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City of Wall Lake Council Meeting February 23, 2015 — City Hall 7:00 pm PROPOSED AGENDA: Meeting to Order/Pledge of Allegiance Approve the Agenda Approve Minutes, a nt Rills to be paid PUBLIC HEARING FY 2015 BUDG! AMDENDMENT Old Business © CDBG Project-Update * Discus/Approve FY 2016 Budget-City, Library, and Fire Department New Business © Discuss/Approve Resolution 2015-01; a resolution outlining FY 2015 Budget Amendment Discuss/Approve Mayor Druivenga’s Appointments Discuss/Approve Street Seal Coat Quote Discuss Electric Apprentice Hiring, Electric Costs, and Electric Rebuild Discuss Borrowing Money for Electric Rebuild Public Forum Adjourn walltate, iowa February 9, 2015 \Wall Lake Cty Council met in gular sesslon at 7:00 p.m. in council chambers, presided by Mayor Steven Druivenga Councilmen present: Ron Lar, Rob Germann, and Francs Riedell. Councilmen Absent: Albert Schwanz and Gary Faber Visitors Rick Hoppe, Lynn Grosely, Ben Smith of Sundquist Engineering, Lindsay King, and Nancy Herr Aledell moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Germann, Ayes: All motion cared. Lahr moved to approve the February 2 minutes as presented, seconded by Germann. Ayes: ll motion carried. Counc discussed the bls tobe pad as presented, After that discussion Lahr moved to approve the billstobe ald, seconded by Riedel. ayes Al, motion carried. Mayor Drulvenga presented approved payroll from January and February. CDBG Project Update-Councl was updated onthe progress of the CDBG Water Supply Project. The pipe reconfiguration Inthe ump-house is complete The water flow sensor, seeding, and gravel are the only pats of the project that are not finshed. Pay request 7 for $14,356.87 was discussed by Council and Sith. te the discusion Germann moved to approve pay request 147, seconded by Riedell. Ayes Al, motion carrie, Discuss/Approve Pool Manager and Salary Council has discussed the pool manger slay in previous Council meetings, Counc was updated on the financials ofthe poot manager fram lat year. Last year the manager was paid $1 per hour and ‘varenteed a minimum of $7,280 for the full yea. Lindsay King was present to offer information from the Pool Board. Cty Clerk informed Counc that if the manager begins the fst week in May and finishes the second weekin August and works no more than 40 hours per week, the total salary would be $6160 at $11 per hour, Clerk recommended paying the manager $11 per hour at no more than 40 hours per week, Riedell moved tore the pool manager at $11 per hour for up to 40 hours per week, any hours over 40 per week will be at $0 per hour, seconded by Germann. Ayes: Al, motion carried Discuss FY 2016 Budget city, Ubrary, and Fire Department; Council received a frst draft the budget n January and the second éraft tonight. Council dscused the Fire Department and the brary budgets and was informed thatthe budgets can be approved atthe February 23 meeting. Council offered some suggestions and will continue fo keep in touch with Clerk, Counc wil hold a publichearing at the February 23" meeting Nancy Hersig Report on Uptalts; Nancy Herig was present to report on the Community Centr rentals and the park shelter house clean-up/deposit rues. Counel suggested the shelter house rentals be handled by Herig an the rental money be deposited into the Community Center account. Council also thought rental money deposits could be looked atin the future if needed Discuss/Approve Clerks Report: bank account balances, checks, receipts, proprietary account, and taxes were discussed During the presentation Counc asked questions. After that discussion Riedell moved to approve the Clerks report as presented, seconded by Lar. Ayes: Al, motion cared. Discuss/Approve Liquor License Lake Lanes and Doc's Place; After some dscusion Riedell moved to approve both Doc's Pace and Lake Lanes liquor lense pending dram shop insurance approval, seconded by Lahr. Ayes: Al, motion carried. Public forum: Mayor Onuvenga willatend the Northwest lowa League of Cities meeting in Estherville Thursday night, Mayor Druivenga asked to have his appointments updated forthe next meeting, Mayor Druivenga came up with sore topics that Counci could discus at future meetings, Germann informed Counel that he discussed City business atthe Community Cub meeting February 4 GGenann moved to adjourn, seconded by Rledel Ayes: All motion carried. Steven Druivengs, Mayor attest: Chris Rodman City clerk PP Payrol Cajton Enersy IA Dopt of Reverve IPERS IRs King Constucton League of Cites NWIA League ‘Monthly Standing Bills cate pian Gay Savings ty Savings Gy Savings iy of Lake View iy of Wall Lake AFLAC Autor of State Brown Supely oD CID ccs, ‘Cook Sicing Combet Dato Industrial Too! DeRossett Co Hach Hales tau tamu up 1 Wretess se Neppt ‘Josie Ziegmann Offce Elements Office ements RVEC St Anthonys Wesco Windstream brary Gate Cengage Abra Services ake Vin Pate ney sJedy Fischer 2yer015 ‘commodity ‘winding pension ‘raari902 ay request #7 ‘meting ‘meeting transfer transler onset pole services | tities aust, snow plow parts suppbes tbrary janitorial taxtorms, suppies phone intemet Supplies ‘985 meter supplies ‘supplies ‘gas dues ‘lec dues Dipetne safety inspect foe cel phones. fecting ss refund deposit supplies copy contact putch lee rug test ec supplies ‘communications Li materials Programsles reimb pogied ‘Total Bile prosonted BBBEREES s 8 8 12a1s.48 4833060 ‘51800 3at14 270190 1438687 9286 15.00 5525.23 23580 4490.45 ‘341.50 31005 298.70, 4965 2118 83820, 42002 267382 100.95 s0n82 161400 1680.00, 24.00 9854 10000 250.00 0173 ano 956 37.00 480.30, 66.10 9821 20.00 4000 97,203.88 Page 1 of 1 jodman oe Rueschenbera" te ‘Chis Rodan’

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