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Comparing The English and The Plateau tribe

The English people were one of the first groups of people to set foot in North
America after the first nations, one of which include the Plateau people. The English
and the Plateau tribe were fairly different before they have met each other, due to
them coming from vastly different societies. Although the plateau people, much like
the English, had a well established society, their culture, trade, and living conditions
were considerably different.

Culture is what represents a society, without it, all societies would be the same.
Culture is the religion, celebrations, and arts of a group. The Plateau Tribe held the
belief that every object, living or non-living, had a spirit, called animism, unlike the
English, who mostly believed in Christianity. Another point is that though the English
had festivals, the Plateau people had dances mainly. One of the famous dances was
named the Sun Dance, in which young men danced for three days straight while a
bone is stuck in their chest. Paintings between the two groups also vary greatly, as
the English painted on canvases while the Plateau Tribe painted on rocks, called
pictographs. Although these may feel like two completely different cultures, they
have similar basises of living.
Government and economy are two things that exist in a society without thinking.
Before any kind of votes were invented, the tribe leaders chose strong and
knowledgeable men to govern the tribe. This was unlike the English hereditary
monarch system, which virtually meant a family ruled forever. Economy was quite
stable in both of the groups, nonetheless they were not very comparable. Due to
the geological location of the Plateau people, which was the middle of most of the
tribes, they traded most out of all of the tribes. The English, on the other hand, had
a currency which limited the possibilities of an outrageous crash in economy. The
English traded clothes and food, while the Plateau tribe traded mostly weaponry
and fur, due to the easiness of getting food.
The physical conditions of a group extremely impacts their lifestyle and living
conditions. Fraser River is one of many of which natural geography that greatly

influences the Plateau people in terms of food, since most, if not all of their food
come from salmon. The English, contrastingly, ate mostly farm animals. The
majority of the first nation peoples clothes were made of fur. Similarly, the English
also produced many clothes out of fur. Due to the wet geography, the Plateau Tribe
lived mostly in sheltered referred to as pithouses, like the name implies, they were
underground shelters. The English lived in modern house and apartments. As one
can see, the English and the Plateau people have decently different lifestyles, not
because of their choice, but from their surroundings.
The English and the Plateau people are two very different groups in all aspects
expect from some basics. As one can see, culture differs greatly between the two
groups. Economy and government, although different in terms of structure, serve
the same purposes. The lifestyles, due to the contrast in the physical geography,
show the comparison between a thriving country and a tribe. Therefore, although
both groups consist of intelligent human beings, they are still significantly dissimilar.

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