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PERFORMANCE AND SERVICE EXPERIENCE WITH GENERREX* EXCITATION SYSTEMS FOR LARGE STEAM TURBINE-GENERATORS INH. Jones canara Electric Company Schenetaty Mew York PERFORMANCE AND ‘SERVICE EXPERIENCE WITH GENERREX* EXCITATION SYSTEMS FOR LARGE STEAM TURBINE-GENERATORS NH, Jones SUMMARY ‘This paper presents dteption of the uniquely new GENERREX exctation system now Delog applied to Inge Steam furinegeneratre Thi sstem proves Tora com Pact arungement of euipmeat and, hough the uiation SPalstane components sens fr high relay aed Stained generator alablty. The sytem is exseatally teeeglatig wit very hgh perfomance characters, ‘hhansing generat and. power system peformsnce By SGntrbuing to dynamic sid ansene sytem sab fission ofthe expected perfomance Based on nj 8 tdcrption ofthe est ete obtained both i the fctry nd in th Geld confaming the analy, ands tevew of hl sie experience wi ts uniqe sytem up tthe reset tie ares cluded. Figure ‘Trademark oft Geer Etre Company INTRODUCTION ‘he GENERREX excaton system is high ini response astm with ts power sure an nepal pat oP the erator, The commer sppleaons of thine ‘ysems wih 33 por ant respons sto, ae on The FIV 600;pemgnestn fr th Montane Pover ‘Company, Cobtpsaton, unis and 2 Theat nit has Seen" commer serie sie Seplemibe 1995 andthe Sco ance ay 197, (ge) The ft geet an is excitation stem were tested tthe ator i Apr May 1974, followings compreenaie pram of xe So Convo te power ston Gigs seeabmonths ‘The Montana Power Company Colstip Station 377MVA generator with pro‘orype GENERKEX excation sytem DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM Excitation Power Source Components ‘The components of the exiter power sou ae lest within the generator casing. The thee single phase ex {aon rrsfomers, he tive single-phase liner tector, ‘enerator. (Fgwe 3). Curent tesformes te abo o- fide to maintain normal onerator metering and ayng Uilize the hydrogen venation circuits ofthe generator. ‘The eacittion potential winding lated abore the stator winding ot wedges ues te cooing wale syste of the generator stator winding. Ths Is 2 f-vatge, Tow Curent winding with ae contor r=” bar, pr phase flased 120 mechanical depees apart on the gneator Scumference, (Fue 4). To prevent damaging the "P™ bas duing rotor asembiy, the "Pas ate not paced In | conservative approsch i taken inthe dese of the cextaton power source components sae they onsite otto part ofthe generator and funtion In hydrogen Stmosphere The componente are bul with mater and Imanafecuring proceee sed in the main generat, snd Ist. Temperature mts and inslaon practices cm Form to gnertor design pace, Power Rectifiers Ine rectier adges, (Hgue 3), naskally comprise threes fullvine ide elie brdges To elt he {ewritor field voltage, SCR's are connected n shan acts the odes connect fo the negate terminal af the eld nding. This typeof eetferonige tr called a shunt ‘thyristor bridge, Hach electric leg hs two secondo Ineres 0 preveat lo of generator ld entation shoud fone sort cut) and to provide generous vollagewiisand ‘ably during system dtrbances, Depending onthe rating ofthe senerstor, several ich tides re contained inthe exer rece cubicle and ootacted ia paral. Each igs i provided ith Fiepole diconnect swith which permits sects ‘Top view of generator with excita source component asembled Figure 6 ai desig philotophy ofthe conto system focuses 00 relay min redundancy. and sonuretve design and Snstrction st pane consertions. The regulator ule ‘modern technology throughout Coastucton sold sate ith inepated cute: monte. ith mocited con ponents on modular, plvpin, puted ceut boats Sli Fiste switching is asoatexclusely employed in lew of ‘recalling. Major components are mounted ia separate relator calico normaly losuted n't room with sean, conrad timosperes Redundant al He itercennest the exer End repletor eile De-excitation ‘ecae of the eens ature ofthe function on all {Felines one state and one