a likely source of antioxidants. Black chokeberries are shown to have one of the highest in vitro
antioxidant activities compared to other fruits including black currants. The berries are a rich
source of other anthocyanins, including proanthocyanidins and hydroxycinnamic acids.
(Graversen et al 2008). The fruits also contain small amounts of flavanols, quercetin is the
highest concentration (Jakobek et al. 2007), and flavan-3-ols as well as ascorbic acid.
Phenolic Compounds in Black Currants
Black currants also contain anthocyanins, including cyaniding 3-O-rutinoside,
delphinidin 3-O-rutinoside, cyaniding, 3-O-glucoside, and delphinidin 3-O-glucoside, as well as
some traces of other anthocyanins (Mattila et al 2011) They also contain other phenolic
compounds such as derivatives of phenolic acid, flavanols, and proanthocynins. Black currants
are very high in ascorbic acid compared to other berries.
Disease Prevention
The many different phenolic compounds and the antioxidants of certain plants such as
black chokeberries and black currants have been shown to reduce the risk of certain diseases
through different methods. It has been shown that continued oxidative stress can cause

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inflammation and lead to certain chronic diseases such as diabetes cardiovascular disease, and
cancer. (Reuter et al 2010).
Diabetes Mellitus
There are more than 300 million people in the world with diabetes mellitus today and an
estimated 1.6 million new cases are being diagnosed each year in the United States alone
(Diabetes Research Center). About 90 to 95% of these cases of diabetes mellitus are type 2
diabetes. Oxidative stress is considered a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes in
addition to some of the complications that are associated with it, such as vascular dysfunction
and cardiovascular problems. (Write et al 2006)
A sedentary lifestyle and over-nutrition, excessive consumption of food, can cause people
to become overweight and obese. This leads to the overproduction of components such as
glucose and fatty acids, which can lead to production of reactive oxygen species such as
superoxide. Insulin resistance, pancreatic B-cell dysfunction, and glucose insensitivity are
complications that often eventually lead to type 2 diabetes. These problems are associated with
the production of reactive oxygen species. The reactive oxygen species can be linked to longterm effects of type 2 diabetes as well, such as micro-vascular and macro-vascular dysfunction.
These long-term effects can lead to cardiovascular problems. Uncontrolled blood glucose, as in
type 2 diabetes, has also been shown to cause oxidative stress. (Write et al 2006)
Early studies on chokeberries have shown that they have possible anti-diabetes effects
(Jakobek et al 2007) because the phenolic compounds and antioxidants found in black
chokeberries can be helpful in controlling the high reactive oxygen species production associated
with type 2 diabetes. They have also been shown to be helpful in controlling blood glucose
concentrations. This reduces the likelihood of having uncontrolled blood glucose, therefore

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reducing the amount of reactive oxygen species formed, oxidative stress, and future
Vascular Complications
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States (Freake 2014). As stated
earlier, the long term complications of type 2 diabetes include micro-vascular and macrovascular complications, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.
Reactive oxygen species have been shown to contribute to plaque build-up in blood
vessels leading to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is caused by low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
sticking to the walls of the blood vessels. LDL can become trapped in the sub-endothelial space
where it is oxidized involving lipid peroxidation. This oxidized LDL is responsible for many of
the steps of atherosclerosis. Oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species and the oxidized
LDL have been shown to damage the vascular wall. The resulting atherosclerosis prevents proper
blood flow to the body. If the atherosclerotic area is blocking a blood vessel to the heart, the
heart is unable to get the needed amount of oxygen, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.
The oxidative stress caused by certain health problems such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension
increases the risk of this plaque build-up as well, leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular
disease. (Lee et al 2012)
Observational data from NHANES (1999-2002) suggests that the potential antiinflammatory role of flavonoids in different types of berries may reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease. Serum C-reactive protein levels rise with inflammation. The data shows
an inverse relationship between serum C-reactive protein levels and anthocyanin intake in US
adults. (Basu et al 2010) Early studies specific to the black chokeberry show potential cardioprotective effects as well (Jakobek et al 2007).