mechanical. The sate ‘Trewcitation cut teigers all SCR’ in ach. phase Simultanouny" and. coneuowsly to short clit the Tec input vallge reducing ft exently to 210. Tae Fs cent wl deny fo toro at arate determined by he prope time constant of the eld The mechanical method conse ofa fat ating gener stored sorting Benker, Both the state and chanical ation methods operate inutaneous) Rectifier ubile Generator fll breakers are stable for those ap: cations wheie t's deable to ier eld dcharee Teastor inthe fi rel to reduce the time constant Collector ‘The geerator id collector and the ule riging ssuenhly are loetedin-e walkin housing, gure 1). Colestorsng entation provided thyoigh fans and ‘ites, and remowblesype brush magazines low easy Iisntenance, For 36O0spm us steady Dearing provided within the Rowan, st the ead of the trio OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE Operator Interface tween he ein system a aon operas sjstem contol station complete with mimic bus is {comprehensive systom of alums Is provided for proper Toungation of exciton stem stat The, teeter oentlimit protect the shunt thyristor bridge fom fxsunive oberercation, The generator Tid man tum excitation Hit protect the generator eld fom overeating In asordance wih ie shore thermal capbiy, but ~ though the ue of iterate ental us ~ avoKds unnecessary wi ps, 42 The undeexsted seacive ampere limit ats to prevent the generator excitation frm Beng reduced fora Teel which woul sulin los of syechonsm Analytical Simulation An accurate aly teal mode with the generator, exch tation systems and all cootol system np rogue 0 some deed vera! power system performance The {hl to pedi the performance ofthe tubiaeaaneator Gnd GENERREX sytem under severe disturbances hat Fen developed and veied by tots inthe factory and a the power station on the prototype unt forte Montana Power Company. ‘The detailed model ofthe GENERREX system i based ‘on the pysal characteris of the components of the ‘stem, ‘Dynamic model have bees developed Tor the ‘rious component incorporating the tne varying there Teste ar wll a6 nonlinear characteris near 10 Setermine the stem pedfrmance. Mode pate ate blaine Tom design computations and have ben renied by mesroraments ofthe plies! companeats functor lc diagram ofthe system show it Pigute 8 For large scale power system studi, a Tes gorous computer mode thin desribed shove daily advan Tages. A simplied model embodying the exert tlemeate neces to predict performance extending 10 froqoencier of 3 He has been developed and xara or eral oige, The major lements of the Lge see Computer model at: (1) the veltge regulator de gin ad Staliztion network, (2) the excitation power source, onbinitg voltage and eument sources and the saturation lel of the transformers, (3) the repsation effect de to ‘he Now of Bld current. Power System Performance ‘The peformancefestres othe GENERREX exsitation system "which ate of major spiicance are the ki tation stem response rll, the fast ina vole fespons, the short excitation system tie dela, the Celing voltage ander severe sonditonn and the expected Peformance with power system sablizers to prove enentor and-system damping. Thee features prove ‘enlist bods Uansient stably est swing redoton and to damping of rebequen swing “The dese ofthese benefits may be aprased in Fgae 9 from the somputersiulsed performance ke Cosy ‘unt fora teeta fault clos tothe sation, which was tered i it eyes The stom impedance awed Foe ‘he generator terminal hanged fam 0.32 pe unit to 0.32 per unit (onthe uit MVA hase), representing the opening Sf the faulted ie secon. A sls of computer rune was = Figure 8. GENERREX excttion sytem — function ‘lock diagram Tests in the Factory [A complete series of tests was conducted with the everson openincted. and again with the generator onected shor cet. Tecluded were thermal messi tment of al ection efor component, eurent and Teitage of the exetaton sytem components including Tarmonic ontent memurment, stration lets 0 