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Cancer is the second leading death in the United States (Freake 2014). It has been shown
with in vitro and animal research that antioxidants can help prevent oxidative damage associated
with cancer development. Studies on cancer prevented by antioxidant supplements are
inconclusive and supplements will not help if a patient is in cancer treatment. However, it is
thought that when antioxidants are consumed from food sources that contain complex sources of
vitamins and minerals, such as black chokeberries and black currants, the results may be helpful
for prevention (National Cancer Institute 2014). Certain studies have also shown that chokeberry
phenols may inhibit cancer cell proliferation (Jakobek et al. 2007).
Investigations Evaluating the total polyphenols, total anthocyanins, and Antioxidant
Capacity of Black Chokeberries
In a study done by Jakobek el al. (2007) comparing black chokeberries to other berries
including blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries, the total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and
antioxidant activity were determined. The total polyphenols were determined using the FolinCiocalteu micro method (Jakobek et al.2007). This method uses a redox reagent called the FolinCiocalteu reagent that reacts with plant polyphenol extracts. The reaction forms a blue complex
that can be evaluated using visible light spectrophotometry. This reaction is accurate and specific
for a number of groups of polyphenols. The changes in color are dependent on the mass of the
polyphenol. (Blainski et al 2013) In the study, 20uL of extract of each berry was mixed with
water, the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, and sodium carbonate solution. This mixture was incubated in
a water bath at 40 C for 30 minutes. To determine the total anthocyanins in the berries, the pH
differential method was used (Jakobek et al. 2007). The pH differential method is another type of
visible light spectrophotometry method that is used to determine anthocyanin pigment

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concentration. Anthocyanin pigmentation varies depending on the pH. At a very acidic pH such
as 1, the anthocyanin will be pigmented and will transmit wavelengths of light ranging from
orange to purple. At a pH such as 4.5, the anthocyanins will not transmit visible light and will be
colorless. The change in pigmentation relates to the structure of the anthocyanins. (Gallik 2011).
In the study, extracts of the berries were used again. Two dilutions of the extracts were prepared
using two different buffers. One was prepared with potassium chloride buffer and hydrochloric
acid with a pH of 1, and the other was prepared with sodium acetate buffer and hydrochloric acid
with a pH of 4.5. Each berry extract was diluted with a predetermined dilution factor and each
was incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes. Absorbance was then measured for each
extract at 510 and 700 nm. The antioxidant activity of the berries was determined using the 2,2diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. (Jakobek et al 2007). This method is a simple way
to measure the antioxidant activity of food and also uses a visible-light spectrophotometer. It
uses the free radicle DPPH to test the free radicle scavenging or hydrogen donor capabilities of
compounds. This method helps determine the total antioxidant capacity of food. (Prakash et al.).
In the study, dilutions were prepared using the extracts of each berry, methanolic DPPH solution,
and methanol. Five dilutions of each extracts were tested. This dilution was stored in the dark at
room temperature for fifteen minutes. The dilutions were then compared to the absorbance
readings of the blanks made from a solution of diluted berry extract and methanol as well as a
solution of methanolic DPPH solution and methanol. (Jakobek et al. 2007). The results of these
tests showed that black chokeberries had significantly higher levels of polyphenols, anthocyanins
and antioxidant activity compared to the other berries (these results include standard deviation).
The total anthocyanins for Aronia was 4,341.06 22 while the other total anthocyanins of the
other berries measured 232.1610, 242.90 3, and 1,108.87 6. The total polyphenols for

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Aronia was 10,637.20 571 while the other berries measured only 1,005.1756, 1,256.16133,
and 2,484.87234. Aronia was also the best in free radicle scavenging. It had greater than 50%
inhibition of DPPH radicles at the majority of the tested concentrations. Data presented by other
authors agree with these results and also show that Aronia has higher polyphenols and
anthocyanins compared to other fruits such as blackberries, raspberries, and red currants. Other
data also shows that Aronia has higher antioxidant activity compared to strawberries and red
raspberries. According to other reports using testing DPPH radicle scavenging capacity, berries
like Aronia and black currant have strong antiradical activities. (Jakobek et al 2007)
A study by Naruszewicz et al (2007) tested the effects of combining statin therapy with
extracts rich in chokeberry flavonoids to see if the cardiovascular risk markers in myocardial
infarction patients were reduced. The study was a double blind, placebo controlled, parallel trial.
There were a total of forty-four patients: eleven women and thirty-three men with a mean age of
sixty-six. All of these patients survived a myocardial infarction and were on statin therapy for at
least six months prior to the study. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: one
group received placebo capsules of maltodextrin and the other group received capsules
containing 85 mg of chokeberry flavonoid extract (a commercial product called Aronox) three
times per day for six weeks. Both groups of patients agreed not to change their dietary or
physical activity habits during the study. Fasting morning blood samples were taken at the start
of the study as well as at the end of the six weeks. Tested values included, but were not limited
to, body mass index, blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol,
LDL cholesterol, total plasma homocysteine, serum lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein
oxidation, 8-Isoprostaglandin F2 alpha, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, high-sensitivity
interleukin-6, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and angiotensin converting enzyme. The results