con ponents sich st the excitation tassfrmes to contin Sn tr aay ps fom and vation nese Monod forthe excitation system potion ofthe Tests tone to chek temperatures, presen gx ow, wlratio, Sn yste output vals, Dynamic perfomance tots on the GENERREX exch. tation sytem seve to mia objets. The fst was o emonsate tha the conto) components ad cous ‘woul perfoon ae preted, The second wast ota test Unt whch sould be used to validate the dynamic sue thon made. The responses ofthe exciton syste and the fopencitsiedgterutor to sep change in the relerence tage were obmine. THE mpnltide of the step change thos tuded to obste the eflect on nollie In the System: Large step changes wore applied to observe the ‘et ofthe vats sytem lls and nonlinearities. Tis Testing procedure wns eeauted with the exstton ten in boi ae and de contol modes Changes were made in System conto parameter, als and te constant, (0 here the seni of the system perfomance To thes ‘anges and als tot lathe dynam model veieaton proces ln adton to the transient cesponse tess, the eltve mapritude an hase shift Between various point the System were cblained over aide range of fegoences Hoch load and open loop frequency sponse data were Obisined forthe veal voltage regulation oop. These Tteguncy reponse da ered a Valuable complement 0 thotine Tespnue data invalidation ofthe computer model Fre 10 sates a Key test result ~ the change in exter cup otge andthe change in geet tenia Soltage, with the geerator under no load conditions, Talowibg sgn applied the volageregultor Input Caling for ve perentInreae i erator terminal Sella The chan inthe voltage spied to the gceator Be sts te fa peromance he hot yo Perfomance is Hosted for enerator fl voles, eld Een and ene voles A sscond set of very etemine factory ets was essed in the stnmer of 1976 to confirm the apple ation of 4.30 response ratio GENERREX excitation System lo 2 496MVA, S600rpm generator progam of Sr tat scheduled asthe plated application ofthe GGENERREX excitation sym extended to ge fans snd to geterston. with diferent chancterscs ~ te, IMI fa woaNee e Figure 10, Factory test and compute simulated res for ve percent stepshange fa terminal slage teforence speed, stator Fame constriction, ee. Table | shows the tess ow Henled and exemplifies the earefl alain ‘nd thorough development work Which have chaactenzed the mentured inoton ofthe innovate GENERREX. ‘exciton stem, TABLE |. GENERATOR AND GENERREX EXCITATION SYSTEM TESTS IN THE FACTORY ‘Teo, | Date | Generic Rating [Easier Rating 1 | 19741 [ s77 va soo0pm [4isaw 35 2 | 1976! | dosstva s600spm | 16s0%w 3.0 respore rato 3 | 19782 | coomva a600spm | 251040 35 ‘asponse to 4 | 19782 fissoava ioospm | az3siw 0s response to 1 = complete ae 20 Sheed Field Tests During the fall and winter of 1975/1976, « compre emive et propa wa condcted om the Montara Power Company Colsp T unt with the prototype GENERREX. ‘exctaton syste tthe power plat ste The eld tests Two percent sep of ference, Ful load. No PSS oenenggog pew sie cosa) i oa \\ lA Lone exéte or surrey voirace 1b 15 percent step of reference Half lad, No PSS © 91.02 03 04 15 prea ep of reference. ll oa SS in servise 4. Excitation system frequency response — generator te tinal vollage err sgl ofl ote (al ad) Figure 12. Station est ests fr the Montana Power Company Colstrip enerator wth pototypeGENERREX excitation syste, All with se regulator contd ‘© The new system has fly sate power source, eit ll cts, and an advanced oldatate module ‘onto system with ianovaive conta and rote: tion concepts and. major advancements in operator conta itt 1 provides for 4 compact station arrangement hotter vel unit feng, ease aces toe man enerator for maintenance and rotor mow, and BGder, the uncuon of the generator acta ‘lous. These features have been veed by design, man facture, factory and eld tes, sd sevice experiene 4 prototype unit. Detaled apr of the ress ideas ‘ele performance ofthe new stem,

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