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of this study showed that the chokeberry flavonoid extract did not affect the body mass index,
lipid levels, or lipoprotein in homocysteine. There was also little effect on glucose levels, total
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LSL cholesterol in the patients. However, both systolic and
diastolic blood pressure was significantly reduced in the patients who took the chokeberry
flavonoid extract compared to those who took the placebo. 8-Isoprostaglandin F2 alpha is
thought to be the best marker for oxidative processes in patients with coronary artery disease. In
those who took the extract, there were significantly lower levels of low-density lipoprotein
oxidation and 8-Isoprostaglandin F2 alpha, which shows the beneficial effects of the chokeberry
flavonoid extract on oxidative stress. In patients who took the extract, there were lower levels of
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (Naruszewicz et al 2007), which is a chemokine involved in
the formation of atherosclerosis (Technical Information 2013). High-sensitivity interleukin-6 and
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels were also decreased in the group who took the
chokeberry flavonoid extract. (Naruszewicz et al 2007) This corresponds to the information
stated previously from NHANES discussing the inverse relationship between C-reactive protein
levels and anthocyanin consumption (Jakobek et al 2007). When the kidneys sense an increase
in blood volume, possibly caused by cardiovascular disease/atherosclerosis, they activate the
renin angiotensin system. This system requires the enzyme angiotensin converting enzyme to
convert angiotensin I to angiotensin II; this causes vasoconstriction of arterioles and leads to
aldosterone release. Aldosterone causes vasoconstriction, sodium and fluid retention, and
increased blood pressure. (Rodriguez 2014) Plasma activity of angiotensin converting enzyme
was measured in ten of the patients in the group supplemented with the chokeberry flavonoid
extract and nine of the patients in the placebo group. The results showed lower activity of

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angiotensin converting enzyme in seven out of ten of the patients supplemented with the extract
and no noticeable changes in the placebo group. (Naruszewicz et al 2007)
Investigations Comparing Phenolic and Antioxidant Capacity of Black Chokeberries and
Black Currants
In a study done by Graversen et al (2008), the synergism between black chokeberry and
black currant juice with a-tocopherol were compared. Within this study, the antioxidant
effectiveness of both berries was tested. The black chokeberries were tested for phenol
concentration using the Folin-Ciocalteus phenol reagent and spectrophotometric determination.
This method also responds to ascorbic acid. The juice made from the chokeberries was diluted
using Milli Q water (ultrapure water), mixed with the Folin-Ciocateu reagent and a 20% sodium
carbonate solution, and brought to a total volume of 50 mL with Milli Q water. This mixture was
then stored at room temperature for two hours after which the absorbance was measured at 765
nm. The black currants were tested for ascorbic acid concentration using the high-performance
liquid chromatography method. The two berry juices were tested for antioxidant effectiveness by
using lipid peroxidation and reduction of Fremys salt radicle. In the preparation of the
liposomes, as solution contacting 1.5 umol of soybean phsophatidyl choline dissolved in
choloroform was mixed with 1 mL of either pure hexane or hexane with a-tocopherol. The
solution was then processed for complete evaporation of the solvents; the lipid residue was
rehydrated with phosphate buffer, and this was vortexed. This yielded a homogenous suspension
of multilamellar liposomes. In order to make unilamellar liposomes from the mutilamellar
liposomes an Avesstin Liposofast Basic small volume extrusion device was used and the
suspension was passed through a double layer of polycarbonate membranes (pore size: 100nm)
twenty-one times. Diluted amounts of the black chokeberry and black currant juices were added

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to the system. Peroxidation of the lipids was initiated by introducing 75 mM AAPH (hydrophilic
radicle initiator) dissolved into the phosphate buffer. This was inverted five times and sealed. The
absorbance and the lag phase before the onset of oxidation were measured. In another test, the
antioxidant activity was determined by the ability of the black chokeberry and black currant juice
to reduce the stable Fermys salt radicle. The diluted juices were mixed with a solution of
Fremys salt and saturated sodium carbonate solution. The results of the Folin-Ciocalteu assay
showed that black chokeberry juice contained high levels of phenolic compounds but ascorbic
acid contributed very little to its antioxidant capacity, only about 1% of its reducing capacity.
Ascorbic acid contributed more to the black currant juice antioxidant capacity, about 10% of its
reducing capacity. The lag phases of the lipid peroxidation test indicate that the phenols in black
chokeberries are more than twice as efficient in scavenging lipid peroxyl radicals compared to
the phenols in black currants. The black chokeberry juice was also able to protect the atocopherol in the liposomes and had a synergistic effect while the black currant juice did not. The
results of the test involving the reduction of Fremys salt radical show that ten times more black
currant juice is needed than black chokeberry juice to quench the same amount of Fremys
radical. The phenolic compounds present in black chokeberries in this test were also almost twice
as efficient in scavenging compared to the phenolic compounds in black currants. According to
the study, because the black chokeberry juice is so efficient in terms of reducing capacity, it
might become a pro-oxidant at high concentrations so correct dosage is important. (Graversen et
al 2008)

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Comparison of Phenolic Content of Black Chokeberries and Black Currants to Other
According to a table provided by Basu et al (2010) with information from the United
States Department of Agriculture, chokeberries contain 437.22 mg (per 100 g) of total
anthocyinidins (the highest among all other stated berries) compared to black currants, which
contain 272.44 mg. Black currants were relatively low in flavan-3-ols compared to other berries
such as blueberry and blackberry (chokeberry was unlisted). Chokeberries contain 8.90 mg of
total flavanols (including kaempferol, myricetin, and quercetin) while black currants contained
one of the highest amount among the stated raw berries. (Basu et al 2010)
According to a table provided by Wu et al (2006), chokeberries contain 1480 mg (per
100g) of total anthocyanins (the highest among all other foods tested) compared to black currants
that contain 476 115 (Wu et al 2006).
Summary and Discussion
According to many studies, the phenolic compounds and antioxidant content of black
chokeberries is higher compared to other berries including black currants. The exception is
ascorbic acid and flavanols, in which black currants are higher. Investigations evaluating
antioxidant capacity show that black chokeberries are better at scavenging free radicles to
prevent oxidative stress than black currants and other berries. This was shown to be helpful in
tests involving cardiovascular health and lipid peroxidation. Most of the investigations found
related to cardiovascular disease while evidence related to the type 2 diabetes and cancer
prevention was scarce. The double blind placebo study involved current cardiovascular patients.
Because the black chokeberry extract capsules helped reduce risk factors for cardiovascular
disease in patients who had a myocardial infarction, it has potential to reduce risk factors

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including high blood pressure in middle-aged and younger adults who do not currently have
heart problems. It has the potential to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis as well because
the black chokeberries are effective against oxidation.
At the correct concentrations, black chokeberries can be more effective than black
currants in the prevention and reduction of reactive oxygen species and free radicles, which can
lead to reduced cell damage and reduced risk factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
While few epidemiological studies have been done on the relationship between black
chokeberries and black currants and their role in preventing diseases, there is sufficient evidence
in animal model research and in vitro studies showing their high phenolic compound and
antioxidant content.

*The name Aronia melanocarpa is often used interchangeably with Aronia mitchurinii. Aronia mitchurinii is actually a
cross between Aronia melanocarpa and Sorbaronia fallax. Aronia mitchurinii has larger berries and is often the type used
for propagation; it is the type most likely to be found in a nursery. For the purposes of this paper, the name Aronia
melanocarpa will be used, because most sources of literature use Aronia melanocarpa to refer to both types.

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References for Paper Final

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Brand2 MH. Aronia Presentation. University of Connecticut. April 2, 2014.
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